Friction with Musk; familiar with the internal workings of the task force claim that Musk’s inner circle has grown increasingly frustrated with Ramaswamy’s alleged lack of hands-on involvement.
PSYOP-MUSK the ultimate Deep State trojan horse needs to be ousted as well because he wants to cut gov only to institute his own AI to run everything on behalf of his CCP and CIA masters. I know that sounds crazy, but it's 100% on point.
No, you were wrong about Musk, I have information about him that is counter to that. I fully believe he’s working with the US military as a white hat. And I believe he’s working with the part of the Chinese government that wants to be free of the deep state.
Mom got word last night that a bunch of the Nonprofits got a letter saying that the grant money is on hold for the next 90 days due to DOGE assessments. Our take on it is that, Vivek has already done the paperwork for how it’s going to go down. He’s going to get out clean.
Today's Deep Thought: What is the fastest way to cut Government spending? Cut the money to all Non-Profit organizations that use the USPS. Sell off the real estate and stop funding the NEA, EPA, and NPR. Talk about a "Rug-pull. Remember, these are the people who called DJT a Nazi and they are also the majority of the Mules. I am seeing a monumental real estate market collapse coming soon. Buckle up folks.
I once had a friend who was a completely co-dependent, committed Charles Manson groupie. She thought he was really a good guy working to protect the environment but was misunderstood and framed for things he didn’t do, and things he DID do, but only for the purest of reasons.
😂🤣 When we’re young, we often need exposure to a variety of new situations to help us see bigger pictures and figure out what’s really up. Eventually some of us get it (and this was long before co-dependency had been named and formally recognized as a psychological issue.) Unfortunately, others never gain the insight to see when they’re following delusions.
Or maybe you really ARE the daughter of a mom who’s such an insider that the heads of multiple big non-profits call her her right away to reveal sensitive information? Pardon me for being skeptical. I assume that a scion of such an important woman would have far more important things to do that flap your gums about vague stories to Substack readers.
Love how you posit what WEF Ramaswamy is doing and that he’ll make a ‘clean getaway’ after. Reminds me of how my former friend sincerely believed in her own rationales to explain what Manson was really up to and how he operated. Of course she had never even met the guy any more than you’ve met Ramaswamy, but, sure, we’ll all take your word for what’s going on behind the scenes because, we’ll, you’re so convinced of your own depth of knowledge on the subject. 😉
I was always very skeptical of Vivek, but he did perform well during the debate where he called out the facts, and later was a strong supporter of Trump at several rallies before the election. I was encouraged to see him picked to work with Musk on DOGE, but we shall see what happens.
I think Vivek wants to run for office, maybe Gov of Ohio.
Who gives a fuck about Vivek? What's more important is that, in an epic " Fuck You" to the American people and the whole world for that matter, Biden has just pardoned Fauci, Milley, Cheney and Kinzinger et al. He did it because he knew they had committed crimes. They are laughing their asses off. And America is now the laughing stock of the world again for a completely new reason
Yes. I saw that second set of pardons. The ones announced 'as he was walking out the White House Door.' His three siblings and their spouses, IIRC. But not himself and Jill? Are they depending upon his senile dementia to save him from prosecution like the outcome of the Hur investigation?
Biden doesn’t know or remember anything, what you are saying is undoubtedly true & someone pulling Biden’s strings knows it & therefore the reason for the pardons.
My question is if he is as senile as he has demonstrated to us & to the lawyer that interrogated him for his stolen documents case and as we now know he was for the duration of his term, can any of his pardons be considered legitimate, & if not, why not prosecute all the bastards? More predicate there than any of the trumped up Trump cases.
If you believe Brandon was POTUS, the pardon protects them federally. Governors can still go after them for the state and can actually have them arrested.
If you believe Brandon & Company were the product of Central Casting, ANYTHING Brandon signed is an illusion.
Delaware has so many stories from landscapers and electricians., having to sue Joe for work on Rehoboth and Greenville mansions. Beau always told everyone his family doesn’t pay for anything. Severn Schoo sued for $55,000 tuition and got every penny.
Disappointing for sure, but at least we (the true majority and Pres. Trump) have a chance to curtail some of Musk's impulses and keep him more pro-America and less world.
Never forget the alternative and the Democrat party in general. Though defeated, they/them will be back far too soon and more rabid and hellish than ever.
There is no lesser evil. Evil is evil. Jesus Christ wouldn’t have voted for either worldly demon. He wants us to walk away, and choose Him! Instead, our country has been taken by the devil
We have, and have had, a Freemason Zionist Kabbalah Hindi satanic uniparty getting ready to enforce the 1991 noahide laws, roll in smart cities, depopulate, and turn the rest into transhumans. We’re in a spiritual war!
In the picture of the husband and wife, and the son and daughter, note the sweet little girl in the pic with blond hair. So precious. One just knows she is highly intelligent and will be a radiant inner and outer beautiful woman when she grows up.
Now if you want to feel hate, imagine her being kidnapped and abused by illegal aliens or criminals or religion of pieces people. Then scroll up to see the pos biDUMB who is responsible and add the ovomit, turdo, and most leaders of western nations. etc. If you do not think these pos deserve arrest, trial and hanging, there is something wrong with you.
Note who the real enemies are! Children suffer when people are cowardly sheeple and make unwise choices. Who is to say this little girl will not be influenced by a wokist teacher and end up being butchered as some do?
I think on this every Sunday when I sit in the back section with young married couples and their children. One woman who sits beside me has six children, five boys and a girl. Another couple have four girls and a boy. Another has four boys. I look at them all, and wonder what they will be exposed to.
And the culprits endangering these children are the above named people complicit in murder, and the damned wokists that defend the guilty culprits can go to bloody hell.
For everything and everyone good, there is an enemy. But the ones that He will take out are the worst that ever existed on this wretched planet and in their ranks will be the leaders of western nations. There needs to be a reckoning, a serious one.
Just my opinion here - it looked to me like Ramaswamy considered that, in a way, he had been elected president without having to have had to go through that messy campaigning and electing stuff. Because he considers himself so much smarter than everybody else. The arrogance was dripping from him. He only meant well for his own bank accounts and interests.
Clue for me - sneering that Americans are too untrained to get those h-!b jobs, and then advocating, not for more help to be given with STEM education, but for getting rid of the department of education entirely - give me a break. Throwing down the race card, as if American programmers et al. would have been happy to lose their jobs to, say, Norwegians and Peruvians. Very cheap and cynical playing of the race card. Same for Musk. Looked to me like they considered that they could run the parts of the country they needed for profit and power's sake without actually being elected. Trump was just another Musk investment.
I have always felt that there is no one more dangerous than a smart person who considers that everyone else is stupid. They just go ahead and do whatever they want, and let the rest of us take the blame for and deal with the fallout.
I didn't realize he called for getting rid of the department of education. That is one thing I support wholeheartedly. Get the federal government out of the business of indoctrinating our children.
I see your point, honestly, but the states are doing a shit job, too. Maybe instead of an all-encompassing education department, a department dedicated to STEM? I hate to think of young people never having a good shot at jobs just because of what state they were born in. Re-vamp the DOE to deal with ONLY education, not attitudes and whatever.
My state is doing a wonderful job, so I disagree with you.
I homeschooled, from where I stand, we need new paradigms on educating children, including money for homeschooling. That means parents have to get intimately involved in educating their children like they did in the old days. People from my grandmother‘s time wrote perfect cursive, and were highly educated. My grandmother earned her associate’s degree in business in 1919, 1920..
We are taught incorrect history about 19th century and early 20th century America. Our American culture is devolving, not evolving. On purpose too. We will advance again if we separate ourselves from big brother.
I’m highly educated, and I attended a public school before the department of education, and received an outstanding classical education there! This was right before desegregation, which destroyed the public schools I attended.. Desegregation was implemented to destroy the European Caucasian Christian American communities and the Black Christian American communities, which were thriving at that time in many places in America unbeknownst to the mainstream media (Marxist Zionist controlled.)
There goes that Zionist thing again. Totally misinformed.
Actually, things went south when they took GOD out of the schools. The Bible should be taught in schools. That's how kids learn right from wrong, and develop a moral compass. That's been pushed out, and look what happened. Our kids have no moral compass at all, and they are the worst, most badly behaved kids I've ever seen. No respect for anything. They vandalize everything. They disrupt constantly. They constantly disrespect the teachers and others. Why even teach?
I'm in my late 60s, and when I went to school we said prayers every morning, and we sung hymns, and we also learned the Bible. We didn't study evolution. No kid in my schools would have dreamed of behaving like the kids these days. They would have had hell to pay.
I also homeschooled my son. I saw how things were going in public school, and wanted no part of it. Best thing I ever did. My son is now a very decent young man with a good moral compass. He knows how to respect people, and respects our laws, and knows GOD.
Yes Margaret, you did the right thing by homeschooling your son. And yes, the marxist agenda began years ago to remove the Bible from public schools. The Federal Dept. of Education was never needed, and was instituted for the sole purpose of pushing the socialist agenda on students nationwide, as well as intentionally dumbing down our children by removing the emphasis on actual learning and the ability to think and reason. In other words, indoctrination.
Yes - y’all should watch the documentary -Agenda: Grinding America Down. It’s a great snapshot into how they implemented the plan back in the 70s (or was that the 90s?) to implement this Marxist takeover of America.
So what, if you read my other post, then you know that I don’t subscribe into having big brother educate your children, that would include any government, so what’s your point?
Quit asking other people to raise your children and educate them. Find a good way, that’s what adults do. Enough said.
If you want good public education back in your state, then you lead the charge! Don’t worry about the other states, take care of where you live. Get school choice legislation enacted. Get legislation that reimburses homeschoolers enacted. Do this where you live, start a grassroots movement. Be the change.
States can do the job just fine. It was Georgie Bush who took it to the Feds and started the DOE. Education went down fast after that. Education standards were very high in this country for a very long time. It's because GOD was taken out of our lives, and out of our schools. That's what's wrong. That needs to change.
I explain it like this "a smart man without a moral compass". Smart people can do a lot of damage, but one without a moral compass can do exorbitant amounts of damage.
I was warning people about this snake during the primaries. You couldn't find a smoother snake if you tried. It was disgusting how many people were dazzled by his smooth speech, and sleek style. Talk about shallow brains.
C'mon folks, wake the hell up. You've got to stop being wooed by the "charisma" and "personality". Get to the nuts and bolts.
What do they DO?
Where did they come from?
What is their family's history?
There is SOOO much more there. Get out of your la la land and start seeing what you NEED to see.
Last night at the turning point inauguration party, the news report at the bottom of the screen said Vivek was going to be appointed the Senator of Ohio with Trumps’ blessing … On Real America’s Voice Rumble channel, that was hosting the party online, the hostess said that Vivek was going to be speaking last night, but he never showed up. Did I miss seeing him?
He was notably absent at the party too, the private party that was hosted, I believe, the candlelight party for the Trumps and their close donors and family. You can watch part of the party recorded on mint channel on YouTube.
Sadly, Charlie Kirk blocked us from seeing all of the inauguration party on Rumble, also Bannons War Room blocked some of the party, last night, but somebody was hosting it on YouTube RSBN.
Remember Vivek and his wife were hosted at Mar-a-lago not too long ago at a formal party.
Allegedly, I read how Vivek made his money, and it did not seem legit, seemed to have gathered investment money on a false promise him and his mother— I read that. I had no idea he was involved with the messenger RNA death jab… I hope not, I thought that I liked the guy. I appreciated Vivek’s talk about our Founding Fathers and founding principles.
Remember, there were pictures of Vivek and of Tulsi being involved with the world economic forum young leaders program…
I heard Alex Jones say last night that Elon Musk is autistic, Asperger’s. That would account for his unusual, to Neuro-typical people, manner of speaking.
Keep us informed, I’m happy you’re covering this topic as I was noticing this myself. Where is Vivek?
This lying criminal pos needs to be arrested, tried and executed for treason. If there ever was a fake male with peas for stones and sh*t for brains it was this useless moron.
If anyone in the top brass cannot shoot straight and cannot deliver an accurate head shot they better give the gun to someone who can and get the hell out.
I have not focused on him enough to be able to give a credible opinion. My opinion of Trumpster though is favorable...he is the best man for the job aside from that shrewd little gal from South Dakota. (Noem) Like all the women here I adore her.
Nattokinase is great for clearing vessels,but great news you guys are working on mitigating the damage! I wanted when to cover that and ask you,Dr.peter and dr.jane if you guys have some solutions for both the jabbed as well as the shedding victims.wben I meant,not quinta columna from Portugal? Hav had supplements advised for detoxing,esp a Joseph palmeri on holy basil ( Tulsi) as well as another Indian herb.look forward to supporting your team.Just heard fauci was pardoned,tho " I did nothing wrong" he claims .he not only assisted in millions of deaths pushing his remdesiver,he killed millions of orphans thru the early nineties w his azt chemo,forcing g tubes into children refusing the azt.
You were warned about this tech scammer long ago:
PSYOP-MUSK the ultimate Deep State trojan horse needs to be ousted as well because he wants to cut gov only to institute his own AI to run everything on behalf of his CCP and CIA masters. I know that sounds crazy, but it's 100% on point.
No, you were wrong about Musk, I have information about him that is counter to that. I fully believe he’s working with the US military as a white hat. And I believe he’s working with the part of the Chinese government that wants to be free of the deep state.
I asked you what information you had, and unsurprisingly you did not reply to me.
You are full of shit.
Go away.
He is a globalist/transhumanist.
Dream on, Ronda. That's what they want you to believe.
What strange language do you speak? They, who are these they that you’re dreaming about?
People who know nothing always speak like you .
He is running for Governor of Ohio. And, he is an amazing individual
What's your information?
Mom got word last night that a bunch of the Nonprofits got a letter saying that the grant money is on hold for the next 90 days due to DOGE assessments. Our take on it is that, Vivek has already done the paperwork for how it’s going to go down. He’s going to get out clean.
Today's Deep Thought: What is the fastest way to cut Government spending? Cut the money to all Non-Profit organizations that use the USPS. Sell off the real estate and stop funding the NEA, EPA, and NPR. Talk about a "Rug-pull. Remember, these are the people who called DJT a Nazi and they are also the majority of the Mules. I am seeing a monumental real estate market collapse coming soon. Buckle up folks.
I once had a friend who was a completely co-dependent, committed Charles Manson groupie. She thought he was really a good guy working to protect the environment but was misunderstood and framed for things he didn’t do, and things he DID do, but only for the purest of reasons.
You remind me a lot of her.
You might be the one who needs therapy, just saying. I am much choosier about my friends.
😂🤣 When we’re young, we often need exposure to a variety of new situations to help us see bigger pictures and figure out what’s really up. Eventually some of us get it (and this was long before co-dependency had been named and formally recognized as a psychological issue.) Unfortunately, others never gain the insight to see when they’re following delusions.
Or maybe you really ARE the daughter of a mom who’s such an insider that the heads of multiple big non-profits call her her right away to reveal sensitive information? Pardon me for being skeptical. I assume that a scion of such an important woman would have far more important things to do that flap your gums about vague stories to Substack readers.
Love how you posit what WEF Ramaswamy is doing and that he’ll make a ‘clean getaway’ after. Reminds me of how my former friend sincerely believed in her own rationales to explain what Manson was really up to and how he operated. Of course she had never even met the guy any more than you’ve met Ramaswamy, but, sure, we’ll all take your word for what’s going on behind the scenes because, we’ll, you’re so convinced of your own depth of knowledge on the subject. 😉
He is planning a run for Ohio governor.
I was always very skeptical of Vivek, but he did perform well during the debate where he called out the facts, and later was a strong supporter of Trump at several rallies before the election. I was encouraged to see him picked to work with Musk on DOGE, but we shall see what happens.
I think Vivek wants to run for office, maybe Gov of Ohio.
Who gives a fuck about Vivek? What's more important is that, in an epic " Fuck You" to the American people and the whole world for that matter, Biden has just pardoned Fauci, Milley, Cheney and Kinzinger et al. He did it because he knew they had committed crimes. They are laughing their asses off. And America is now the laughing stock of the world again for a completely new reason
Although the pardons were not unexpected, they still came as a gut punch and an FU to Americans.
I'd love to know who wrote that first set of pardons today. Something tells me Liz Cheney was involved.
He pardoned his entire corrupt family too! And yes, Cheney. Disgusting!.
Yes. I saw that second set of pardons. The ones announced 'as he was walking out the White House Door.' His three siblings and their spouses, IIRC. But not himself and Jill? Are they depending upon his senile dementia to save him from prosecution like the outcome of the Hur investigation?
I understand that he can’t pardon himself.
Thanks Dr. Kimber. That explains it!
Biden doesn’t know or remember anything, what you are saying is undoubtedly true & someone pulling Biden’s strings knows it & therefore the reason for the pardons.
My question is if he is as senile as he has demonstrated to us & to the lawyer that interrogated him for his stolen documents case and as we now know he was for the duration of his term, can any of his pardons be considered legitimate, & if not, why not prosecute all the bastards? More predicate there than any of the trumped up Trump cases.
If you believe Brandon was POTUS, the pardon protects them federally. Governors can still go after them for the state and can actually have them arrested.
If you believe Brandon & Company were the product of Central Casting, ANYTHING Brandon signed is an illusion.
Delaware has so many stories from landscapers and electricians., having to sue Joe for work on Rehoboth and Greenville mansions. Beau always told everyone his family doesn’t pay for anything. Severn Schoo sued for $55,000 tuition and got every penny.
I saw that he was a snake from day one. He has the classic markers of a snake. Just like Trump.
Remember, Elon told the American people to go F themselves in their F-ing face. Him and Vivek jumped the shark. Told us how they really feel.
Disappointing for sure, but at least we (the true majority and Pres. Trump) have a chance to curtail some of Musk's impulses and keep him more pro-America and less world.
Never forget the alternative and the Democrat party in general. Though defeated, they/them will be back far too soon and more rabid and hellish than ever.
There is no lesser evil. Evil is evil. Jesus Christ wouldn’t have voted for either worldly demon. He wants us to walk away, and choose Him! Instead, our country has been taken by the devil
We have, and have had, a Freemason Zionist Kabbalah Hindi satanic uniparty getting ready to enforce the 1991 noahide laws, roll in smart cities, depopulate, and turn the rest into transhumans. We’re in a spiritual war!
Yep. Bingo!!!!
In the picture of the husband and wife, and the son and daughter, note the sweet little girl in the pic with blond hair. So precious. One just knows she is highly intelligent and will be a radiant inner and outer beautiful woman when she grows up.
Now if you want to feel hate, imagine her being kidnapped and abused by illegal aliens or criminals or religion of pieces people. Then scroll up to see the pos biDUMB who is responsible and add the ovomit, turdo, and most leaders of western nations. etc. If you do not think these pos deserve arrest, trial and hanging, there is something wrong with you.
Note who the real enemies are! Children suffer when people are cowardly sheeple and make unwise choices. Who is to say this little girl will not be influenced by a wokist teacher and end up being butchered as some do?
I think on this every Sunday when I sit in the back section with young married couples and their children. One woman who sits beside me has six children, five boys and a girl. Another couple have four girls and a boy. Another has four boys. I look at them all, and wonder what they will be exposed to.
And the culprits endangering these children are the above named people complicit in murder, and the damned wokists that defend the guilty culprits can go to bloody hell.
For everything and everyone good, there is an enemy. But the ones that He will take out are the worst that ever existed on this wretched planet and in their ranks will be the leaders of western nations. There needs to be a reckoning, a serious one.
He lied about being eligible for the presidency. He is not a natural born citizen. That was enough for me.
He was born here, but his parents weren't citizens at the time. That's why he doesn't qualify. Same for Kamala.
Just my opinion here - it looked to me like Ramaswamy considered that, in a way, he had been elected president without having to have had to go through that messy campaigning and electing stuff. Because he considers himself so much smarter than everybody else. The arrogance was dripping from him. He only meant well for his own bank accounts and interests.
Clue for me - sneering that Americans are too untrained to get those h-!b jobs, and then advocating, not for more help to be given with STEM education, but for getting rid of the department of education entirely - give me a break. Throwing down the race card, as if American programmers et al. would have been happy to lose their jobs to, say, Norwegians and Peruvians. Very cheap and cynical playing of the race card. Same for Musk. Looked to me like they considered that they could run the parts of the country they needed for profit and power's sake without actually being elected. Trump was just another Musk investment.
I have always felt that there is no one more dangerous than a smart person who considers that everyone else is stupid. They just go ahead and do whatever they want, and let the rest of us take the blame for and deal with the fallout.
I didn't realize he called for getting rid of the department of education. That is one thing I support wholeheartedly. Get the federal government out of the business of indoctrinating our children.
I see your point, honestly, but the states are doing a shit job, too. Maybe instead of an all-encompassing education department, a department dedicated to STEM? I hate to think of young people never having a good shot at jobs just because of what state they were born in. Re-vamp the DOE to deal with ONLY education, not attitudes and whatever.
My state is doing a wonderful job, so I disagree with you.
I homeschooled, from where I stand, we need new paradigms on educating children, including money for homeschooling. That means parents have to get intimately involved in educating their children like they did in the old days. People from my grandmother‘s time wrote perfect cursive, and were highly educated. My grandmother earned her associate’s degree in business in 1919, 1920..
We are taught incorrect history about 19th century and early 20th century America. Our American culture is devolving, not evolving. On purpose too. We will advance again if we separate ourselves from big brother.
I’m highly educated, and I attended a public school before the department of education, and received an outstanding classical education there! This was right before desegregation, which destroyed the public schools I attended.. Desegregation was implemented to destroy the European Caucasian Christian American communities and the Black Christian American communities, which were thriving at that time in many places in America unbeknownst to the mainstream media (Marxist Zionist controlled.)
There goes that Zionist thing again. Totally misinformed.
Actually, things went south when they took GOD out of the schools. The Bible should be taught in schools. That's how kids learn right from wrong, and develop a moral compass. That's been pushed out, and look what happened. Our kids have no moral compass at all, and they are the worst, most badly behaved kids I've ever seen. No respect for anything. They vandalize everything. They disrupt constantly. They constantly disrespect the teachers and others. Why even teach?
I'm in my late 60s, and when I went to school we said prayers every morning, and we sung hymns, and we also learned the Bible. We didn't study evolution. No kid in my schools would have dreamed of behaving like the kids these days. They would have had hell to pay.
I also homeschooled my son. I saw how things were going in public school, and wanted no part of it. Best thing I ever did. My son is now a very decent young man with a good moral compass. He knows how to respect people, and respects our laws, and knows GOD.
Yes Margaret, you did the right thing by homeschooling your son. And yes, the marxist agenda began years ago to remove the Bible from public schools. The Federal Dept. of Education was never needed, and was instituted for the sole purpose of pushing the socialist agenda on students nationwide, as well as intentionally dumbing down our children by removing the emphasis on actual learning and the ability to think and reason. In other words, indoctrination.
Yes - y’all should watch the documentary -Agenda: Grinding America Down. It’s a great snapshot into how they implemented the plan back in the 70s (or was that the 90s?) to implement this Marxist takeover of America.
But not everybody lives in your state, is my point. And certainly not everybody is as fabulously equipped to homeschool as you are.
So what, if you read my other post, then you know that I don’t subscribe into having big brother educate your children, that would include any government, so what’s your point?
Quit asking other people to raise your children and educate them. Find a good way, that’s what adults do. Enough said.
If you want good public education back in your state, then you lead the charge! Don’t worry about the other states, take care of where you live. Get school choice legislation enacted. Get legislation that reimburses homeschoolers enacted. Do this where you live, start a grassroots movement. Be the change.
States can do the job just fine. It was Georgie Bush who took it to the Feds and started the DOE. Education went down fast after that. Education standards were very high in this country for a very long time. It's because GOD was taken out of our lives, and out of our schools. That's what's wrong. That needs to change.
Wasn't it Carter who started the DOE?
Also check out the Sudbury school education model, it produces wonderful results.
I explain it like this "a smart man without a moral compass". Smart people can do a lot of damage, but one without a moral compass can do exorbitant amounts of damage.
Excellent. Thank you!
He does appear a tad smarmy; Excessively ingratiating or insincerely earnest. synonym: unctuous.
By end of week truths and facts of the people getting TRUMP POWER should be known!
Ramaswamy’s political career is over after telling Americans that Indians are just smarter and harder working.
Both are absolute bullshit.
Americans built an Empire. Indians can’t even equip their rural citizens with toilets.
The average American IQ is 100. The average Indian IQ is 77.
Stick a fork in Vivek.
I was warning people about this snake during the primaries. You couldn't find a smoother snake if you tried. It was disgusting how many people were dazzled by his smooth speech, and sleek style. Talk about shallow brains.
C'mon folks, wake the hell up. You've got to stop being wooed by the "charisma" and "personality". Get to the nuts and bolts.
What do they DO?
Where did they come from?
What is their family's history?
There is SOOO much more there. Get out of your la la land and start seeing what you NEED to see.
I dont trust him, never did. does not matter if Trump liked him or wanted him.
I wondered what happened to Vivek.
Last night at the turning point inauguration party, the news report at the bottom of the screen said Vivek was going to be appointed the Senator of Ohio with Trumps’ blessing … On Real America’s Voice Rumble channel, that was hosting the party online, the hostess said that Vivek was going to be speaking last night, but he never showed up. Did I miss seeing him?
He was notably absent at the party too, the private party that was hosted, I believe, the candlelight party for the Trumps and their close donors and family. You can watch part of the party recorded on mint channel on YouTube.
Sadly, Charlie Kirk blocked us from seeing all of the inauguration party on Rumble, also Bannons War Room blocked some of the party, last night, but somebody was hosting it on YouTube RSBN.
Remember Vivek and his wife were hosted at Mar-a-lago not too long ago at a formal party.
Allegedly, I read how Vivek made his money, and it did not seem legit, seemed to have gathered investment money on a false promise him and his mother— I read that. I had no idea he was involved with the messenger RNA death jab… I hope not, I thought that I liked the guy. I appreciated Vivek’s talk about our Founding Fathers and founding principles.
Remember, there were pictures of Vivek and of Tulsi being involved with the world economic forum young leaders program…
I heard Alex Jones say last night that Elon Musk is autistic, Asperger’s. That would account for his unusual, to Neuro-typical people, manner of speaking.
Keep us informed, I’m happy you’re covering this topic as I was noticing this myself. Where is Vivek?
I saw that too, however RSBN is very slow to update their scroller’s info. OH gov. DeWine has already tapped Lt. Governor Jon Husted to the seat.
This lying criminal pos needs to be arrested, tried and executed for treason. If there ever was a fake male with peas for stones and sh*t for brains it was this useless moron.
If anyone in the top brass cannot shoot straight and cannot deliver an accurate head shot they better give the gun to someone who can and get the hell out.
What do you think of Elon Musk?
You mean the "musk ox?"
I have not focused on him enough to be able to give a credible opinion. My opinion of Trumpster though is favorable...he is the best man for the job aside from that shrewd little gal from South Dakota. (Noem) Like all the women here I adore her.
I have never trusted Vivek because he took $ from soros family supposedly for school. He’s a very rich pharma man!
It's fun to read all of the diatribe on here - a whole lotta opinions based upon very little to no facts :)
I simply hope that Trump, Musk and the rest of the appointees succeed. Everything else is just fodder and of little to no importance!
Nattokinase is great for clearing vessels,but great news you guys are working on mitigating the damage! I wanted when to cover that and ask you,Dr.peter and dr.jane if you guys have some solutions for both the jabbed as well as the shedding victims.wben I meant,not quinta columna from Portugal? Hav had supplements advised for detoxing,esp a Joseph palmeri on holy basil ( Tulsi) as well as another Indian herb.look forward to supporting your team.Just heard fauci was pardoned,tho " I did nothing wrong" he claims .he not only assisted in millions of deaths pushing his remdesiver,he killed millions of orphans thru the early nineties w his azt chemo,forcing g tubes into children refusing the azt.
Perhaps you could speak on this on the financial guys as well and belavias show oh,also constitutional coalition show,went Mondays,on fb .
Sorry,I posted in the wrong spot .