Paul, I never had a jab. In 2020 I also never wore a mask, still went shopping, etc. Never got "covid".

Then in 2021 when people were getting the "vaccine", I was exposed to several at close range in a small store I shopped at. A few days later I developed this severe acute respiratory illness, worse than anything I had ever experienced.

My doctor wasn't allowed to prescribe either Ivermecton or HCQ. I did finally get some from the online doctors, but far too little too late. Eventually I had to go to a nearby ER where they gave me oxygen and Prednisone. They used the useless "test" on me, and it was negative. The ER doctor still insisted I be admitted. I refused, since I knew the outcome of that would surely be death. I had to force them to let me go home, I had to sign myself out.

From that though, I did get a scrip for Prednisone and an appointment with a pulmonologist. But in the ensuing months from the first exposure I nearly died from not being able to breathe or sleep lying down, and constant coughing. It took months to recover and gain back weight I had lost.

To this day I am convinced it was spike protein shedding that did this to me.

Do you agree?

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That’s similar to what happened to us.

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Let’s not forget that the Hair Sniffing PEDIPHILE in the White House sold us out to the W.H.O giving them full Health Authority over us and that includes Heath Decisions and all that needs to happen is for the W.H.O to declare a global health emergency and we are under Marshal Law and WHO Health Emergency Measures. I will say this Would never happen under Trump https://youtu.be/UScNk39xUTk?si=vVDVa9eSCuN5N1cL. Time for People to wake up.

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Waking up is NOT enough. Protesting is NOT enough

Voting is a NOT even close to enough.

We must have counter-offensive actions.

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We do it’s Called the Second Amendment and WE THE PEOPLE need to get off our asses Grow a Pair and INVOLK

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That is exactly what they want you to do.

A reason to implement Marshall Law and then use the military to confiscate our guns while suspension of the 2nd Amendment.

They cannot have the 2024 elections or need to cheat again to preserve their power over us.

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And Article V isn’t controversial it a constitutional amendment and bypasses Senate and the White House that’s why it requires 36 states that’s 2/3 to Amend the Constitution adding Safeguards to current Tyrannical laws

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There are many things we can do other than random 2nd amendment things.

1776 was started with the signing of a document declaring our natural rights

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Random second amendment things? The Second Amendment is our Security against a Tyrannical Government and the Only thing in the Constitution that Will SAVE WE THE PEOPLE and THE COUNTRY and once a TYRANNICAL GOVERNMENT disarms the People there is no document on this Planet that will save us. Founders drafted the second amendment for a time like this so it’s not some Random Second Amendment thing. If People don’t believe in the Second Amendment then perhaps they were always meant to be Ruled.

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What do you mean when you say "We do it’s Called the Second Amendment"

or "involk" [sic] the 2nd amendment ?

Did you think it through more than 1 step?

Who do you shoot? What are your demands?

What will be different after you shoot?

How do you know when you are done shooting ?

Random 2nd amendment things is what people who claim the 2nd amendment is a solution.

I am in full support of the 2nd amendment. But it is NOT the solution. it is barely a starting point. Again, 1776 started with a Document. and signatures, and a list of demands. Where is your "decent respect to the opinions of mankind" ?

Without demands, or clear logic, saying the 2nd amendment is, by itself, an action, is just random nonsense.

They added the 2nd so we have a chance... but it was NOT the 2nd that saved them.... In fact, the 2nd didn't even exist until 1791 !!!

It was their principles, and their beliefs, and willingness to ORGANIZE and stand and risk their life on BELIEFS that saved them from tyranny.

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Unless you do a convention of States which is Article 5 of the Constitution and requires 36 States to Halt everything these Tyrannical MARXISTS are doing only other option is the Second Amendment and I never said shoot anyone. This Country is The Peoples Country and when Facing a Tyrannical Government it’s every citizen’s Constitutional Duty to Secure the Country from Tyrannical Rule and there are no demands I seriously think you should study the Constitution as the founders did the same thing to secure their freedom from the British it was known as the Revolutionary War. It’s already starting in New York Appellate Court Ruled Governor Witch can Lockdown and or put in detention camps anyone regardless of any showing of symptoms from anywhere from days weeks even months due to new China Virus and a document means nothing if they stay in power. Every Country that gave up Arms are now under Dictator control currently Republicans are 6 states shy last I checked.

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

Now going by the Text as for Security of a Free state, Things are drastically changing for the worst and unless Article V is successful the only other option is The People Overthrows Tyranny the Constitution requires it. The Democrats will stop at nothing to Remain in Power, They Rigged a Election, Orchestrated a Insurrection on Jan 6th, Locked up 1000’s of Innocent People, unconstitutionally Changed Electoral Count act to prevent Valid Constitutional Objections, Dozens of Trump Supporters savagely beaten and 4 murdered at hands of Capital and Metro Police, fueled the CARNAGE AND MURDERS during SUMMER OF LOVE. They will get us into WW3 so if your looking at a procedure way about it THEN ARTICLE V MUST SUCCEED if it Fails then Only option is 300 Million Americans secure their freedoms and country by Force if left with that option. They are committing Multiple Violations to the Constitution which is Treason just with the Nonsense Indictments on Trump in Which he has Constitutional and Presidential Immunity. You must fight for freedom or kneel for Tyranny. Like President Reagan said

“ Perhaps you and I have lived too long with this miracle to properly be appreciative. Freedom is a fragile thing and it's never more than one generation away from extinction. It is not ours by way of inheritance; it must be fought for and defended constantly by each generation, for it comes only once to a people. And those in world history who have known freedom and then lost it have never known it again.”

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Hey bro here is a heads up thanks to Fuckin Biden


Only the President can refuse this and It will be in effect before Trump gets in White House we are screwed in a bad way

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Does anyone know of a list of medical/peer reviewed articles (or links to) that provide the connection between the covid shots and cancer. It has touched my family quite significantly, but we have doctors in the family who believe there's "nothing to see here," and that it's just plain "bad luck." I can do searches on Substack, but just wondering whether anyone's come across such a thing. Thanks in advance.

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Thank you :)

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I would try to get them to listen to court testimony by doctors and other expert witnesses too.

Senator Ron Johnson has had several expert witnesses panels and a "vaccine" injured panel. This first clip is over 4 hours long. They may balk at the length of it, but remind them of what they frivolously spend their time on and this info may save lives. https://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2022/01/24/full_hearing_covid-19_a_second_opinion_hosted_by_sen_ron_johnson.html#

There is a group Former Feds Freedom Group or Humanity Betrayal Project .https://chbmp.org/ They now have over 1,000 testimonies of what happened in the hospital during covid.

Dr. Peter McCullough - Expert Cardiac doctor testimony https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QAHi3lX3oGM&t=992s

This is an ER doctor stating what happened to him as a patient in a hospital. If they don't wake up and start to make changes, this treatment could happen to them or a loved one. https://rumble.com/v1654ec-dr-guffantis-story-a-formerfedsgroup-interview.html? Dr. Guffanti talks here again at the 11 mark https://rumble.com/v1ghnel-sarasota-memorial-hospital-widows-with-dr.-stephen-guffanti-unrestricted-tr.html

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ukcolumn.org/article/stabilising-the-code explains what they did to turn off our bodies natural defences in order for the LNPs to invade cells and highjack them to make the spike proteins. Talks of Toll-like receptors being turned off, and has study links, including TLR 7&8 which is needed to fight infection and cancer, also CD8 inhibition. Long read but worth it.

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Thank you :)

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Can't find link but go onto Vimeo vid platform and search The Pandora's Box. Italian chemist talking about mRNA "vehicle" the LNP, it's absolutely shocking. Sorry about your family members. I know of 4 cancers, either out of remmission or out of the blue, sudden and aggressive. None of my family or friends would listen to me and I pray that none develop cancers or auto immune diseases like diabetes, of which I know of 3 who has either now got type 1, a teenager, another got Type 2 and 3rd, was already Type 2 and now requires injections. He was blue lighted to hospital and remained there 3 weeks and then more rest at home before returning to work on part time. There's so many ways these bioweapons can maim and that's how they are getting away with it.

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L O R D ...!!!!!

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This message has been approved by life-long Clint Eastwood fan.

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Aaaa A M E N ... !!!

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Which shows me now how caught you truly are when mentioning these names lmfao

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Many doctors and nurses behind the scenes on unpaid leave and or fired were the ones exposing all these details long ago. I know all about David Martin aswell another paid actor ive called out

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Really again. 2 years to late

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The Constitution is the Supreme Law of the Land and the Founders drafted the Second Amendment to deal with Tyrannical Government the only way to Enforce Marshal Law and Confiscate our Arms is if We the People allow it, It’s otherwise known as Civil War. I’ll Die on my feet for Freedom before I live on my knees with Tyranny. If questioning the Second Amendment and it’s purpose why don’t we give the Dems a helping hand and shred the Constitution and stay on our knees well Last I checked Patriots are slaves to no one and price of Freedom is Very High i will always pay that high Price remember RONALD REAGAN once said Freedom is only a Generation away from Loosing and once lost you’ll never get it Back!

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No shit. Appreciate the many updates. Everything you bring up has been exposed long before you or any of your paid actor pals stepped forward. Check my many profiles. Your so far behind its not even funny sir. Lawdogg1369 telegram or gettr. William chesebro tiktok. Willhollywood541 youtube. Mary Brown Facebook. Willhollywood Facebook. Marryjane mcclure Facebook. Jordan1369420 twitter. Have many more accounts aswell. Just a start for your viewers whom think your some hero. Your nothing to me sir. Called you and dr malone and many others out. Will do so daily until you folks admit your liars and followed their agenda for two years before coming forward.

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calm down William, then you have not been aware of me...go read first...dont class me with Malone, when you were playing with your toys, I was in the Trump admin fighting Fauci and Birx and NIH and FDA...the record is there and I was near fired...when you can show me what you were doing besides writing for clicks, then talk to me...until them, huge kiss and hugs but dont be confused, it aint no gay kiss, its a brother one....ha ha ha...

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Thats your reply to me sir. Hahaha. You are totally behind malone and all his pals. You oump out same intel. And at that matter everything to prove covid and these vaccines have been lies that you give and sell to the people charging folks for intel. Our team has exposed longer than you paid actors have ever started coming out speaking. About time by the way. Your no different from the rest acting as if some kinda hero sir. Meanwhile myself and many involved risked our names and lives gathering the intel you charge people for and we give for free to all sir. Your publicly called out as is malone and many others who now make me have to pay to subscribe to call them out lmfao. You going to do the same and make me pay to call you out. Lmfao. Test my skills sir. You haven't a clue who I am nor what I do for a living dude

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Why so threatening?

Don’t we need a uniting spirit? Not a pissing contest.

Dr David E Martin was the first I heard w patents and proof.

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Been well aware of many of you sir. No worries there. Kinda what I do for a living dude.

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