Wow, that's a harsh way to put it, but I have to say I agree. They instantly complied with the propaganda, because they are all brainwashed fools. And they immediately parroted the Ukraine BS too.
Wow, that's a harsh way to put it, but I have to say I agree. They instantly complied with the propaganda, because they are all brainwashed fools. And they immediately parroted the Ukraine BS too.
Aye Dave. History is replete with so called "democratic mobs" running roughshod over laws and their opposition. I fear very little in life, but when I hike in the desert, 200M of these jabbed assholes running at me in the opposite direction is a bit threatening!
I had an ISRAELI CEO in March of 2021, who invited the entire small company (300 people?) to our first in person company all hands in a year. The weekend before we all were to fly in, he sent a note out, saying if you had not been double jabbed 2 WEEKS prior to the event, do not bother to go. Not only did I very publicly resign (as did half of my team),. I ripped this guy a new one. The company failed, 30-40% quit, almost all the Americans. A year later, this Chosenite tried to re-connect to me on LinkedIn! Now? I heard he had some medical issues, and is pretty quiescent! :-)
Interesting, thanks for sharing that. I appreciate your writing ability. But especially I appreciate your forthright stance against tyranny.
In January of 2021, just as they began to roll out the "vaccine" here in Illinois, I warned a close relative by saying to her, "do not take it, it's deadly". She thought I was nuts of course, but she was/is among the brainwashed sheep.
And thank you for sharing. Integrity and candor are what we all crave, in this world ruled by monsters. Some of us perhaps recall simpler times, where at minimum, the lies were a bit less blatant.
My sister took the jabs, she only made it to two. I do not miss her. This is the time in the human species long reign, for cold, somber, honest men to fix it, or die trying. Be strong Brother.
Yes. I felt nothing. She's a Leftist, one of her sons is gay. The husband is an amorphous blob that has never distilled an original thought! As he often said, "hard to believe you guys had the same parents!" On a good note, I did use Convid as a valid excuse not to attend her funeral!
I have a sister like that. We moved to a different city because I got a better job. Left her in charge of taking care of our house until I could sell it. She stole everything in the house, even pried the custom lights off the wall. When I got back she had the gall to tell me I had to pay $10,000 ransom to get it back. I havenтАЩt spoken to her since.
Horrific. Epigenetic aberrations are becoming more common! If this were not a public p[lace, frequented by decent people, and police agencies looking to twilight folks like us, I might recommend the hiring of those who could teach your sister a more valuable, and sometimes permanent lesson! :-) Hey, it's a joke gay FBI agents!
My best friend (he is only twice jabbed, and marginally physically and emotionally GMO'd), was appalled at my response to my sister's passing. Known him 35 years. he called me a monster, and a few other choice things guys who have cycled "double century" 200 mile rides are allowed to. I swear, i was smiling as he dressed me down, asked him if he was done, and then told him we should get on to more important things, like him taking NAC and nattokinese, to chelate the graphene damage he had done. I used to be both a decent and nice person, at least I am still decent!
I hear you, friend...I feel the same about my friends and family....I am the only one at work not jabbed....only my mom, husband and me are non-jabbed in family.... people don't like that they aren't able to think like us so they insult, demean and name-call.... thanks for being on the right side of humanity.... :)
Stella, congrats as well to you, for withstanding the all too pervasive pressures the unexamined put on us! Alas, one day there will be Pureblood states, as this Union begins to further erode!
Wow, that's a harsh way to put it, but I have to say I agree. They instantly complied with the propaganda, because they are all brainwashed fools. And they immediately parroted the Ukraine BS too.
Aye Dave. History is replete with so called "democratic mobs" running roughshod over laws and their opposition. I fear very little in life, but when I hike in the desert, 200M of these jabbed assholes running at me in the opposite direction is a bit threatening!
I had an ISRAELI CEO in March of 2021, who invited the entire small company (300 people?) to our first in person company all hands in a year. The weekend before we all were to fly in, he sent a note out, saying if you had not been double jabbed 2 WEEKS prior to the event, do not bother to go. Not only did I very publicly resign (as did half of my team),. I ripped this guy a new one. The company failed, 30-40% quit, almost all the Americans. A year later, this Chosenite tried to re-connect to me on LinkedIn! Now? I heard he had some medical issues, and is pretty quiescent! :-)
Hail Victory!
Interesting, thanks for sharing that. I appreciate your writing ability. But especially I appreciate your forthright stance against tyranny.
In January of 2021, just as they began to roll out the "vaccine" here in Illinois, I warned a close relative by saying to her, "do not take it, it's deadly". She thought I was nuts of course, but she was/is among the brainwashed sheep.
And thank you for sharing. Integrity and candor are what we all crave, in this world ruled by monsters. Some of us perhaps recall simpler times, where at minimum, the lies were a bit less blatant.
My sister took the jabs, she only made it to two. I do not miss her. This is the time in the human species long reign, for cold, somber, honest men to fix it, or die trying. Be strong Brother.
She died?
Yes. I felt nothing. She's a Leftist, one of her sons is gay. The husband is an amorphous blob that has never distilled an original thought! As he often said, "hard to believe you guys had the same parents!" On a good note, I did use Convid as a valid excuse not to attend her funeral!
I have a sister like that. We moved to a different city because I got a better job. Left her in charge of taking care of our house until I could sell it. She stole everything in the house, even pried the custom lights off the wall. When I got back she had the gall to tell me I had to pay $10,000 ransom to get it back. I havenтАЩt spoken to her since.
Horrific. Epigenetic aberrations are becoming more common! If this were not a public p[lace, frequented by decent people, and police agencies looking to twilight folks like us, I might recommend the hiring of those who could teach your sister a more valuable, and sometimes permanent lesson! :-) Hey, it's a joke gay FBI agents!
My best friend (he is only twice jabbed, and marginally physically and emotionally GMO'd), was appalled at my response to my sister's passing. Known him 35 years. he called me a monster, and a few other choice things guys who have cycled "double century" 200 mile rides are allowed to. I swear, i was smiling as he dressed me down, asked him if he was done, and then told him we should get on to more important things, like him taking NAC and nattokinese, to chelate the graphene damage he had done. I used to be both a decent and nice person, at least I am still decent!
Hail Victory!
I hear you, friend...I feel the same about my friends and family....I am the only one at work not jabbed....only my mom, husband and me are non-jabbed in family.... people don't like that they aren't able to think like us so they insult, demean and name-call.... thanks for being on the right side of humanity.... :)
Stella, congrats as well to you, for withstanding the all too pervasive pressures the unexamined put on us! Alas, one day there will be Pureblood states, as this Union begins to further erode!
Get woke, go broke! And get sick too.