This has been a war of good versus evil, good people like yourself and Bridle, versus those who have made deals with the darkside, sold out their fellow citizens, and lost any sense of right and wrong.

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Agree 💯

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They all committed criminal negligence in the Canadian criminal code. I am suing the chief medical officer, board of trustees board of Education, the medical board members. They all caused harm outside of their mandates. Ask me how---davidmohr4109@gmail.com

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Paul and all,

Why haven’t the vaccines been stopped by the American doctors and scientists after…17 million continuing global vaccine murders, yes MURDERS???

Sorry all I am way past focusing on the evil in every direction because there is more than enough evidence to convict!

I am ONLY focused on SOLUTIONS because you can NEVER win anything if this is not your focus NOW!

Are you part of the SOLUTIONS or part of America’s problems?

Nothing else matters in America unless SOLUTIONS start here…

1. STOPPING THE VACCINES…WHY have the American doctors and scientists NOT done this YET…after 17 million continuing vaccine murders??? Do WE THE PEOPLE need to push them in the right directions like our politicians???


For only Patriotic Lions who understand how important it is to do something at this critical time in America…



No 2024 ELECTION INTEGRITY = No More America!

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Please help with this critical 2024 project to help restore AMERICA for all future generations!


For only Patriotic Lions who understand how important it is to do something at this critical time in America…



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Dr. Byram Bridle “… he is such a genuine human being, represents the best of the best. Brilliant.” So true. He has sacrificed and suffered greatly for telling the truth early on, and it continues. Our governments, public “health” apparatchiks and all major institutions have betrayed us, harmed us, and it continues. We live in a world where truth and provable facts don’t matter. Thank you for all you do to help the people, Dr. Alexander!

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Dr. Bridle is courageous brilliant person!

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yes the lipid!!!!nano particles absolutely were meant to slip/slide through all barriers including the BLOOD BRAIN BARRIER.....absolutely DEVELOPED FOR THIS REASON..........

im guessing the 2019 FLU VAX was already MRNA...a trial..ESP IN ITALY UK S KOREA NEW YORK WUHAN...just maybe in CONJUNCTION WITH THEIR 5G ROLLOUT IN 2019...YESSSS

....TO WEAPONIZE THE 2019 MRNA FLU VAX(THEORY).im guessing ..these side effects..spurred on the PLANDEMIC. AS A NEW DISEASE!!!!!!!!!!!

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Relatedly-- Dr. Bridle speaking out in 2021--

Dr. Byram Bridle Rallies the Medical Freedom Protestors in Waterloo, Canada

"I'm a vaccinologist, I traditionally love vaccines and develop vaccine technologies, but I do not like these current covid-19 inoculations they're giving to people... they make zero sense scientifically."

Transcript: https://transcriberb.dreamwidth.org/105531.html

Source video:

Viral immunologist Dr. Byram Bridle speaks at Waterloo region for medical freedom rally 10/24/21

[Waterloo Region for Freedom Rally, Waterloo Town Square, Canada]

Free Speech Media, October 24, 2021


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Also relatedly

Dr. Byram Bridle on the Japanese Biodistribution Study (excerpts)

"with it accumulating in the ovaries, one of my questions is, will we be rendering young people infertile?"

Transcript of excerpts: https://transcriberb.dreamwidth.org/12788.html

Source audio-- since taken down (sometime in 2023)

May 28, 2021

Alex Pierson interviews Dr. Byram Bridle


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I'm glad that you bring this up in regards to Bridle. Yes, he, Bridle, stood up early and sacrificed and continues to sacrifice his career, to many of the evil atrocities that have gone on for the past four years. It was extremely disappointing though when Bridle interviewed Malone. Bridle seems to defend Malone and was surprised when so many of his followers were surprised & outraged that he was associating/having Malone on his show. He (Bridle) then went to Poland to attend the same conference that Malone and others were speaking at. (I hope he didn't get in the same hot tub as Malone). As you have stated about yourself and McCullough, you will never again "step on the same stage as Malone". So I have wondered and continue to wonder what Bridle's strategy is with regard to Malone. Bridle, like others, asks Malone NO challenging questions to Malone's mRNA technology and no questions about the timeline of events with Malone "getting covid, taking the poison shots and his adverse reaction .... why such a revered expert of his own supposed technology would submit himself to such dangerous experimental injections.) And to blatantly accept how Malone is now an "expert" in 5th generation warfare. How does Malone qualify, how did he get educated, to become such an expert in this field? I've never seen or heard how Malone got his qualifications. Enlighten me someone please, if this has occurred. So it is disconcerting and alarming when someone like Bridle supports what Malone has to say without asking him (Malone) all those questions that you yourself Dr A have been challenging Malone to answer. Perhaps the pristine Bridle has perhaps been duped or doesn't have the cajones to stand up to the Malone et al. Or perhaps it is the strategy of "keep your friends close and your enemies closer".

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Never forget experts told us their inoculations won’t work unless everyone gets it. That premise is absurd on its face but it ginned up torch and pitchfork mobs everywhere which was probably why they said it.

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Boy, I knew Maloney was full of baloney! All one had to do was ask yourself “How does this man who helped (in a big way) bring this MRNA technology to fruition & now he wants to warn us & save us from this toxic harmful shit?” He is a deceiver of the highest order! And I never trusted him! I couldn’t believe Mikki Willis & Del Bigtree embraced him like they did. I question them now too! And down the line it goes! Thank God He endowed me with “The wisdom to know the difference!” Discernment is a great tool! Use it or lose it baby!

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Frankenstein couldn’t bring himself to destroy his monster either.

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I don't know why people still cover for Malone. Paul, do you think he could have a reversal for the jabs but isn't telling, if so, he belongs in hell.

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