I like the spike detox. I also take NAC, Berberine with Ceylon cinnamon, multi vitamins D3 with K2+ calcium, magnesium & krill oil & Zeolite. I’m unvaxxed but had Covid twice and have been around mRNA injected spike protein shedders.

Can’t afford to end up like Damar or Jamie. Or dead. I have too many people depending on me. Which is why I avoided the experimental shots at the very start.

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I know vaxxed people. Some of them are sicker more often. No deaths among the 20 or so vaccinated I know well. All vaccines are toxic shit that harm life. Not necessarily kill shots. Pharmas goal is to debilitate, not kill. Though Freemasons do business as undertakers, corpses pay once, slaves pay daily, while they live.

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And while we're at it don't forget Tiffany Dover. Listen to the music video WHERE HAVE YOU GONE TIFFANY DOVER? https://turfseer.substack.com/p/where-have-you-gone-tiffany-dover

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"If I were them, I would sue the vaccine makers NOW while they can. I would also consider spike detoxification via available avenues such as the ‘SPIKE SUPPORT DETOXIFIER’ from TWC (the only such product formulation with NATTOKINASE and other OTC supplements)…"

Aren't these drug makers exempt from legal recourse??

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Question for the doctor.

I have a 74 y/o gentleman jabbed x5, not doing well. I recommended the spike support because it's his only shot at anything resembling recovery but the contraindications are don't take it if your on a blood thinner... And he's on 75mg plavix and 81 mg baby aspirin.

Any recommendations would be helpful. I'm trying to help the injured that are all around me. I've lost 11 to this poison thus far.

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Call me non-compassionate but I couldn't give a rat's ass about Hollywood celebs like Jamie Foxx. It's the "ordinary" women and men who were coerced to take these jabs and who have suffered that evoke my sympathy. I do care about those celebs who are not just poseurs but who are truly great, like the great Mike Tyson, who were "beaten into submission" to get a dangerous jab they didn't want. And no, I don't believe Mike Tyson raped that girl,otherwise I wouldn't care a shit about him. He's no Harvey Weinstein but he was an early victim of the #BelieveAllWomen and #JeanCarrollToldTheTruth movements. On the other hand,Muhammed Ali, if he was still alive, would never have taken the jab. He was greater than Tyson.

Mike Tyson says he was "beaten into submission" to get his COVID-19 vaccination


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I hope, the VIRULENTLY (pun intended) anti-white trash named Jamie Foxx, suffers, in excruciating horrors, and then poof, gone. Seems he trusted the Tribe that brought his ancestors here, and drove every aspect of Psyop-19, especially the net profits.



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Yes, the vitamin D levels are very important. But in order to get where it needs to go you need the K2 and a good magnesium to go with it.

I try to get as much real sunlight as I can, but the Chemtrails are making it downright impossible these days.

So, I take daily 10,000 units of D3wK2 with magnesium. Along with tons of my fav, Vitamin C.

I’m a true Linus Pauling follower. Although, my daily amount is only around 6000 mgs. He took much more.

I love ivermectin!

I am 100% Anti Big Harma except for that one.

At the moment I’m looking into Swedish Bitters, doing some research on it right now.

It’s supposed to be a great blood cleanser. Me, whatever helps keep us healthy naturally is baliwack.

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I am no doctor or scientist but even I can read here from this study that the vaxx-induced myocarditis is different from the pre-pandemic kind; it involves a toxicity that previously was not seen. This demands a LOT more research, and sadly, there are many, many subjects who can be part of such studies now.

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Pity the Jamie Foxx’s & their cohorts in this world - unless they repent of their crap - their end is destruction

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How about sue one of the sources of vaccine development?


"Editor’s Note: The Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna COVID-19 mRNA vaccines both use licensed University of Pennsylvania technology. As a result of these licensing relationships, Penn, Weissman, and Karikó have received and may continue to receive significant financial benefits in the future based on the sale of these products. BioNTech provides funding for Weissman’s research into the development of additional infectious disease vaccines."

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Jesus. You are a self-parody now.

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Jun 23, 2023·edited Jun 24, 2023

my understanding is in Australia :

Astra Zeneca was the only vaccine available to certain groups of people, at least early on. Shane Warne would have fallen into that category.

for those that don't know it, Astra Zeneca is NOT mRNA technology.....

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