Did Panagis Polykretis show us autoimmune Inflammatory Reactions Triggered by COVID mRNA technology Genetic Vaccines in Terminally Differentiated Tissues? Malone & Weissman's mRNA technology? Yes!
auto-immune reactions? Yes!
‘Solid immuno-histopathological evidence demonstrates that the COVID-19 genetic vaccines can display an off-target distribution in tissues that are terminally differentiated, triggering autoimmune reactions.
These include the heart and brain, which may incur in situ production of spike protein eliciting a strong autoimmunological inflammatory response. Due to the fact that every human cell which synthesizes non-self antigens becomes inevitably the target of the immune system, and since the human body is not a strictly compartmentalized system, accurate pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic studies are needed in order to determine precisely which tissues can be harmed. Therefore, our article aims to draw the attention of the scientific and regulatory communities on the critical need of bio-distribution studies for the genetic vaccines against COVID-19, as well as of rational harm-benefit assessments by age group.’
Over the next 10 years, you will be writing about 5,000 different mRNA caused ailments and deaths. We have entered an entirely new method of bodily destruction and that calls for big pharma to create hundreds of "new" fake drugs for wanna-be doctors to hand out.
The recommended studies are well-advised and should have been done BEFORE any thought of distribution to the public.