Brilliant research by Nakahara et al. and brilliant reporting by Dr. Alexander. And what does it all mean in practice? Check out what happened after the Israeli government jabbed Israelis to the eyeballs. The Grim Reaper came calling. But the shots are not just killing Israelis. This is happening all across the developed world. In third world countries they were either too poor or too smart to take these shots.

BREAKING: Israeli MoH data released in March 2023 proves the vaccines are killing people. How come nobody noticed?? Hello!?!?

In March 2023, MIT Professor Retsef Levi disclosed a troubling figure produced by the Israeli Ministry of Health. This is unassailable proof the vaccines are killing people. Nobody noticed.


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Karen Kingston doesn't allow comments without subscription so I will comment here. Thank you Dr Paul and yes I am that poor. Known it and said it for 50 years. Doctors are children playing with matches ,they will burn your house down and walk away with a shrug.

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Shows again what most critically-thinking people know about this poison, and yet it's crickets from supposed "experts" and governments. Indeed, here in Canada, government and PHAC are still pushing the poison. The deafening silence, ignorance and intentional misdirection is now starting to really piss me off.

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Thank you Dr. Paul for keeping us informed.

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