Do not forget we are in the trouble we are, we faced this FRAUD of a non-pandemic, whatever we faced as to some form of respiratory influenza-type illness that did KILL some high-risk elderly, was due
to Fauci, Francis Collins, Bourla, Bancel, Weissman, Sahin, Baric, Daszak et al.; these CRIMINAL malfeasants cooked up something (for military or NOT, deliberate or accidental release) that KILLED us!
Never forget that, we faced something devastating due to malfeasant inept corrupted and in my opinion, deliberate actions by some very bad people and we must investigate, and if they are wrong, if judges say they were wrong and caused deaths, then we jail them all and hang many, hang them high!
They released something, intentional, by accident, or intentional accident, but we hang them all! Trump and Biden officials, we spare none!
Paul, I never had a jab. In 2020 I also never wore a mask, still went shopping, etc. Never got "covid".
Then in 2021 when people were getting the "vaccine", I was exposed to several at close range in a small store I shopped at. A few days later I developed this severe acute respiratory illness, worse than anything I had ever experienced.
My doctor wasn't allowed to prescribe either Ivermecton or HCQ. I did finally get some from the online doctors, but far too little too late. Eventually I had to go to a nearby ER where they gave me oxygen and Prednisone. They used the useless "test" on me, and it was negative. The ER doctor still insisted I be admitted. I refused, since I knew the outcome of that would surely be death. I had to force them to let me go home, I had to sign myself out.
From that though, I did get a scrip for Prednisone and an appointment with a pulmonologist. But in the ensuing months from the first exposure I nearly died from not being able to breathe or sleep lying down, and constant coughing. It took months to recover and gain back weight I had lost.
To this day I am convinced it was spike protein shedding that did this to me.
Do you agree?
Let’s not forget that the Hair Sniffing PEDIPHILE in the White House sold us out to the W.H.O giving them full Health Authority over us and that includes Heath Decisions and all that needs to happen is for the W.H.O to declare a global health emergency and we are under Marshal Law and WHO Health Emergency Measures. I will say this Would never happen under Trump Time for People to wake up.