Dr. Byram Bridle IMO as a Canadian research scientist like myself, remains one of the most principled, brilliant persons in vaccinology, immunology; his piece below highlights why Malone, Weissman et
al. are in serious trouble & why Malone as an example ran & hid in the Freedom Movement for he knew his mRNA technology was dangerous & he chose to profit with money & fame & not warn the public
Byram is a friend and I know him personally and stood on stage with him in the Trucker convoy speaking the science in support of the Truckers and spent time with him, broke bread with him, met his wonderful son and wife and he is such a genuine human being, represents the best of the best. Brilliant.
His statement below in his new substack is in line with my prior stack on the Lin et al. study showing that there is transplacental transmission of the COVID vaccine mRNA and we get it now from updated Evidence from Placental, Maternal and Cord Blood Analyses Post-Vaccination.
A specific statement of Byram (bolded italized) I wish to highlight and comment on:
‘Specifically, I highlighted the reality that lipid nanoparticle-encased modified RNAs likely do not remain at the injection site. Rather, most of the dose appeared to get distributed widely throughout the body.
This science in and of itself was not news to me at the time. What surprised me is that all the public messaging up until then was that the doses did remain at the injection site. Combined with the proprietary nature of the formulations, I had assumed there must have been some non-disclosed tweaking of the long-standing technology to keep it at the site of injection. So, to find evidence that the public, me included, had been lied to is what bewildered and frightened me.’
What Byram said early was really seminal and he was first out of the box warning of the biodistribution of this dangerous Malone, Bourla, Bancel mRNA technology and vaccine. Byram deserves a Nobel prize IMO. Yet what is glaring to me is this:
Malone did the very research on mRNA and exosomes (exosomes are similar to LNP as transport vehicles to move the molecular genetic payload across the body) and when Byram said above as to the silence and the deceitful public messaging is important. Malone (as self-declared inventor of mRNA technology) knew it could not remain at the injection site. His own research was on this question for the very fact you encase the mRNA in a lipid fatty ball (exosome, extra-cellular vehicle, LNP etc.) means you want it to leave the site of entry. So Malone knew. I am glad Byram used the term ‘had been lied to’ and this is what I have been saying all along. And people took the shot and people died. This is what Malone must answer to.
Malone lied to the nation, to the world about this (kept silent as Byram would allude to) and many aspects of the mRNA technology and I ask Byram when he attends the ICS, to call out Malone when he Byram gives his speech, ask him why he lied and still lies about mRNA, ask him why he remined silent on so many key issues. That caused deaths. And I ask all out there to stop trying to whitewash what Malone did and did not do. Stop inserting ‘modified’ infront of mRNA. We understand what is happening here.
We see you, we note each time you did not do it and each time you slip it in.
Again, the very fact it, mRNA is placed inside of LNPs meant it was devised to leave the injection site. To go all over the body. No other technology needed to transport the payload (mRNA) other than the LNP in my own junior expertise in this. Let us be clear on that. Nothing was hidden there and we the public were not aware of this research and capacity of LNP and similar like exosomes to move molecules around the body, for this is not our area of expertise. But Malone was. It was his research.
They all knew. We are not vaccinologists etc. All involved in vaccine development knew that once the mRNA was encased in LNP and they all knew, that it was devised to leave the injection site. This is the fraud of all of it and they kept silent and Malone as the inventor of the mRNA had a right to warn the public that CDC etc. were lying that it stayed at injection site and did not move. It just could not, for the mechanism of action demanded the mRNA leave the injection site to get to all the cells in your body to be taken up and use your cellular metabolic machinary e.g. ribosomes, Golgi apparatus, endoplasmic reticulum etc. (remember, I am junior) to then translate the spike protein and have it migrate to the cell surfaces to continue the immune response e.g. antigen presenting cells etc.
Malone, Weissman, Kariko et al. mRNA technology was and is deadly and should have never been brought and the fact that vaccine makers use it today in mRNA vaccines is based on Malone et al.’s frankenscience work. Let us not forget this. His deadly work. Not needed work. We need this investigated fully.
Some whisper to me there is a move to help whitewash the wrongs of Malone, Weissman et al.’s research and blame it only on the vaccine makers who used it. We see this. We see now the language being used and we ask, why’? What changed? Money? Are people getting money? We however want accountability in proper investigative forums of who did what, who knew what and when. People died due to this mRNA technology and we need answers legally. We the world was screwed by these people with their mRNA technology and vaccine and thank God people like Byram exist.
Brilliant as always by Byram. Huge praise.
This has been a war of good versus evil, good people like yourself and Bridle, versus those who have made deals with the darkside, sold out their fellow citizens, and lost any sense of right and wrong.
They all committed criminal negligence in the Canadian criminal code. I am suing the chief medical officer, board of trustees board of Education, the medical board members. They all caused harm outside of their mandates. Ask me how---davidmohr4109@gmail.com