Did you know that Blacks and Whites With the Same level of Education Have Similar Incomes? Bet you were always told different & believed different; that there are counties in USA where black household
makes more money than white household; did you know this? you thought differently, didn't you? that the differences 'fall away' from the models once education is same, & the issue is really one of
ever being married and education is the same…if education is the same, start at same point, we find that black couples can actually make more than white couples, everything constant especially education level; it is if the woman is married and leaves the workforce due to having children, that the disparities begin to accumulate…so if you parcel out, you tease out the effect or variance in the model due to being married and having kids and exiting the workforce for a period, we find that if you take couples, blacks versus whites, together (so let us say married) start at the same College education as an example, and do not leave the workforce for children rearing purposes, that the data could show (and has shown see Sowell) that the incomes are the same and all differences fall away in the regression modelling, and actually, the black couples can earn a bit more.
I have seen data where they do. Is it that marriage accrues more for blacks, financial benefits? A ‘marriage’ benefit? Or was it always a myth that whites earn more than blacks and we were not looking at the right models or not including the correct input variables or starting people at the same place…could it be? Or could it be the issue of marriage and that prior and existing models do not adjust for the fact that the women leave the workplace for a period (often several times) to have children and thus the impact on her income and where she ‘restarts’ from? Could a colored person in America, compared to a white person, both starting at the same level of College education, and both with no interruptions in the period of work (no one leaves the workforce), same opportunities, start same place, could the black person actually make more? I think the data would surprise you! I think you may one day really appreciate that America is not today the racist nation the left democrat lunatics and rabid nutjobs hosting The View, want you to believe.
This is no doubt a provocative topic, is it not? I think it should be studied to put to rest that myth, in terms of is it myth or fact. In fact, we should for sure address differentials. But it is time we move from speculation and emotions and answer the question.
What percentage of Blacks and Whites have higher education - I expect to see a difference... I blame current Solar Eclipse for a duplicate;
I am white and worked at a professional level for most of my 35 years. My first and last bosses were black. Probably had more black than white bosses. However, I suspect some small businesses may still discriminate based on race