Did POTUS Trump advance mRNA vaccine today for cancer? With AI? Stargate, $500B AI? if this is so, now I understand why SILENCE was demanded; then it is clear, they have zero interest in fixing
the wrong of COVID & the deadly mRNA transfection vaccine & they are bringing more mRNA as 'new & improved'; this is devastating & POTUS Trump is 100% wrong, there must only be full removal of
mRNA shots from US soil, all. That is it. This is all that is needed. Any study of the Malone Bourla Bancel Kariko et al. mRNA shots for cancer or whatever must occur ONLY once there is full removal of mRNA vaccines from US market first. Stoppage! You CANNOT keep the deadly Sahin Bourla Bancel Weissman Malone et al. mRNA transfection vaccines on market killing American people WHILE you study it. That in itself is INSANE. Complete hard stop of the mRNA vaccines today. CRISPR, siRNA, self-replicating RNA vaccines, self-spreading RNA vaccines, CAS9 etc.
If they want to look at this for cancer which I think is a pure joke and more fraud on the American people and the world and just pure grift and graft and MONEY MAKING, then do that in the lab and spend the decades needed as usual to EXCLUDE harms, to ensure whatever it is, is underpinned by sound high-quality trustworthy research, clinical trials etc. FIRST, long durations of follow-up to detect rare adverse events, proper sample sizes, proper patient-important outcomes like death, severe outcomes, hospitalization etc. and not serological markers e.g. antibody titers that is not indicative of immunity etc., no stoppage for benefit, no/limited conflict of interest, no selective outcome reporting, no heavy data loss/attrition, balanced data loss across groups…hell these people need to go away and spend the decades doing the proper research (randomized placebo controlled double/triple blinded studies, not active comparators etc.), involving ethical debate, involving God too, asking the nation IF they want it, defining IF something is indeed NECESSARY, doing the proper comparative effectiveness research, proper cost-benefit analysis, cost-effectiveness analysis etc.
This STARGATE mRNA cancer AI quartet is a money making GRIFT…pure and simple, this is NOT about saving lives. This is utter MADNESS and not one of the 4 people on that stage in that podium speech can tell us how they would address the clear and obvious harms from this! The deaths. This is Kakistocracy on full display, kleptocracy, this is fascism on display…the union of government and business dressed up as otherwise. This is disastrous to America, to lives and I am stunned by the power, money grab by those involved.
Now I understand why certain people were NOMINATED…for the health agencies…thin in expertise and competence and actually played both sides across COVID…and stood for deadly aspects of COVID…their job is to sell this crap, this fraud, this money making fraud, deadly fraud to you…and for all involved to make money…and why they WERE silent and still are…across the election campaign…it is a concocted scheme devised at the highest levels to damage us…this can only make money for these people and damage society…the same mRNA vaccine is causing the cancer for it can only be done via lipid nano particle exosome extracellular vehicle type delivery system and this in itself, besides the synthetic mRNA, is very harmful, toxic, deadly. Inflammatory. This cannot change. This is MADNESS!
It is now mRNA, cancer, AI, making money as the new buzzwords, this is the NEW government, this is what it is and was really all about and crypto…fake scheme money…making them rich as others become poor…for there is always a loser.
This is madness what Ellison is saying, he does not even understand this crap at 11:30…these morons want to make mRNA personalized on the spot for you! They have gone MONEY MAD.
This now for Trump world, is PURELY about MONEY MONEY MONEY using mRNA gene-technology therapy vaccinations, for cancer and all other diseases; these MADMEN seek to transition all vaccines, all drugs, all, to personalized mRNA vaccines for you…
Where are you Bobby Jr.?
This mRNA vaccine for cancer, Stargate, $500B AI initiative with OpenAI, Oracle & Softbank…this is money making MADNESS!
We call on POTUS Trump to call for an immediate stop of all mRNA technology work and mRNA vaccines. Stop this in sanity of AI and mRNA for cancer, stop it POTUS Trump, you will be part of harming people. You clearly DO NOT understand what is being said or what you are saying and brining these people on the podium to push this also makes you part of this.
mRNA technology and vaccine as we know it has failed! It has failed! Must be started over and the necessary 5 years of research done before we even look at this again! Malone et al. lied! The OWS lockdowns, the school closures, the Malone Bourla et al. mRNA vaccine was the biggest hoax, lie, fraud in human history. Devastating.
Everything about COVID was a lie, flat wrong, and NOTHING worked, NOTHING. And really the lockdown lunatic policies and Malone Weissman Bourla et al. mRNA vaccine was to NOTHING. We were facing NOTHING, and I argue it likely was a toxin, poison, chemical provoking ILI respiratory, ARDS pulmonary hyper-inflammatory response. We created a pandemic of fear and hysteria out of NOTHING. And had we done NOTHING, mostly all who died would be alive today for it is the abusive, catastrophic treatment of our parents, grand-parents, elderly etc. by our medical doctors, our hospitals, public health agencies who advocated this etc. that killed them. We killed our elderly by the medical management of abuse, isolation, sedation with paralytics like midazolam, propofol, lorazepam, morphine etc., denial of need antibiotics for bacterial pneumonia, dislocation, fear, DNR orders, imposed dehydration, denial or treatments, malnourishment, deadly liver and kidney toxic Remdesivir, and ventilator. This COVID ‘death’ protocol killed our precious elderly, most persons who died in COVID.
First, the young child to the right in the above photo is the result in India etc. of when Gates turns up with his fake fraud deadly vaccines etc.
What was done with the fraud of the PCR created fake non-pandemic was monstrous and killed many people needlessly mainly by the medical management that abused, isolated, sedated, ventilated high-risk vulnerable persons. Operation Warp Speed (OWS) was never ever successful and never saved ONE life. POTUS Trump remains ignorant to the devastation of OWS and to continue praising OWS is very wrong and can harm people especially if they continue to take mRNA vaccines.
This is wrong POTUS Trump, and I stand by you and support you fully and am very happy you are back on tap and will work for you, but you continue to say something that is simply not true. OWS failed! It did not work. Stop saying it worked and was successful. The mRNA-LNP transfection vaccine never worked. It killed. It causes cancer. The vaccine is the entity that is pre-disposing to risk of cancer. How can you say that the mRNA vaccine would be used to treat cancer? Am I right? This is absurd. There is no data, science, evidence to support this. Your statement is based on what? And using AI?
Sir, you are being misguided again by pharma, vaccine makers and I ask you to unshackle Bobby Jr. Kennedy so that he can lead the fight against the mRNA vaccines.
Can you give me a link to the speech by POTUS Trump? I need to listen and study this. Did POTUS Trump make the speech in the presence of scientific experts, doctors etc.? In comments, what exactly did POTUS Trump say?
If it is anything like what was shared on some prior stacks of mine, then this is very worrisome, dangerous, wrong.
It appears that we were misled during this election. By all sides. We dissidents, contrarians, Freedom Fighters against the OWS and mRNA vaccine, raised serious issues and assumed POTUS Trump would join us and stop this mRNA shot and fix the OWS wrongs and make Americans whole again. Yet not so. A picture is emerging suggestive that POTUS Trump (and those in his orbit, potentially his nominees etc. save Bobby Jr.) had and has no intention to stop the mRNA vaccines by Malone and Bourla and Bancel et al. In fact, the intent now ~ is to bring more mRNA vaccine?? and now the push will be for mRNA vaccine as cancer treatment when the Malone mRNA vaccine itself is causing the explosion in cancers e.g. suppression of P53 guardian of the genome tumor suppressor gene, toll-like receptors 7 and 8, BRCA etc.
Is this the twilight zone? “Your next stop, the twilight zone”
Our battle begins. Now. I am stunned by what I was just told about what POTUS Trump said today. I need this to be verified please. I need a link. Can you tell me the time stamp in his talk?
Thank you.
they do not care that it integrates into the human genome and alters our genetic makeup forever and we have no understanding of long term implications
Seems to me that mRNA does more to CAUSE cancer than it will ever do to CURE it, based on what I've heard.
Have a bad feeling in my gut....