Here’s a thought, get Ben they have never isolated COVID - worked off a computer generated gene me sequence sent from Wuhan, what’s the bet all these “variants are conjured up as well. As for conjunctivitis it’s been around since I was a kid, and the m now 70 - nothing newsworthy about that LMAO 😂 Just more fear porn

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I would bet if you rub your anus it would probably red/itchy. Wake up fools!!!

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And then One Eyed Ron Strieb shall be able to see through it.

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Paul and all,

I DARE YOU today to those who still have critical thinking brain cells left to heavily ponder this piece…



Mother/Grandmother of 7 and counting

P.S. Good luck pondering!

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Uh oh, the scare porn are at it again, lol 😂. Anyone who has children has experienced “pink eye” at on time or another. This has absolutely nothing to do with the fake virus. Yet, the sheeple will eat this up. Never in my life have I seen such a cult mentality than I have with the fake Plandemic. Then to add salt to the wound, we have the trannys out their destroying children’s lives.

One really has to start to question all of this and ask why? Who is behind it? What is the end goal? I have my own ideas that are too lengthy to share here.

But one thing keeps circling back to me, this is not our war, it’s a spiritual one. One that is going to put us thru a living hell, yet in the end, GOD wins.

For those critical thinkers out there keep up the good work, get the info out there, help those you can and remain strong. Take good care of yourself, eat real food, drink pure water and steer clear of all allopathic sick care.

As for the pink eye, try a few sprays of Colloidal silver a few times a day directly in the eye, you’ll be amazed at how fast it clears up. I use this myself and on all my critters, works like a charm.

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"Arcturus" . . . What a mysterious, ominous sounding name! The media should be able to get some mileage out of it before they move on to the next, even scarier variant (how about calling it "Dracula"). And Arcturus can irritate your eyes! I assume that the only allowable remedy is Remdesivir.

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I owe you an extra like, lol.

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The alpha included conjunctivitis.... my whole family had Cvd in Feb 2020 and we all got pink eye. So did my dog who had Cvd. These people are clowns.

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Here Arcturus it's called seasonal allergies and hay fever. I take Claritin Reditabs, the cure for Arcturus.

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Wow! What a load of crap, garbage and the rest......!!!!☹....and they honestly think we are going to believe them???? No way!! ☹☹☹☹☹

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The bye den brain ded worshippers will. The same group that will eat fried cow manure because an 'expert' says it's healthy.

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I had pink eye and a cold or something last fall. Got drops at the pharmacy and got rid of it. No big deal.

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Soon, there may only be government approved pharmacies offering only approved meds from approved drug companies. All others will go out of business. And please get in line behind the

ill eagles.

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Yeah I seem to remember conjunctivitis was indeed associated with Covid during the early Covid days.

Covid can enter through the eyes and it also causes inflammation, so that completely makes sense.

"They" have been trying to scare us with word of another pandemic for some time now--Marburg and lots of other things. A diabolically grinning Bill Gates with a syringe in his hand is the image that pops into my head. Fear porn makes lots of money.

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LMAO. What else is there to do at this point?

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Don't ask. They have think tanks of social deviants conjuring up their next move.

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HEY globalassed murdering commies TAKE YOU covid and SHOVE IT UP YOUR OWN Psychotic bodies

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Thanks for reporting on this Paul, but we are just ignoring all these lies to continue to scare people. Those running around in masks can keep them on for good. We will live our lives like before and keep our immunity up!!! Plain and simple. They know they can control some, but not the majority of us with this fear porn. We refuse to pay attention. Take your protocols that worked through the plandemic and move on. This is exactly what they want. Everyone running around in fear and taking their deadly jabs like good little sheep. I’ve never done well under this type of rule! We were victimized by the parochial schools in the sixties!!! It taught us a lot about control and not following the BS….do as I say, not as I do! That was the only good thing that came from it! I also kept my sons out of that environment and taught them to think for themselves and to vet everything out of the talking heads. They never did this with other viruses, like the flu! Oh how they forget!

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Now does children wearing masks and thus touching their faces more frequently have a connection to conjunctivitis?

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Thank you for letting us know this so timely, Doctor Public Address system. 😁

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Hypochondriacs. Hmmmm.

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