they do not care that it integrates into the human genome and alters our genetic makeup forever and we have no understanding of long term implications

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Seems to me that mRNA does more to CAUSE cancer than it will ever do to CURE it, based on what I've heard.

Have a bad feeling in my gut....

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very bad feeling, this is a con we have just faced...there is zero good in this...zero..

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it is the mRNA technology, the frame shifting of genetic code, the LNP itself is very toxic, it is the suppression of the guardian of the genome the p53 tumor suppressor gene

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it is the class switch to IgG4 that impact the other IgG1 antibodies from binding to tumors etc. IgG4 damages this process and promotes can cancers...it is the impact on the toll like receptors 7 and 8...

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I believe it's bad enough, but that's besides the other crap included.

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this cannot work, will not work...as is

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That’s why Trump hired RFK to make vaccines healthy again…

What did you think he was going to do? Abandon all vaccines and get himself “killed” by his own supporters?

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Have we been duped by RFK this bad? are his hands tied? I can' t wrap that aroung my brain!! "Say it ain't so".

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I dont think, I think RFK Jr. will bail soon...he has to.

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Kennedy is a principled man, I expect him to be in conflict with Trump sooner or later if he get confirmed.

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You are wrong. RFK jr. is a politician first and foremost and politics requires patients and choosing your battles; some you win but in some you need to make peace and wait for your opportunity.

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Can anyone make vaccines healthy again? Think!

It was a sarcastic comment

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no, never we were conned here

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Man can't beat Nature, the mysterious Forces governing all life and the Universe. Man knows nothing about what the Ultimate Reality is, his mosquito brain wants to inject health. This is a pure mental illness that can eliminate this specie.

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No rfk jr has been duped too. Look at his face

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you can see that?

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I know I'm not yet a paid subscriber but I absolutely plan to become one very soon. I doubt you will ever see this but I just really want you to know that I have been following you and I really do trust your opinion. That is extremely rare these days so I just want you to know that I really appreciate you. It's nice to have someone to rely on for accurate information as well as as speak up when things are wrong. Thank you so much 💓

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too many died due to the mRNA technology

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we do not want, do not trust it, go away for 50 years and study this and show us how you proved it is safe and then we talk.

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🎯👏spot on

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You’re right OnTheJump. Which is why cancers are through the roof! I posted a video on my Substack Homepage by an Australian oncologist speaking about how quickly his patients, who were in remission for twenty years have now exploded with cancers after the shots.

It’s a powerful video I think everyone needs to see. Please share it so more people know what is happening.

Also, SV40, pseudouridine, along with 55 undeclared chemicals have been found in these “Bioweapon Injections!” They are NOT a vaccine! The CDC changed the definition of a vaccine to increase population uptake for this most deadly “Bioweapon-Injection!” Both SV40 and Pseudouridine shouldn’t be in these shots either. A peer reviewed study explains why cancers are rampant and aggressively attacking so many people!

Below is part of what may happen with pseudouridine.

“Abnormal Ψ modifications mediated by various PUSs result in dysregulated RNA metabolism and impaired RNA function, promoting the development of various cancers.”


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yes the mRNA shots do not only cause cancer, it promotes metastasis. spread and rapid

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I believe this is the video you refer to, AJR?


Here is another (of many) frightening video - people really need to 'get on board'


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thank you for sharing

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Yes OnTheJump, that’s the one.

Thank you for sharing your video.


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Ian Hacking the famed Canadian philosopher, an expert on how the brain operates, well known in Europe, predicted "mankind will not die due to a nuclear conflict, but due to some sort of a mental illness". Look around see the ignorance mental illness in so many already. We must not be frightened. Fight ever harder is a must. Fight Fight Fight.

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Absolutely Paul, we cannot let up. This is what I call,


“Battle for Survival!”

I am convinced the deadly BS

“Covid-Fraud” was implemented to destroy, cull, create mental instability and ultimately take over the world!

There’s steps needed in order to control 8 Billion People worldwide. The first step has happened. OWS-DoD-CIA” lead “Bioweapon Injections” proved successful, in the eyes of the “Globalist.”

Since a small number worldwide, 20 million or more people have been killed by the shot alone, the mechanism of injury has stopped! Based on Dr McCullough’s team of experts, peer reviewed study suggests 73.9% of 385 people died in part from, the shot, should tell us exactly why OWS was put into operation.

73.9% X 5.5 Billion People worldwide = 4.07 Billion People are now infected with a “Bioweapon” potentially fatal. Time will tell. I learned yesterday another customer of mine’s father is in Hospice care with two weeks to live!

This will make 5 people in my circle of friends who have died because of this shot! No other reason. I’m sure I’m not alone with such devastating news.

My point is, the “Globalist” have said numerous times what their agenda is. OWS ushered in the inevitable collapse of the Western World.

I’m beyond disappointed that President Trump signed an EO to allow for mRNA development of a cancer therapy. Why?

Nobody can tell me President Trump isn’t aware of how many people have died because of his authorized OWS- Covid-Inject operation!

People look at all the “Niceties” President Trump has signed off on recently but fail to see the “fire” through the smoke! mRNA’s MUST be STOPPED! Recalled but President Trump is


There’s been no accountability, trillions of dollars wealth transfer, the culling of human lives, and that’s just the beginning!

Thank you Paul for sharing your thoughts and insights.

We mustn’t stop fighting! Not for future generations, our children and grandchildren and simply for “Humanity” to survive!


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You say it so well. 100% correct. I grew up under the former Czechoslovakain communists. We hated them so much, but never ever did I expect what I now experince in the "free" West , Big Pharma, deadly vaccines, globalism, Bill Gates just laughing at the human farm creatures he wants to reduce to 500 million. Most people are hypnotized. This is going the end of the specie. Trump give some hope. Argentina Milei gives hope. I do my best to to wake up those I know. The individual duty is to do the best.

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“The individual duty is to do the best.”

Thank you Paul, your last sentence clearly explains what we all need to do.

I am grateful for your kind words. I agree wholeheartedly with your statements and your assessments.

The only light I see shining in this dark, dark world, is the light from our lord and savior Jesus.

By Illuminating such evilness, a bright light has been turned on for all to see and see clearly, how evil these “Globalists-Monsters” are!

Some people will always choose to ignore and or be blinded by such travesty’s. We can’t and we must continue illuminating such evilness’s.

I have complete faith and confidence our Lord Jesus will properly judge those who have committed such atrocities against humanity.

We must continue exposing them and helping others understand, if they so choose.

We must continue to believe in and fight for, “justice against this plethora of injustices.”

These evil people have literally decimated human life without a blink of an eye or missing a step! What has happened is exactly how “evil-operates!”

Thank you Paul. I certainly don’t have to explain to you, you’ve explained to me how nasty, rotten people are!

Ince again, thank you Paul, for your life’s experience’s far outweigh, any sort of expressive explanation I can provide.

Your last sentence sums it all perfectly, Paul.

“The individual duty is to do the best.”


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"Also, SV40, pseudouridine, along with 55 undeclared chemicals have been found in these “Bioweapon Injections!” They are NOT a vaccine! The CDC changed the definition of a vaccine to increase population uptake for this most deadly “Bioweapon-Injection!” Both SV40 and Pseudouridine shouldn’t be in these shots either. A peer reviewed study explains why cancers are rampant and aggressively attacking so many people!"


They try to normalize the mRNA-LNP transfection products.

From now on everything will be called a "vaccine". Now its not only for preemptive purposes but also for TREATMENT, like AFTER you have already cancer.

Like I said, its the attempt to augment, extend, support, replace the immune system (natural) from humans. Its saying "you know people dont have proper immune systems, lets help them with our mRNA tech". Maybe you should start by NOT harming peoples immune systems and put garbage into their bodies?

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At least they wont be immune to financial liability with their mRNA "treatment" products I guess, because the immunity refers to vaccines and treatment products / drugs / therapies are NO vaccines. Even the mRNA shot got only rebranded as "vaccine" and/or the category adapted as to what constitues a "vaccine", but its basically no vaccine, especially no safe, effective, and necessary vaccine.

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Cancer appears to have been mysteriously on the rise since OWS 1 and the rollout of the original Trump-Malone mRNA shots Version 1 that Biden tried to misappropriate as being his own shots when it was Trump who developed them.

With all of this mysterious new cancer and with more undoubtedly expected, it's not hard to comprehend why an OWS 2 and new Trump-Malone shots were considered to be required.

However, the sheer speed at which the new mRNA is coming is mind boggling.

Biden has only been gone for one day.

But this is the will of the people.

We need to accept and respect it.

This is what America voted for.

We all knew it was going to happen.

I fully expected it.

It's just the speed at which it is happening that is astounding.

But even if everyone gets injected it's still better to be injected under Trump than it would have been to be injection free under a different administration such as, for example, if RFK Jr had stayed in the race as an independent candidate and had won.

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you are funny again so I report the funny part "But even if everyone gets injected it's still better to be injected under Trump than it would have been to be injection free under a different administration such as, for example, if RFK Jr had stayed in the race as an independent candidate and had won."

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important quote: "Cancer appears to have been mysteriously on the rise since OWS 1 and the rollout of the original Trump-Malone mRNA shots Version 1 that Biden tried to misappropriate as being his own shots when it was Trump who developed them."

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we need to know Kennedy's position on that press conference.

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he cannot be good with it, cannot

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Are you high??? It is NEVER a good thing to be injected. NEVER! I don't care who is in charge. I will NEVER submit! I love Trump. He changed the country's trajectory in a little over 1 day, but he MUST stop this madness about the vaxx! I don't care what or how or who, but the when is crucial!

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boom "love Trump. He changed the country's trajectory in a little over 1 day, but he MUST stop this madness about the vaxx! I don't care what or how or who, but the when is crucial!"

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you need to understand when ANW is sarcastic and poking etc.

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He (djt) throws breadcrumbs to appease, distract, then quickly puts in stuff we don't want!

Let's keep our eye on the ball. Scary times ahead. Buckle up

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I see it in the complete opposite way. It is one of the greatest times to be alive. Evolution is accelerating, the universe is expanding at astronomical rates. Time itself is accelerating. Hop on!

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See it your way!

Like I said, buckle up. If we thought 2020-24 was bad, we ain't seen nothing yet!

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Will you talk to him Dr. Paul? Can somebody get through to Trump & encourage him to stop with this new experimental gene therapy AI crap? FFS! What is wrong with him? Why can’t he research and see the harm here?

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Words of wisdom. You right

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This is ANW's acerbic wit! Don't take it that he's arguing for the "new and improved v-jay" - the opposite. I believe he is correct in predicting something like this as a rationale by some very stupid vax/shot cult members to get something new and different.

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But even if everyone gets injected it's still better to be injected under Trump than it would have been to be injection free under a different administration such as, for example, if RFK Jr had stayed in the race as an independent candidate and had won.

Do you have some kind of Zamboni machine like they use to clean up the ice at the Boston Gardens when wack jobs throw octopi and shit on the surface.

Even the slowest knife in the drawer here is gonna catch on pretty soon, you keep that

level of moronity up.

The bs you scarf up to throw at us is some kind o miracle. Stop while you're ahead.

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the Last, how come I understood the jest and sarcasm here "But even if everyone gets injected it's still better to be injected under Trump than it would have been to be injection free under a different administration such as, for example, if RFK Jr had stayed in the race as an independent candidate and had won."

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he is saying that it would have been better under RFK Jr. it does give one food for thought

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I don't agree. I am not a fangirl. I have always had some superpower to see all sides 😀 And, I say without fear that Trump is the most effective president for the times we are in right now, and he is doing in 4 years what many would and could never do. Jeff Childers, the FL attorney of Coffee and Covid substack fame said it so much more eloquently that I in his blog today. Give it a read. If there ever were a fair and balanced and unafraid (Sorry, Brett Baier, you are none of those), Jeff is the epitome of them all.

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No Paul, can't buy that; it give one to VOMIT ... when the extent of the GASLIGHTING going on here is understood- the jest and sarcasm thing went sour after the 'return from factory reset' of your boy.

It was like a robot with a slightly screwy motherboard... he started zoning in and out of celerity, such that if you were paying close attention - and I was - it was quite puzzling at first, but then clear.

Now it's just semi-incoherent jibberish alternating with very dark intent.

And after he caused the departure of a very together woman who had just started on your site, trolling her first, and then coming back with a comment so inappropriate that my jaw dropped you would allow it...

I knew there was something very wrong. What's tickling your funny bone is causing harm to others. Not a good look.

And he's out Paul. Just watch, you don't believe me. It's your site, but I'm looking after your back. How he goes is my business. If it breaks your heart... well... heal up Big Duke. We need you, not the Wormtongue riding your shoulder. Today with Sherlock was the last straw. U read through that thread? My hope is you'll apologize to your own J6er and be THE MAN agin. He was on the munknee even if you be the last to know.

Alternatively, you can keep the anal cyst and ban me. I'd laugh at that.

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I ban no one. its really free speech here just no violence no threats...but you can be as twisted as you wish.

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Pot. Kettle. Black.

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Lock n load Manolo.

Ready n waitin.

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This from the sophist who likes to play the man and not the ball, specializes in argumentum ad homiem, comes on to Paul's stack as a johnnycome lately control freak, criticizing, trying to find fault, making insulting comments about Paul and others, being obnoxious, advocating censorship and, as a true control freak, trying to tell Paul what to do and not do with his stack.

That's not only massively disrespectful of Paul, your intellectual superior but also the behavior of a control freak buddy, and a snide, arrogant one at that.

Then when he gets called out on his bullshit, the little sadist control freak plays "poor me," complains about name calling that he started, confusing his feelings with facts etc. Remember I gave you the name the AssManBending not just because it's appropriate for what you are but because you started the name calling.

That's why I called you a hypocrite.

Your attacks on me say more about you than they do about me.

The fact that you write well and that some of your ideas are good in no way compensates for your authoritarian intolerance of ideas or modes of expression different to your own.

I don't need, or want, anybody's respect, least of all yours, but it does offend me that you are one of a few arrogant assholes who come on here showing massive disrespect for Paul, repeatedly insulting him, trying to tell him what to do.

Okay, that's enough for starters.

You're spoiling for a fight.

Bring it on.

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Ok, times up for your bullshit. And you. U asked me to leave you alone, and I agreed to, so as to spare the gallery from another of your meltdowns.

But you couldn't help yourself today... and you felt you were free to go after somebody not able to look after themselves.

It was a sickening display of aggressive overthetop powertrippin and astonishing lack of self awareness. And your last one.

No more feverish editing to try and keep up with me. No more AI bafflegab, pretend sincerity, or the whole bag o tricks you've used to fool folks here. You reached ... and did not grasp.

And you're done. Today.

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You create OWS1 which leads to problems.

Then you create OWS2 to solve the problems of OWS1.

OWS2 leads to problems too and also cant really solve the problems of OWS1.

Then you create OWS3 and so on.

Insanity, BUT money will get made, 100%. Always money, the rest, which means a viable and safe and effective product is open for debate.

The public should be INSULATED from the hubris and insanity from such criminals.

They should max. do their experiments on some isolated island and in no case whatsoever push it unto healthy and even sick humans.

They will try to force you to get such new "personalized medicine" (maybe they will drop the word vaccine alltogether) or coerce you by taking your social security away if you dont comply (which is basically only a tool to "course-correct" or nudge you). If not in this administration then the next or in 10-20 years. 100%. Now we are in the "exploration and expansion phase", later if the AI and tools are stabilized they will push it unto the people, which will mean a lot of harm. Everything the government has in its control will and can get used against you, even though they should protect the public, which means protecting them from force, coercion, terrorism etc. The goal of government is to expand, to expand its reach and powers. Currently we are in the process of digitalization, which means making everything digital AND controlled. Trump wont change that, he is basically pushing it. The advantage in Trump is his ego, so the tech boys shouldnt aggitate Trump, he can break their back with one executive order.

Maybe in year 2200 we will have a safe and effective vaccine... who knows..

Or we just get OWS 300.

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the hubris, this I like lots: "You create OWS1 which leads to problems.

Then you create OWS2 to solve the problems of OWS1.

OWS2 leads to problems too and also cant really solve the problems of OWS1.

Then you create OWS3 and so on.

Insanity, BUT money will get made, 100%. Always money, the rest, which means a viable and safe and effective product is open for debate.

The public should be INSULATED from the hubris and insanity from such criminals."

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This what the COVED shot did to your brain.

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yes, addled it

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🤣 …when you have to choose in between to cry or to laugh.

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They will never tell you. It will be safe and effective, because everything the government or criminals do is safe and effective. It cant be any other way.

The needed studies will get never done, also because "this is an emergency" , you know, just like with the Covid scam, emergency, "we had to act FAST", "we cant wait for the proper studies"....... Everything will be an emergency from now on, the world is in a race to the bottom, "AI" wont be what they try to tell you, AI will mean CONTROL after everything is digitalized, then after "AI" did much damage they will tell you "Sorry, the "AI" did it, we will surely improve the AI".

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boom: 'The needed studies will get never done, also because "this is an emergency" , you know, just like with the Covid scam, emergency, "we had to act FAST", "we cant wait for the proper studies"....... Everything will be an emergency from now on, the world is in a race to the bottom, "AI" wont be what they try to tell you, AI will mean CONTROL after everything is digitalized, then after "AI" did much damage they will tell you "Sorry, the "AI" did it, we will surely improve the AI".'

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The new crap of a "vaccine" replicates that is why it is called a "Replicon" it can infect the unvaccinated. We are in trouble, war on those creeps is necessary> Hitler was a good guy , compared to this new fascism.

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correct, this is new fascism...and yes

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we are at war with these beasts

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To compete against China, the US and West has to become China.

People and especially politicians dont understand.

Politicians dont even want to understand it, because they are PAID for expanding the powers.

Its a tough TOP-DOWN approach to EVERYTHING.

Then you merge the STATE and FEDERAL GOVERNMENT with BIG TECH.


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they will use this AI mRNA vaccine madness money grab to table up self-amplifying mRNA and self-disseminating...we are fucked if we do not stand up and say NO! I am talking to some smart folk to join me in being a think tank against this...

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So their aim is to make mRNA vaccine geared to you, specific to you, custom made mRNA “vaccines” so as to fight particular types of cancer. Personalized medicine they call it. I do not trust this AI and think it is the undoing of society, its pure money making, no one wants to help society...its $$$

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Bill Gates behind this all. His joy is to reduce population

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this is a mess...

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Imagine, 4 clueless people telling us to use mRNA that failed in the COVID as part of cancer treatment/cure etc. no one yet talks about the harms from the past and the studies to exclude harms now that will take decades...so is this not pure danger for us? was the COVID mRNA vaccine brought with all of its clusterfuck (Primum) to simply lay the way, open the door for simple ease of passage manufacture for all other mRNA vaccines?

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Imagine the madness and what upsets me is Trump allowed this, its as if this is a joke to these people on the backs of failed mRNA vaccines in COVID, to have Oracle’s Larry Ellison school us on mRNA vaccines for cancer...

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people who are pure money hounds are seeking ways to use AI to make money and now they have latched onto mRNA...they are not even giving society chance to catch up...to understand, to debate...no one is thinking of the harms and implications.

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Project Stargate is just Operation Warp Speed on steroids

It's all about them getting you to inject mRNA "vaccines" by any means necessary

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I was waiting for Larry Ellison to say something like "Abracadabra" at the end of his pep talk.

He just wants in on the profits Bill Gates and Albert Bourla have been monopolizing.

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none of this is for the greater good

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"It appears that we were misled during this election. By all sides. We dissidents, contrarians, Freedom Fighters against the OWS and mRNA vaccine, raised serious issues and assumed POTUS Trump would join us and stop this mRNA shot and fix the OWS wrongs and make Americans whole again. Yet not so. A picture is emerging suggestive that POTUS Trump (and those in his orbit, potentially his nominees etc. save Bobby Jr.) had and has no intention to stop the mRNA vaccines by Malone and Bourla and Bancel et al. In fact, the intent now ~ is to bring more mRNA vaccine??"

Yes it does appear so. Not sure how you can continue to 'stand' by him in light of this. I ask this sincerely and without judgment.

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I am trying to clarify the extent of the betrayal now and what lays ahead for we as a team, a group will need to stand up for they will not stop

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I get that. It ain't easy to suss things in this environment. Thank you and good luck.

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I feel the same as you, Kathleen. I just can't wrap my brain around Dr. Paul saying he still fully supports Trump, even after this. That's just plain insanity.

I've tried to wake Dr. Paul up about this. I've been blunt. I've given links with info. I've explained things extensively. Yet, he STILL supports Trump. That's some kind of crazy. That actually just discredits Dr. Paul too, if he can't admit the truth about Trump.

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I am awake, it is I and a few choice folk who will lead this fight against this madness...we are meeting routinely the least few days...we are just shocked how brazen it is. but we will take it down

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we will educate, inform the people, with the facts

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Thank you Dr. Paul. Fight, fight, fight!👊🏼

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You need to see Shannon Joy’s show today. She’s breaking it all down. There is no mystery here. She’s tying it all together.


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I’ll believe that when I see it. I don’t understand how you can say you still “fully support” Trump after what we have just seen.

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There are no toxic vaccines that are safe. Not for babies, children, pets, adults or the elderly. Now more dangerous and deadly with mrna. Watch TheTruthAboutVaccines.com one of many informed videos that explain why pharma doesn't have a single safe vaccine. The lie on tv news on how viruses work and the tv news believers parrot these lies. Many truth doctors explain how the tv news narrative lies are totally wrong and deceptive about how viruses work and explain that chemical toxic vaccines will not work. There are NOSODES which show the body what virus you want to have protection for and No toxic chemicals are mixed in. I used the Parvo nosodes, Distemper Nosodes and the Rabies Nosodes for my puppy. So my puppy immune system can protect but without the risk of the severe side effects of the toxic injected shots. This time I have a healthy puppy as we skipped the puppy shots and adult shots. It is so sad to see so many young pets that have numerous health issues caused by the pet shots. As so sad to dog walk on every street to see autistic children and autistic young adults living on every street now. All due to the toxic baby shots and toxic children shots. They could have been healthy, but in the name of pharma high profits, so many suffer from the autistic child to the family that tries to care for the autistic child for life.

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thank you for this great sharing

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OK Beth This is truly a big issue. Pets shed upon us. But what about vet injected mRNA and other crap into our pets then shedding upon non-vaxxed pets? eems I will never get another pet dog in this lifetime.

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I never lost unvaccinated German Shephard until I bought a vaccinated one. She was a disaster, lasted only 2 years. Now I am looking for a unvaccinated German Shepherd puppy. Never again a vaxxed one. the same for children, never never ever let them get injected

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My first puppy was healthy, but then off to the vet for the puppy shots, and more health issues, seizures hours or days after the shots, ear issues, gut issues, over growth of yeast that causes that doggy smell, lumps lipomas where the body tries to store the shot toxins as a body cannot get rid of injected toxins, after the ra bies shot came aggression to other dogs but before she was fine with other dogs. Many acquaintances with puppies or dogs, said the brain damage after the ra bies shot, the puppy or dog would become so aggressive towards people or their own family or other pets in the home, when before the shot, they did not have the aggressive brain damage. There is a true history of the ra bies shot that was planned to make massive profits off all the pet owners and force pet owners to go to the vet once a year, so the vets could sell more pharma products, more toxic shots, etc. We dealt with a life of health issues from those puppy shots, then aggressive cancer grew around the microchip and it grew to size of a football within a month, then too big to remove so she died from the microchip. Microchips are very dangerous as interactive with all the electric waves from our modern lifestyle, but the gov plan is to make everyone use to microchips in pets, so the gov plan now is to force microchips on the masses to fully control our lives, bank accounts, social status and turn off bank accts if we don't comply with all the toxic shots. So that chip on your credit card will now be inserted on the flap of skin by thumb and fore finger. But the billionaires do not buy shots for their babies, children, pets, or themselves, but they all invest in shots for the masses. And the billionaires will not insert microchips, microchips are for the low class of society. A two class society, the billionaire globalists are upperclass and the masses are low class. We must all pray to God to save us from these shots and microchips and get strength in numbers to avoid all shots and avoid microchips.

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Exactly. You are right on. The stink was very bad, I could not figure out why. None of my unvaccinated dogs had this problem. Now I know. Thank you for this. Never ever will I get a vaccinated puppie.

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David, I get where you are coming from. I keep reading online that they, the gov, pharma, are injecting cows with Mrna so all cow products will have mrna. Hope to find small family owned farms for products. I don't know if they have added mrna to pet shots yet, if not, I am sure they will add at some point. I learned thru the years from now more numerous documentaries and truth doctors, that pharma does not have any safe shot, all are filled with toxins, metals, viruses, cancer cells, metal nano particles, aborted baby fetus cells with dna, forced removed of spinal and brain fluid from live cats, dogs, monkeys, horses, etc, so that causes animal allergies, why so many have cat allergies, as injected with a line of shots that used cat spinal and brain fluid cells, Cats are in abundance at any animal shelter for pharma use and this is excruciatingly painful, so any animal lover or vegetarian, must avoid all shots. Peanut oil is used too so that is why so many with peanut allergies at some point received a shot that included peanut oil, food allergies are from type of products that were used in the making of the shots, so the body then will be allergic to those foods, on and on. I still believe we must offer our love and homes to rescue pets, as they are stuck on this earth in the midst of this war between Good and Evil. Do your best to avoid shots, go to different vets, use creativity to avoid shots if possible. Out in the world, we are all being shedded on by the some 80% of the masses that could not wait to get inline for the shots after the brainwashing on tv news and the entire medical industry. So unfortunately no way to avoid the shedding anywhere. Truth doctors and scientists say we all contain all the viruses on earth and usually those viruses only effect us when we are weak from injected toxic shots, pesticides, toxic processed foods, alcohol, toxic drugs, and stress. So we have to figure out how to exist on this earth and stay as healthy and happy as possible. Remember, loving a pet is one of the keys to lowering stress, and pets give us love, that most people are incapable of. So adopt a pet, love them, as God gave us the pets as angels in our lives. We do the best we can to protect them from the toxins. And live our life as healthy as we can, and love God to help us thru this evil nightmare happening on earth now

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Thank you so much for your reply Beth! I agree. Being non-v-jayed I am on the fence here in CA about obtaining a pet dog. Tragic was has gone on. I was born with a "no" to just about everything temperament. Now that temperament applies to overtures from women - all of whom claim, "oh, no I didn't get it." The UV Flashlight test tells all.

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What is the UV flashlight test? Do they Glow?... Remember when you are out around people, 80% are not critical thinkers, believe all tv news lies, believe the paid off doctors, the teachers at schools and they got inline for a toxic shot. Because a paid off newscaster on tv said the shot was safe and effective. those people are all shedding on us. But a pet dog is the most wonderful companion that God gave us, so even if the dog has some shots when adopted, just try to avoid anymore shots as best you can. I don't know if they add mrna to pet shots yet, but pet shots are toxic for the pets, so I try to avoid to keep the pet healthy, go to different vets if there is an issue I need help with. I firmly state the pet had all its shots already, so we are just here to get help with whatever health issue. Same if you have to go to a human doctor, you tell them you had all your shots, so just help with the current health issue, but no shots....So by the way, do you go up to women and say hey, can I point this UV Flashlight to see if you Glow?

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Whatever it is I still get approached. Anyway, there is desperation out there and mostly by unmarried females in their mid 30s - mid 50s. I usually give these females a UV flashlight and inform how to use by holding it above and slightly at an angel (45 degree and shine it upon their forehead. If v-jayed 2x forehead will glow Orange or have an orange tint; if boosted there will be purple patches under and around eye sockets. If they make it into my home into to the bathroom we go with the lights out, and she follows 100% of the time so far. At my age I'm really not interested anyway.

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No, Paul, we weren’t “all misled”. Some of us have been warning about the fact Trump was going to push more mRNA on us for years now. But many refused to believe it, because they preferred their comfortable lie to hearing the truth. Welcome to reality. You, and many others were played. The rest of us have been screaming at everyone to open their eyes. You will soon see that blind loyalty to Trump was misplaced.

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Been saying this myself for years. The Trump blindness here is literally unfathomable.

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BINGO, Gayla. I was one of those screaming, but Dr. Paul just wouldn't listen. He accused me of not being nice because I've been blunt at times. However, when you know what we know, and people just won't listen, it's really hard not to be blunt.

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You could be right Gayla

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Looks as if TRUMP is just another puppet for the SATAN GATES/PHARMA/WEF/WHO---YES/NO?

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Day One: He removed the US from WHO.

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He only paused it. Didn’t completely exit the WHO. Yet. Just a pause. So far. But looks like he & Gates & Elon will push on. They love AI tech for our future demise via mRNA LNP.

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Wrong. He pulled the US out of WHO. Look up the executive order he signed on Monday, January 20. I just reread it to make sure I had heard him correctly. I watched him sign it.

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I know. People are not delving deeply enough into WHAT/HOW he is doing things. Alot is to throw out and appease/satisfy, tho in reality it is NOTHING. ZERO.

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So? The WHO's DS globalist control will be transferred to the UN. If Trump's serious, the U N will go bye-bye, too. If it doesn't, you'll have your answer. Likely the narrative around the satanic UN will switch to "more countries have to pay more for UN protection". The WHO agenda will be firmly entrenched there. They don't need two entities that do the same thing. PLUS, with the A I technocracy, military industrial complex, abilities of mRNA for control of humankind, and broligarchs Trump is "warp speeding" into g0vt, did it ever occur to you that the US is positioning itself to take over the globalist movement in tandem with !srahell? The puppetmasters who are actually running this g0vt from behind the curtain have been the ones running this demonic sh!t show and all the agendas, including OWS, MK Ultra, every one of the tens of thousands of psyops, etc, for generations and generations. Why not decrease the number of players in the globalist pool within outside agrncies when the U S can just have the power themselves. Transhumans don't have any rights anyway (SCOTUS decision 2013). They're property owned by the patent holders as anything modified is the property of the patent holder to do with as they please. The mRNA gene modification bioweapons allow for citizens to be property. The g0vt doesn't have to hide behind these "foundations" and "agencies" (or treaties) anymore to do what the Constitution prohibits being done against WeThePeople.

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And from the Paris Climate Accords.

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Yep. Totally accurate.

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I am recently awakened and so know very little of this stuff, but

potus is said to belong to the Club of Rome (?), explains abt the desire to annex/take/fight for Greenland, etc... (to form 10 kingdoms) Just repeating one theory some have. All that comes along with that can't be ANY good for us

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and btw, I know my name is not on any shortlist anymore for a role in Trump 2.0 HHS etc., I know, I am not stupid, by my communications I am telling you, your full orbit, my silence cannot be bought, Pfizer found that out...no money, keep the job. I will safeguard people on the outside.

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No one was misled. Trump has never disavowed his beautiful shot which he claims saved hundreds of millions. And it’s not about money.

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boom but it is in part about the money

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BINGO. It's a depopulation, and forceful gene editing/transhumanist nano agenda. People can't seem to fathom the level of evil they are dealing with!

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NO they can't. I hear, well what choice was there but djt?

Shows what awful place they've got us in!!

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Exactly. NEVER did Trump OR Bobby say ANYTHING against mRNA. Every single cabinet pick is pro z!o, pro covid policy, pro mRNA, etc. AND pro advancing the dep0pulation by bi0weap0n agenda. RFK NEVER, EVER said he's opposed to quackccines. EVER. Every single interview he's ever done, year after year after year, he ALWAYS stated CLEARLY that he's pro vax. Not sure how anyone got the idea that suddenly RFK would change to anti-vax, other than wishful thinking. And when brain-chip- installing psych0 Baphomet Boy Muskie was brought into the fold (to facilitate the "hooking up" the "new, improved" transhumans to the IOBs network to use humans as batteries and antennas) which requires that "humans" be patented, genetically-modified beings completely controlled by A I for total enslavement, ANYONE who couldn't see where this was heading was simply choosing to ignore what was right in front of them to see. Baphomet Boy didn't call himself "Dark MAGA" to be cute. He did so to make people aware of what was going to be ushered in full speed ahead.

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Loved this! Thank you....

Deception in full force, full speed ahead. ;(

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Ellison of Oracle has screwed Trump here to make money, Trump is ignorant to the science and does not wish to learn, he had 5 years and still we get this crap? so one huckster dealing with a uninformed not wanting to be informed person...and now we have danger to the consumer...US...another deadly vaccine?

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