Yes, Dr Paul - this is a war. I mentioned this to my millennial son about two years ago - he laughed because his generation does not understand the depth of depravity of greed & power & control. They understand technology & the downfall of this crypto (bitcoin) debacle is starting to wake them up (a little) to the central banks & oligarchs control.

Because I was reared by Depression Era & WWII parents - my discerning Dad was very succinct is NEVER trusting the media & being verrrry skeptical of the govt. He did not even trust ol’ Walter Cronkite! He did however trust in God’s amazing mercy, truth, grace & ...ultimate justice.

I was a youngster during Viet Nam & learned afterwards how despicable our higher military (DoD) had become.

This is now a war like we have never seen. If we think we can win on our own without God’s help - we are more delusional than some of the amazing, hard-working, very tech savvy millennials.

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Get your millennial son to read up on The Holodomor or study The Kennedy Assassination. "Stalin: The First In-depth Biography Based on Explosive New Documents" by Edvard Radzinsky or "High Treason: The Assassination of JFK" by Harrison Edward Livingstone are books to start.. or do millennials even read books, I know they're pretty low-tech, and take genuine effort.. 🙄

That said, I can think of nothing in history that compares to the Covid-19 Scamdemic or these appalling so-called "vaccines" and the lunatic efforts to get everyone on the planet to take them. Not this puppy: I'd sooner eat human flesh than take that injection.

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Here is how I am struggling now. ( and the documentary was outstanding and chilling in every way). My sisters and all of our husbands and young adults except for two nephews are unvaxxed. Most of us have made it through infection with SARS Co-V 2 with early treatment. My 57 yo sister (who has never had Covid) has been coughing for over a year, and then her voice got hoarse some months ago. She is healthy and physically fit and never smoked or drank. Two CXRs were normal and she was told it was from reflux. We pushed and pushed her to get ichecked, and sadly she has a very large, non-resectable mediastinal tumor. So now, she has to enter the belly of the beast for treatment. I have no trust for any hospitals, physicians, etc except for the physicians that have given selflessly to us out here in this sick and imperfect world. I listened remotely as her new oncologist pushed for her and her family to get the “ death shot “ and the flu shot. My sister told her no, and asked if that was a dealbreaker. I knew what she was thinking ( she was going to get up and walk out even though she had just been told that she had cancer). Her doctor told her no, it was not a dealbreaker and would still treat her. I feel terror for her as we have all avoided hospitals, physicians, nurses (except for me) and pharmacies like the plague, and now she has to put her life in their hands. 😞 Watching this only adds to my fears.

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I truly understand your misgivings.

I too fear of having something happen where I end up in the hospital and need a transfusion.

Only God knows what is in the blood used for transfusions.

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Mary, just like Covid, alternative cancer treatments have been suppressed. Please go to chrisbeatcancer.com and go to the "holistic survivor stories" section. You will find a wealth of info and hope! I have NO financial incentive, just want to help. Also note Ivermectin and other parasitics has shown anticancer activity. See Dr Mercola, "Is Ivermectin a Cancer Solution?" and Joe Tippens story. He beat lung cancer using Fenbendazole after standard treatment failed Fenbendazole https://mycancerstory.rocks/ May God show you the way to healing.

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57 is young. If I were to get a terminal diagnosis I would do nothing & gratefully leave this realm. But I am 20 years older & missing my beloved husband.

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Very young, and my middle sister and I are cancer survivors and were diagnosed in our 50’s. She has five sons, ages 18-29, and her grief at not being there for them is astronomical.

So sorry about your husband. As we age, we understand life so much better, n’est-ce pas.

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If you go to nih.gov and type in Ivermectin + cancer, some interesting papers pop up.

Worth a try.

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Same for Turkey tail mushrooms and other kinds. Look up AHCC mycelia.

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Understanding - sending up prayers ♥️

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I send my prayers for her, that the doctor will do the right things in the right manner

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Miracles are still happening.

( see my testimony/ book, “Broken & Made Whole”)

I recommend listening to Billy Burke ( Tampa Florida healing evangelist) and starting a low glycemic diet immediately! ( I am a pastor & sell the Arbonne 30 day nutrition program because it’s an easy/not too expensive habit changer). Ask the Lord to guide you to help her! ( and maybe find a mature Spirit filled believer to mentor you.) 🙏💕

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Thank you.

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After watching the recent docu series by Ty and Charlene Bollinger (propaganda exposed) I am convinced there are indeed cures for cancer. Prayers for your sister.

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Bill told you what he was going to do. 10 to 15% reduction in WORLD POPULATION. If you took time to look up his two decades of accomplishments you would have realize what his plan was with mRNA sipike protein injections.



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aging, I have to say I love your work, I share it often.

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Too many see nothing, hear nothing, say nothing wokesters around. Dear friends of mine are full on into the vax. If the media told them to go out and drink motor oil, they would. These people are not stupid. The problem is indoctrination from infancy. The war on information is nothing new. It's just come out into the mainstream because "they" think they've won now. Sadly, maybe they have.

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He should be tried for crimes against humanity.

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Excellent video. Puts the cross hair right on malthus, bill gates, schwab, the "king" of england and all their lunatic friends.

Of course, the sheeple has been programmed to consider this misinformation.....

The world has been polarized to the max. Conditions are ready for massive worldwide unrest coming up.

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I agree. I have put it into context with a few other facts.


I like to forward some of your substack articles, but I hesitate because I don't want to offend my readers with the f word. I am as angry as you about the great harm humanity is experinecing.

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dont forward the F one, I have to tell you, people all over world emailing me and calling my cell how they only want me to talk like that here on...I said I cant, my mother is angry at me for she was told by my aunt...but it is how I feel and others like you...we are in a war

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"My mother is angry at me" 😁😁😁

As a mom, you made my day! But please, Dr. Alexander, you be you. Your expression of anger -- however base or crude -- reminds us all that we are not wrong to feel as we do.

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Dr. Alexander, you of all people know how damaging it is to keep rage inside with no release. Many of us feel the same & have no place to release the rage. I am in tears writing this to you. I am a 77 year old woman who was brought up to be a lady. That just doesn’t work anymore. I believe many of us are suffering from PTSD from what we have been through. Please be our voice & don’t hold back. Sent with great respect.

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Yup, I'll be 81 next month. I was blessed with a Father who taught me how to think, to answer my own 'why' questions by research. He bought me an Encyclopedia Britannica in 3rd grade. Taught me how to change oil in the car, (gasp). I relate to very few women my age. What I do now is help others the way I was helped. Tell them my no

vax story, the vitamins I take, etc. And, maybe crazy, I have danced my whole life.

Not fancy or elegant. Free music on accuradio.com. Almost anything you want.

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I'm in the process of writing a book on the Tylenol murders in the early 1980's and the envolvement of the FDA and their Director Arthur Hull Hayes. Learned he was involved in testing glycinated bio chemicals at the Edgewood Arsenal in the early 1970's. A precursor to Dr. Malones research. The PEG in the injections is essential to trick the immune system. To learn more go to:


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ThomasABraun, Wonderful to hear! Here in Canada the gov manufactured a 'Kid's Tylenol' shortage, and parents all over Canada are upset. Makes me nuts that parents think it's a "healing medicine" when in fact the stuff is toxic trash.

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The F word is appropriate these days. I have used it more in the last two months than the rest of my life lol

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Amazing to me. It's a word that forcefully explains a lot of actions, and emotions.. I've been told to use the word fig. BS. I eat figs, they're a fruit, they are not a verb. If people use a different verb, the connotation will be lessened. Now, if it's used all the time, it says nothing and becomes inutile.

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Thank you for not using obscenities. I believe that the general population is desensitized to obscene words and it is cheap. We are thinking people and can use better words to describe the horrors we are observing. Thank you Dr. Alexander.

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People are offended by a word! I am offended by this atrocity that has been perpetrated against us. Actually offended doesn’t even come close.

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Rage. Outrage. Anger. Disbelief.

Our government wants us dead.

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Watching it now (about halfway through the video), have been eagerly awaiting the opportunity to view it and it is everything I anticipated it would be. Have to say though, the injection is not acting LIKE a bioweapon, it absolutely 100% IS a bioweapon. The war is real and is being waged against the whole of humanity. Some will never wake up and realize the undeniable, let alone the obvious. I love them but I have had to come to the realization myself that I cannot help them, no matter how I wish I could. Ultimately everyone has to make their own choices, and either accept or deny the reality unfolding around them. Some VERY challenging times lay ahead, putting things very mildly.

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The Vaccine is Safely and Effectively killing us?

Had a friend die this morning, 48 hours after his employer demanded his booster papers.

I am not happy. He leaves behind a wife and three kids.

I just talked to his wife. Her and the dead husband and three kids were eating breakfast. He got up to get coffee, "body cramped up, he turned in a circle as if looking at a bat flying in a circle and then slammed to the floor dead". It was the vax, no way it was not!

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Lots of video of people doing just that, looking up, turning circles, and keeling over. Several in the documentary if you haven’t watched.

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BullDog, My condolences. I help collect death data for someone. It's indeed insane. The obits are OFC.

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This was very well done, horrifying to say the least. Share it with blue pilled normies.

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Blue pilled normies will refuse to view it.

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You’re probably correct, this might be a bad place to start. Many people need to be eased into the idea that the shots are mass kill bioweapons.

It certainly helps if you develop some trust with those who are asleep first, and slowly guide them toward the truth.

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I have no desire to be around people who took the covid death shots.

Shedding...worries me.

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It worries me too.

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I just finished watching. Very informative.

My fear is people who are vaxxed will not believe it.

I think they choose to trust the government.


People like my husband. I played it loud enough so I Know he heard some of it.

Sadly, I feel I am destined to be a widow for the second time…

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Heart breaking.

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The jabbed are not going to view this. And I sorta get why. The jabs are irreversible. They are designed to kill.

Even those that stopped at one or two jabs aren't going to watch this. They are already damaged. They don't need a documentary to remind them of that bitter and poor decision.

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The shots introduce prions in the brain so their brain and cognitive ability is not the same anymore.

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We don’t know how many got duds. There is evidence that the quality control was not very good & if the vials got too warm they were ineffective. If anyone was jabbed they can go get a

d dimer test to see if they have micro clotting.

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On our local SoCal news every day we hear about getting the latest shots. It’s never-ending.


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Turn off your TV. I haven’t turned mine on in a year. It’s propaganda central.

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That’d be nice, but my husband is a news junky. Lol.

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So he’s being preached to by the Mockingbird Media. Look it up & show him that he is being brainwashed.

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I call it nitwit news. This is a man who got three Covid shots to protect himself and has been sick on and off ever since.

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Are you worried about shedding?

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I don’t have a reaction to those who are vaxxed. No idea why not.

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Encourage him to watch it like a teacher grading a paper. What is being argued + how, what's being left out to protect whom? Who benefits from what's being told?

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He’s retired and it’s just not gonna happen.

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I don't own a TV.

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watching right now. just imagine a vaxxed person watching this. cog dissonance off the charts.

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That’s why they have willful blindness.

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And willful ignorance

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almost 3 million now. On Rumble alone!

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Cuss away, Dr. Alexander. Desperate times call for more than occasional expletives❣️

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I always swear when someone tries to murder me.

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I actually put on my Advance Directive that I refuse any blood or blood products. I will tell my doctor, treat me like you do a Jehovah’s Witness. If I ever have to undergo surgery, I will donate for myself and ask unvaxxed family to do direct donation for me.

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Yah wow…Fauci and that other guy were pushing vaccine on children and adults alike from the Whitehouse this am. Agree it’s some kind of warfare they are pushing on us.

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