Over the next 10 years, you will be writing about 5,000 different mRNA caused ailments and deaths. We have entered an entirely new method of bodily destruction and that calls for big pharma to create hundreds of "new" fake drugs for wanna-be doctors to hand out.

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Yes, quite disgusting, isn't it?!

I'm tired of using the word "Orwellian."

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The recommended studies are well-advised and should have been done BEFORE any thought of distribution to the public.

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Excellent recommendation in that paper. It should be added that the need for bio-distribution studies should be expanded to include all analogous approaches which are based on 'hijacking' cells of terminally differentiated tissues to produce 'non-self' polypeptides, not just the Covid-19 genetic 'vaccine' spike product. It should have been recognized from Day 1 that the immune system would likely respond to a cell producing 'non-self' products as if it was an infection.

Read the short paper and the comments and Poykretis' response.

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I appreciate your blast of sanity !! thank you .

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I'm not defending Dr. Malone nor placing blame for everything at his self made throne. It is a multitude of self serving entities all following the The same path. Feeding off each other and the World as the DEATH spiral tightens its grip on Humanity. Will their be a few slimy participants of Humanity left or will the hand of God turn up the water and swipe the rest down the drain? For every World Wide event is destroying America and National State. As riots from ANTIFA and BLM all started on the same date. Server sitting on a rented Portal in England. Watching Big Tech seal all water tight hatches and prepare to go down with the ship. If I had the finances and wherewithal, I would have moved to Europe as well to save My family. As the Four Horsemen saddle their Steeds of Iron to prepare. God help us all who have ignored Jesus, the Son of God and Savior's call. Watching the last Train leave the Station.

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From what I have read, new biodistribution studies will probably show that the Spike protein (and the nano mRNA packages?) can go anywhere in the body. Spike can even cross the blood/brain barrier.

But we should all take heart, I'm sure Big Pharma has been working on new autoimmune drugs so they can make even more money from all the suffering and damage they have caused.

Mr. Accountability sez: Bannon is right--the Precinct Strategy and getting involved in your local politics, if you can, is the only way the Grass Roots will defeat these demons.

And as the great Mr. Marley once said: Uprising! (Peacefully, brothers and sisters, Peacefully!)

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