Dr. Francis Collins who headed up NIH during the COVID fraud PCR-manufactured asymptomatic lie of transmission 0.03% IFR event, why is he allowed to retire & not dragged into a courtroom? We have a
fraud COVID pandemic that never was, we have early treatment that IMO was misused & really I can see only antibiotics, anti-platelets as key, we have a deadly Malone Bourla Bancel Weissman et al.
mRNA technology mRNA gene-based injection that was always ineffective and never ever worked, and was deadly, we have all these lies…
We will come around to some interesting question on early treatment, no doubt spurred by Yeadon but have been in my mind and some others a while now…and so interesting we should not discount and we should be willing to debate.
Before we get to the key thesis on early, why has Francis Collins, Malone and Bourla and Bancel not been dragged into courtrooms and placed under oath and asked the right questions? no Malone, you do not get to write your own scripts and stage your own interviews to address wrongs, that’s what oath legal hearings are for. what about Kariko? Sahin, why no hearings? stage it like how you bullshitted us with the cigarette makers hearings, we would have taken even that lie…
Francis Collins is a key player in the COVID fraud and mRNA vaccine madness, never forget him, he is prominent in my 73 Horsemen of the COVID Apocalypse list. To be investigated under oath.
First, IMO, all of this, the entire COVID, how it was brought, vaccine etc. was to do one thing, topple POTUS Trump. He had China by the balls January 2020, he was unstoppable, on path to 380 electoral votes and 40 States. The world feared 45, the globalists feared him and wanted him dead. Literally.
This fraud fake COVID pandemic was brought when it was (was on the table always) to topple 45, to hurt people and help drive mail ins and the steal of the election. It was stolen, but it needed this fake pandemic to do so, to help the ‘steal’, as 45 was going after the globalist killers.
Now as to the Garden Gnome, Malone, people like him, I start here with him, could have really helped us but as Sasha Latypova shared and I concur, he is a major disappointment, a grifter, and a flat bold-faced liar…
Malone was and is a shill for mRNA vaccine (listen to him carefully) and a money whore fixated on donor money…on your money to line his pockets, and his mRNA technology is the basis for many many deaths. He must be made to answer questions under oath. That is all I seek. He has attacked and sued many who question him, and I welcome him to sue me. He hid out in the Freedom Movement too long. Put a pin in that for a moment, we will circle back in this stack or another.
Now to the key thesis at hand.
was COVID really a 100% flat out lie? all aspects of it. IMO there was something that hurt some high-risk elderly and took some lives. Let us be clear on that, something was out there, something got out and weas this gain-of-function linked? something else? a binary bioweapon? who did this? DoD? USA led? was this really always circulating since 2015? was the world essentially immune as per Diamond etc.? was PCR ‘process’ used to detect something that was always there? was it over-cycled purposely to denote everyone tested as positive to lock us down, yet with a near 100% false-positive rate? I do not believe we have ever had a pandemic ever in the world’s history and I think the term ‘pandemic’ is a made-up construct. Made up like the cancer research program, like UNAIDS etc. to derive research grant money to find no cure, but to be an industry itself. To give scientists etc. a rich plum life. Created their own existence, a club you cannot be part of. Like medical doctors who are inept and impotent (COVID showed you how specious and incapable and dangerous and money hungry they are and willing to ensure they kept their salary and job and deny you an exemption letter, so you got laid off and hung yourself, they just did not care) and hide behind broad spectrum antibiotics. No diagnostic skills.
I think early had and has its place. Effective! But what about early treatment that worked here, in this fake COVID? I do not know conclusively. Did people recover on their own (if there was really an ILI respiratory type syndromic illness), their own natural immunity…I THINK SO. many. I am asking you to step back and think about this. in other words, was antibiotics the only aspect of the early treatment model (for advancing pneumonia) due to bacterial pneumonia etc. and nothing else? was this it? antibiotics have anti-viral, anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory properties e.g. doxycycline…
hence given how governments and our own medical doctors moved to deny our access to effective antibiotics during the fake COVID (and many died as a result), I do think that The Wellness Company’s (TWC) emergency preparation kit is critical to have in your medicine chest given the availability of many antibiotics for a range of infections, diseases etc. Pharmacists teamed up with the government to deny your access and this was wrong. And also, those who could get it hoarded it. This was wrong. see TWC’s emergency kit (with medical guide on use and contained drugs) here for your reading:
in severe COVID (or whatever that pathogen or toxin that was released was) was ONLY antibiotics and anti-platelet drugs the needed drugs? we know there were massive micro-thrombi blood clots across the body in those severely ill and with dyspnea (breathing issues). so, was it simple antibiotics and high-dose aspirin? heparin? that were key in the algorithm? we even know that permissive hypoxia in many high-risk did not result in death (see McCullough’s good research)…
do we have clear research evidence that any of these things, these drugs, worked? No. I have to be honest. I can say that in my expertise, not one study has yet been done, to my research methods satisfaction, properly designed, proper research methods, to clarify either way if these entities worked or did not work and it is muddied by the fact that there are many who used early as chemoprophylaxis and it failed. What are we left with? What am I saying? Do the drugs have utility and have been safe and effective for decades? Yes, for their illnesses. Safe, available, effective, yes, yes, yes….For COVID…that is the issue. I am not sure and I do think it was misused at the very least.
I am asking questions.
Should I be allowed to ask questions? Yes…but will I? No. people like me cannot. We threaten things. Could you have recovered ON YOUR OWN, sans early treatment? I think so…I think many did. I think many are afraid to admit this. Was the mRNA vaccine brought knowing it was harmful and deadly too? Yes. IMO. De-populate? A good argument can be made yes. Evil people. Yes.
Did we need this mRNA vaccine? No. Should we use this again? No, never. We need 100 more years of bench, lab, dish, rodent, animal research before trying this out again. 100 years. With potent ongoing ethical debate. IMO this should have been stopped COLD. Complete.
I am saying the lies, the deceit, the fraud is expansive. Maybe there will be a concerted attack now on me for saying this…do I think Yeadon is correct? I think he is 99% correct. Over target on many issues. He has been shunned because he asked the right questions and put out his views that did not square with the model…the lies. I tend to agree with him. I do not know enough to say viruses do not exist. Maybe the term ‘virus’ is not proper, maybe there is something but should be by another name?
Nothing about any of this COVID is or was true IMO, COVID was a 100% flat fraud lie, nothing was true. It was a PCR-made up lie of a fake pandemic based on lie of asymptomatic transmission (not one case happened), lie of recurrent infection (not case pre-Omicron variant or whatever that was) and lie of equal risk of severe outcome if exposed regardless of baseline risk (regardless of risk and age). And whatever we faced, whether it was a DoD or whomever dark evil move (unseen hand) releasing something (intentional or not), had we done NOTHING, we would have been just fine. No one would have noticed. All we needed to do as usual, was protect the high-risk vulnerable. Nothing else. All we needed was life as usual, no lockdowns, no school closures, no business closure, no shielding. These NPIs (non-pharma interventions) killed people. All evidence shows not one lockdown, school closure, mask mandate, business closure globally, not one, worked to curb transmission or death…not one! All failed. As we told them it would. All they, the lunatic lockdown policies did was it harmed people. Like the Malone Bourla Kariko Tureci et al. mRNA technology gene injection.
and we may have wanted things to work, no doubt, we may have thought this ‘drug and that drug must work, hey, it’s safe, so why not, why not try it, put it out there’….there may have even been people with good intentions, good people, people advocating for early, promoting it, making it available, but that does not make something work…were good people misled into believing it worked? duped? and thus could not let go of it, wanting to do good? did this happen to us? maybe they know it does not work but cannot let go? or maybe should be tailored differently but cannot let it go?
would I be smeared now, attacked for saying this? most likely…I am willing to stand up.
I think most of this is and was a scam. and good people got scammed and cannot yet get there that they too were scammed. No doubt the arguments I make must be finessed and nuanced…it is not in or out or black or white. it is complex yet simple. I am simply sharing my thoughts today. knowing I will be vilified. Yes, gain-of-function was done. Applicable here? History and hopefully real inquiries will show. Is early effective for cancer? I do not know yet, but likely it could be. I need to see the research and ‘one’ study that is not definitively comparative effectiveness research is not the answer…does not make policy…
at the end of the day, you cannot make something work because you want it to. are some of these good people pushing and trying everything, frauds? no, never. some are really good people…duped? IMO potentially. good intentions? yes…is there a COVID virus? I think no…but there is/was something, IMO something of a biological agent and I would argue bioweapon. A toxin of sorts they created. for sure an illness out there that was unique. Maybe it was battlefield and not intended to get out, but it did. I am not commenting on other things, just this. Was there a pandemic? No. Are pandemics real? No. It is an industry. Was something released ‘here’? Yes…people, high-risk persons etc. did suffer with something and some died. So, something happened. We need to understand this and get accountability. Were there excess deaths? No, only after the Malone Bourla mRNA vaccine was rolled out Jan-Feb 2021. and each booster. IMO, did the vaccine shedding etc. harm people? Yes. did the vaccine cause harm and no benefit? Yes. There is still today not one study, not one, no RCT showing these vaccines reduced hospitalization or death. Not one. Not in adults or children. Was the PCT ‘process’ a complete fraud in this? Yes. No place. Used to create the pandemic. this really was a pandemic of madness. do I question vaccines today? Yes. Would I give my kids and me all the vaccines we got across decades if I had to do it over again? No. Was there something? Yes, something hit some people hard. Some died. So, I will not agree that nothing was out there. Impossible. Is LONG-COVID, indeed LONG-VACCINE? IMO yes. Is there super risk of the mRNA vaccinated person shedding vaccine content, spike, mRNA, even antibodies to the UNVAXXED? Absolutely!
question is, what? a high-fidelity infectious clone? Couey? Maybe, quite maybe. Interesting. Seems this this how they study this and the issue is can a respiratory pathogen PANDEMIC? can it spread across the world? No. IMO cannot. No evidence it ever has. It does not, RNA viruses etc. and its genetic material copying mechanism, DOES NOT have the fidelity needed.
Did we need a vaccine here? No, never did! Did most people, 95% die from the medical management of them, from COVID policies, from how our medical doctors and hospitals treated them with lockdowns, isolation, dehydration, toxic drugs, fear, sedatives like propofol, midazolam, lorazepam, diamorphine, fentanyl etc.? Yes. These drugs suppress respiration and so why give an elderly high-risk person already struggling with respiration, something that further suppresses it? With malnourishment as they were sedated and paralyzed, our parents, grand-parents? Yes. With DNR orders, with denial of needed antibiotics? Yes. With Remdesivir (kidney and liver toxic failed EBOLA drug), yes. with the deadly VAP ventilator (ventilator-associated pneumonia, blew holes in trauma lungs)? Yes.
Most persons who died in this fake COVID era died due to the medical management of them, the NPIs, the COVID policies and protocols. The closing of hospital beds designated as ‘COVID beds’. The collateral effects of lockdowns. Many hung themselves, committed suicide. The Malone Bourla mRNA vaccine itself was toxic, unsafe, not tested, and the mRNA-LNP complex platform was never ready for prime-time and no examples ever existed that it worked and was safe.
if the 3 warships and Diamond Princess showed us we had nothing to fear in this fraud COVID (see below), if we knew early on that the IFR was 0.03 or 0.04 or 0.05% so really was no different or even less lethal than the seasonal flu we lived with normally, then why did we lock down? why did we do these crazy non-sensical specious COVID lunatic policies that really only harmed people? our children? we have today, 4 years out, not one case of a healthy child in USA, getting exposed to COVID, 0-19 years old, and getting seriously ill or dying…not one…
was early treatment a bust, like the entire fake COVID pandemic? I want to see one proper study either way, to give an answer. was it only beneficial for a certain age group at a particular point in time and only for the early strains that were more virulent? did most persons recover (if this was real) on their own? our own God given natural innate and acquired-adaptive immunity? that nothing was needed, and I mean NOTHING….????Precautionary principle, yes, I get that, I understand that. But early has been abused and misused and really it is a joke now.
Re: "why is he allowed to retire & not dragged into a courtroom?"
Indeed. These people manufacture 'Plandemics,' one after the other, it seems. And indeed, you're asking quite a good question: 'Why are they not indicted and prosecuted?', as they should be, for crimes against humanity...