What percentage of Blacks and Whites have higher education - I expect to see a difference... I blame current Solar Eclipse for a duplicate;

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I am white and worked at a professional level for most of my 35 years. My first and last bosses were black. Probably had more black than white bosses. However, I suspect some small businesses may still discriminate based on race

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Nope. Not just small businesses. I'm white and I worked at a large public university. I was discriminated against by my black boss! I'm sure it happens a lot!

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As well as large businesses...

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Nope. Not just small businesses. I'm white and I worked at a large public university. I was discriminated against by my black boss! I'm sure it happens a lot!

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What's funny about that narcissistic, racist turd?

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Thomas Sowell discussed this in his book “Discrimination and Disparities” … along with many other issues. FACT is Thomas was black, raised by his aunt in Harlem because his parents were so poor … yet he turned out to be a brilliant economist with a wide scope on human experience that went beyond economics. it’s not all about numbers! it’s about the family unit and the welfare state. those familiar with his views will understand what i mean.

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LOL, yeah take it to the individual level, but its a group thing.. You can always always find exception to everything on an individual level, but nobody nobody can escape the TRUTH, unless they just refuse to accept it..

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When people posted their counterfactual experiences refuting your point…., boy, you got nothing.

So what about inherited wealth? Most of that wealth can’t be traced back to slaveholders; and the poverty of black folks is almost completely explained by poor life choices and Democrat policies designed to keep them on the Democrat plantation.

Are you trying to make a case for reparations, boy? From people who never owned slaves to people whose ancestors never were slaves, and could never prove it if they were (and some of their ancestors likely did also own slaves—you going to have them pay reparations to themselves?

Do you ever listen to yourself talk???

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You are just a blind ignorant leftist. When Dr Alexander (of mixed race heritage, may I remind you, buddy boy) presents valid statistics appropriately corrected for multiple confounding variables showing blacks earning as much as similarly situated whites, you put up some whataboutism, and say ‘1524’. (I looked up 1524 & found nothing in the first item that came up

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the TRUTH is the the US is soooooo racist that people from all over the world want to migrate there … do they just want to be enslaved? sounds like you’re conveniently omitting THE FACTS to build your case.

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What percentage of Blacks and Whites have higher education - I expect to see a difference...

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Way back in the 80s in Canada a woman with a degree working for ten years in her field made 115% of what a man makes, same degree, same ten years.

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We are prejudiced against white men. None of this surprises me. Women and blacks who are ambitious get promoted more easily than average white guys.

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First let me just say that in reading some of the comments .... your prejudice is showing. Second, of course all things being equal you'd expect outcomes to fall within a band. So really no surprise. The reason that we see so many POC not experiencing similar results is the fruit of a coordinated attack upon the black family. We can trace this all the way back to 1865 (i.e. the reconstructed south which was controlled by the Dems) .... which was followed by the eugenics movement (huge support within the Dem Party) ...and lest we forget "the war on poverty" (brought to you by LBJ and the Dems). See a pattern here? The Left (who actually fear our black BROTHERS AND SISTERS) - while looking upon them as inferior (thanks Margaret Sanger/LBJ).... have been trying to keep them in their place and have convinced them that big government is the key to their prosperity. And BTW, that they don't need a man to support them. Without a cohesive family unit we see all the ills coming out of this demographic. And it isn't isolated to just POC. You breakdown the family unit within any demographic and the results will be the same. You can see the ills of the projects within Appalachia and other parts of rural America. One can go to England (which is pretty white if you haven't noticed) within the welfare system and see the same broken families/ills/bad results that we have in the states. The common thread is the elimination of the family unit. Ergo, if you want a better society - teach people morals, virtue, family and the benefit of self sufficient work. Pax

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i agree with you that the family unit is the foundation of a healthy society … but when both parents work full-time (or just a single parent trying to make ends meet) … it takes away from time spent passing on family values. this is where the school is supposed to step in and fill the gap … with gender identity, CRT, DEI, etc. it’s not surprising that kids these days grow up to be consumer bots deficient in critical thinking skills. social media has their attention (and ours) … pretty soon algorithms will do the “teaching” if society continues at this pace.

you mention “of course all things being equal you'd expect outcomes to fall within a band” … that’s simply not the case in reality. individual differences among members of a group will inevitably ensure that even with “all things being equal” the outcomes are not guaranteed the same trend. this has been the assumption of the Left since the times of Marx. it is a false premise. in nature as in human societies, this is simply not the case. even within the same family, different kids raised in the same fashion can turn out radically different.

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First and foremost…the raising of kids is the parent’s job. Period. I don’t care if both parents work some form of sacrifice will have to be made. Leaving the rearing of kids to the state is nothing more than neglect. I mean do you really think the state loves you? 🤣🤣🤣🤣. Next I did mention within my “all things being equal” comment that the results would fall within a band …thus taking the real world into account. Pax

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Same as the George Floyd story of how police systematically shoot and mistreat blacks compared to whites. A false narrative that falls apart when you look at the numbers. Bad people pushing bad information to create bad outcomes is the systemic problem. Who are the bad people behind all of this bad information?

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Stir it up .

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crack cocaine and no access to grocery stores, welfare and food stamps, liquor stores were the planned way to take down the black community, create single mothers, no fathers around, etc. this worked best in the inner cities...and yes I agree most blacks are middle class, educated, etc. The stereotype of the gangsta pimp drug dealer is that, and they made sure to convince young people that this was somehow cool...

remember when kids wore their jeans hanging off their asses? this was a way to legitimize how people were clothed in prison, if the clothes didn't fit properly.

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It was because belts are not issued in prison as they can be used for hanging oneself, which is a very real risk for the prisoners (had to try and resuscitate an 18 year old boy/man who got drunk and did something stupid that got him incarcerated. When he sobered up, he apparently felt so ashamed… never been in trouble before in his life.)

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Christmas time.

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The wealth of White households relative to the wealth of other households. In 2021, the typical White household had 9.2 times as much wealth as the typical Black household – $250,400 vs. $27,100. This ratio stood at 13.3 in 2019, prior to the onset of the pandemic. Dec 4, 2023

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LOL, yeah … i’m curious to understand what you mean by “typical black household” … if you’re referring to single

mothers working 3 jobs to raise 2-5 kids as “typical” then that would be part of your 9.2 or 13 ratio … i don’t think ratio’s by themselves account for the full picture. i also noticed that you mentioned “the race started in 1524 and blacks were not in it” … how do you explain the case of Anthony Johnson who was brought to the US in 1621 as an African captive and went on to become a landowner and a slave owner by 1651 (30 years later) … William Ellison Jr? … there are many more, but I suppose these accounts are problematic for those who push the CRT view, same as accounts of slave trade in Africa among African tribes (as well as many other parts of the world, including the Balkans in Europe). African heritage is among the oldest on the planet … so not sure how black people “were not part of the race” since they were clearly inhabiting the continent well before the Europeans left Europe. maybe you’re talking about equity and free reparation payments … aka handouts and more welfare … because free money is a really fantastic incentive for people to go out and build a better life for themselves? sounds like regurgitated marxism … with the goal to get whites and blacks to fight each other.

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And who drove the Plandemic policies ? The Brix & Fauci et al for the purposes of covering Fauci’s complicity & to sink POTUS DJT chances of re-election ( possibly to undermine this country vis a vis China, but I have no direct evidence of that happening until Slow China Joe was in office.

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LOL Keep trying good doctor.. The race started in 1524, and blacks were not in it.. Now lets start the race for black people today oh no tomorrow LOL, the start line is still not equal because the race started back in 1524... I know some people want to ease their conscience with statistics, but unfortunately reality still exist and its to late to put the genie back in the bottle when the game is controlled and fixed and plans are always being made in private to affect a certain group in public negatively...... Please stop it.. If we do not UNITE like I keep saying over and over, then it is simply OVER for all of us.. We never ever seem to LEARN..

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Uh, Bill, do you have trouble with facts? With reading comprehension?

Let me give you a little world history lesson: Blacks were enslaving blacks before they even were aware of European white folks. One tribe fought another tribe and the winner enslaved the loser and either kept them as slaves or sold them to other tribes, many, if not most Muslim tribes and that practice goes on today so far as the Muslims are concerned. The white Europeans just took advantage of an already existing exploitive market. And other than the high mortality rate from the transatlantic passage--not a minor issue, I would say that the descendants of the transatlantic trade are better off than those who were sold to the Muslims, Muslim culture being what it is.

Figures don't lie, but liars figure and that is all that the racist Democrats have. Statistics from the 1940s and 1950s census show that blacks were more likely to be married than whites, in spite of RAAAAYYSSISM. It was only after Democrats instituted widespread welfare that the black family was destroyed and illegitimacy and single parenting started to take its toll. Well documented, if you would bother to look it up, but no, that would be an inconvenient fact.

And then you add in public employee unions made possible by JFK and teachers unions added to the de facto and de jur (both Democrat institutions) racial segregation and the dumbing down of public schools made possible by and enforced by unionized teachers.

LBJ's Great Society sealed the deal ('this will have the Ni99ers voting for us for the next 200 years'), only POTUS DJT was making inroads on that after only some 60 years later, so the Democrat PTB had to put a stop to that, and we got a plandemic, society wide lockdowns, kids out of school, and forced vaccinations on many of us, including kids who were never at any risk, and for black kids and their families suffered the most.

To those, like you who say that we have a systemically racist society, I would say Nay, but we do have a systemically racist political party, and that is the Democrat party. So wear it proud, Billy Boy.

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LOL.. Gymnastics to avoid truth, always happens I do not even know why I bother.. You have convinced me finally to mind my own business. Thank You very much been thinking about not even bothering anymore, you and others have finally convinced.. Enjoy your world..

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If you really want to get rid of disparities to the extent that you can, you need to 1) get rid of welfare, 2) implement school choice with tax$$ following the child to whatever school (public, private, religious) , 3) get rid of teachers unions. Then you need to wait a generation or more to let those BOPC kids establish themselves in careers and accumulate some wealth and then asses the situation.

You will see a diminished racial difference in wealth, IMHO (not going to disappear completely & shouldn’t by principle of Justice.

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For years I'd read about Chicago's Urban Prep school. All grads were accepted in college. Just read an article to refresh my memory, apparently it was all bogus. I don't know how they chose the students, don't know what kind of remedial help was needed and not given. They also stated that a lot of students dropped out of university for financial reasons. That should never have happened. Those boys came from poverty, how are their families excepted to afford the tuitions? Just another joke.

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Another example of Democrat racism, whether from ignorance or on purpose, doesn’t matter, they hurt the recipients of their’charity’.

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Sorry for the error expected not excepted.

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In other words, you can’t refute a word I said. Buh bye.

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What do you want us to unite around? Reparations? Ain’t a gonna happen you

will start a civil war (maybe that’s what you want?)

Affirmative Action: well we tried that with a POTUS election and that failed miserably: POTUS DJT’s policies did more for actual black families than the Kenyan did in his 8 illegitimate years in office.

AA has been declared unconstitutional in college admissions and is just waiting for the appropriate case to come before the SCOTUS to be declared unconstitutional across the board. Besides which it has been responsible for placing un and under qualified people of any and all intersectionality in positions of authority with predictable negative consequences.

Not to mention that it undermines qualified minorities who are always worried that they are being perceived as not qualified because of a presumption that they were an affirmative action hire.

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Whose plans in private, Billy boy? Plans for what?

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