Sep 20, 2022·edited Sep 20, 2022

Institutionalizing the sexuality of children is child abuse. How can it not be so?

What happened to the child's right to privacy? By what right is this privacy interfered with? By what authority does the invasive sexualization of children in the public classroom with unbargained for institutional conditioning become authorized? How can such authorization legitimately occur without due consideration of trustee duty to the parents or formal agreement of the parents to specifically do so, or to otherwise use the authority of the classroom and attending agent of the institution to invasively sexualize the child to a particular purpose without parental informed consent or documented parental permission to do?

A field trip, the administration of aspirin, and nearly any other form of invasive subordination of a child to a particular purpose requires more documentation, informed consent and formal authority to proceed. This is the standard of the established standard of care and expectation of informed consent and expectation of conscionable behavior that is reasonably expected from the institution and its employees and agents by reasonable people.

I am a stakeholder, as is every other taxpayer. The institutional employees entrusted with the care of children also have a duty to us to be worthy trustees of the child and parental interests and make every good faith effort to perform to a minimum standard of practice and care that would be reasonably expected by reasonable people whose child was so institutionally entrusted.

The adults conducting these forms of sexual bullying are selectively interfering with the private sexuality of the child. The enablers are just as responsible, as are the unions that represent and extend workplace protection and benefits to such violators and predators.

Are not the child's parents are entitled to certain express and implied warranties in the treatment of their child by the institution and employees of said institution? There is a web of contractual and statutory protections in play to ensure and reasonable warrant competent trustee behavior over the child and the parental interest in their child entrusted to the care of the trustees. There are intrinsic standards of care, implied warranties of performance and justiciable threshold of unconscionable acts and behaviors, and betrayals of reasonable expectations of the trustee role.

It may be our entire paradigm of duty and care of children entrusted to others is fatally flawed. It many be our judicial processes have been blinded by institutional fealty of the legal profession to their institutional cousins in the morass of institutionalized education.

Bad lawyering is at the bottom of it. Bad law, bad lawyering, bad enforcement, and pernicious and corrupt exploitation of public assets and taxpayer funding for schooling a child.

Sadly, the inactions of good lawyers and good politicians make it possible. Their inaction has created the institutional sepsis that has allowed the filth to manifest and incubate soul damaging sickness across the institution of schooling.

From the Congress to the classroom it's a seamless web of converting public funds in to the personal pocket of political insiders who feign victimhood as they victimize others.

The constant flow of fetid sepsis from institutional education backwardly infiltrating into government now informs a government that intends to treat you and me no differently than they treat our children in the classroom.

It has nothing to do with liberalism and everything to do with tyrancy, infantilization and disrespect.

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This is the intentional destruction of the nuclear family, the confusion & causation of mental instability of our youth & the destruction of the future of this country. It’s chaos making. It’s insanity & we must pull our children out of the public schools en masse to make the point that we won’t put up with it. They are not learning anything anyway. Alternative schools have to be created.

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You tell 'em DeSantis! 👍

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Ron DeSantis…the voice of sanity!

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Ron is one of the good guys.

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Sep 21, 2022·edited Sep 21, 2022

I keep on waiting for DeSantis' 'feet of clay" to become more than obvious but so far only minor observances of any authoritarian one world order bent have come to light. Then again perhaps he is the foil against which America, and by extension the rest of western civilization, is meant to tear itself apart. The NWO - Communitarian Woke vs Constitutionalists. This, remembering that the biggest problem by a long stretch for the pyramid cap are those western democracy loving peoples. The rest of the world's human population seems to accept whatever political paradigm assignment they are given....or else! This as they have very little history of the fight that took place in the west to achieve human rights, freedom and dignity over the millennia.

The human experience here on planet Earth would be a much more tragic affair across the board had not the ancient Greeks had a short (one decade) affair with democratic governance in Athens. The antidote to Wokeism I have found lays in countering their argument with reference to Natural Law. From which all man made law is supposed to derive. Individual rights as supreme from which the 'common good' must subordinate itself or become dictatorial.

I'll post this seminar by Mark Passio that he gave on Natural Law here. It is a full day seminar but it can be found on YT in three parts as more digestible as we all have time restraints. This is the essence from which Thomas Paine's writings first highlighted the concept of the "inalienable rights" that each and everyone of us possess as sentient beings wherever we exist in this universe given by the universal Creator. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z8Rbj-lPwi4

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Yes! Keep prerverted sex out of the schools!!!

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DeSantis 2024

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