I am not "vaccine hesitant". I have made up my mind. I am a confirmed "anti-vaxxer".

I'll go even further. Vaccines don't work, vaccines never worked, vaccines are only harmful and never helpful. The entire "vaccine industry" needs to be DE-funded, abolished, and run off the face of the earth.

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Yep. I pretty much agree w/ everything you say here.

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I found out there are problems with these shots 36 years ago when my 4 month old son went into CONVULSIONS a few hours after his DPT SHOT. He has had health issues ever since. Immediately after the CONVULSIONS experience he was ill with ear/throat infections and pneumonia. He was on antibiotics a lot. This went on for years. Now he has stomach problems which could very well have been caused by the antibiotics. Also depression. Are people aware that disruption to your gut biom can cause depression? My resolve is to make healthy choices in life and stay the hell away from the medical system unless the situation is dire! And JUST SAY NO to the prescribed drugs! And shots!!!!

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I want to see the vaccine safety trial for all vaccines available that pit vaccine against a true placebo, as in an inert placebo, NOT another vaccine or all the adjuvants from the vaccine minus the bacteria or virus or whatever.

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Yes, good point--although I'm not too comfortable w/ the manipulation or otherwise inducement of the unaware victims to even participate in the limited human trials of "double blind placebo controlled" experiments. Forgetting the technical terms at the moment, but there are still sufficient numbers of "controls" extant to make comparison studies (some have been done already) to establish the evidence of harm from all vaccination programs and the superior health status of those free of vaccinations. One more Maddie de Gray(forgive likely misspelling) is one too many. Or provide your preferred example.

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I agree. I just want people to understand that vaccine v inert placebo has rarely happened. I remember reading one flu vaccine v inert saline placebo done years ago in Hong Kong or Korea…somewhere Asian…had equal rates of flu in both groups but more than twice as many respiratory infections in the vaccine group. Thats the only one I have seen, though I admittedly don’t look for vaccine studies regularly either.

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Yes, I figured that's where you stood. I'm with you. I think what people need to know is the true, hideous history of vaccine "science" and how it has been deployed against them. And that they don't "need" vaccination and are much healthier w/o.

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My message for Tim: All good, except I highly doubt I'll ever allow any vax injection (or other mode, as far as I'm able) to break my skin barrier or otherwise defeat or trespass upon my immune defense function. It's been many a year since I made such a mistake. But now, after reexamining the information available to anyone w/ a sixth-grade reading skill and the slightest bit of science aptitude, I'm fully reminded that the very concept of vaccination through the commercial/industrial modes and models put forth is profoundly misguided and corrupt, and therefore profoundly dangerous and unhealthy. So go on back to your study of vaccinology, but know that if there were sufficient like-minded folk to my outlook on the subject, there would be very limited funding available to pursue the field (so many more useful and beneficial areas of research related to health and well-being to pursue) and any such study would be required to be conducted in a highly regulated and safe-guarded manner: The history of virology is one of corruption and malfeasance like few are aware. We should never allow such malfeasant activity again after the plandemic has revealed the real-world nature of these pursuits.

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No hesitancy here. It’s a hard NO! All “vaccines” are bio weapons! Just ask all the families who lost their kids to the DTaP, the MMR, the flu waxines. WAY before Covid came along. The trials have never been done, nor trials of wholly unvaxxed vs. vaxxed. Why? Because they know their shit is deadly. Our son suffered after the MMR, the only one the doc managed to talk me into. He lives with Aspergers now. Thanks a fuckin lot! For nothing! I never took him back to a pediatrician after that. We used functional medicine, naturopaths, & homeopathy with great success. Have never looked back either. Vaccinology is a scam! It’s nothing more than a bio weapons program to harm! They can stick their vaccines where the sun doesn’t shine! All of em!

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Vaca cines is the cash cow harvesting church they go to worship at it seems, they can have all of 'em I've seen too many injured children, now adults, thank you very much, go get yours if you need to be adventurous with your God given innate health and beautiful mechanism to detox and stay strong, cheers!

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Children do not need 24 different diseases introduced to their growing bodies .This from an old man that hasn't been jabbed in 60 years.

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Don’t ever need assisted living in old age then. Once in that system you are at their mercy of yearly flu shots, rsv, pneumonia and Covid shots.

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Well done! That's what I'm talkin' about!

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