Trudeau stoked this, with his ineptness & garbage tripe he spoke given to him by 2 of the most stupid corruptible health officials, Howard Njoo & Theresa Tam, outdone in idiocy by Dr. Bonnie Henry (BC
Almost all of these people (I would guess at least 80%) are quad jabbed. They complied instantly, offered no push-back, and wanted us Purebloods cold, alone and hungry. They proudly flew their Fauci Ouchy pics, and then jumped on the Ukraine Flag train. They are experts at guzzling "jujucum" without any gag reflex, and I hate almost all of them. Many have died, but not enough. Many are sick all the time, but not enough. I want them all dead, writhing in pain. I want the Purebloods remaining to kick them in the ribs and head while they are down, and while this isn't India, feel free to take a shit on them too. We will understand the brief loss of civility.
I could not hate these people any more, and there is not enough schadenfreude in the world.
Wow, that's a harsh way to put it, but I have to say I agree. They instantly complied with the propaganda, because they are all brainwashed fools. And they immediately parroted the Ukraine BS too.
Aye Dave. History is replete with so called "democratic mobs" running roughshod over laws and their opposition. I fear very little in life, but when I hike in the desert, 200M of these jabbed assholes running at me in the opposite direction is a bit threatening!
I had an ISRAELI CEO in March of 2021, who invited the entire small company (300 people?) to our first in person company all hands in a year. The weekend before we all were to fly in, he sent a note out, saying if you had not been double jabbed 2 WEEKS prior to the event, do not bother to go. Not only did I very publicly resign (as did half of my team),. I ripped this guy a new one. The company failed, 30-40% quit, almost all the Americans. A year later, this Chosenite tried to re-connect to me on LinkedIn! Now? I heard he had some medical issues, and is pretty quiescent! :-)
Interesting, thanks for sharing that. I appreciate your writing ability. But especially I appreciate your forthright stance against tyranny.
In January of 2021, just as they began to roll out the "vaccine" here in Illinois, I warned a close relative by saying to her, "do not take it, it's deadly". She thought I was nuts of course, but she was/is among the brainwashed sheep.
And thank you for sharing. Integrity and candor are what we all crave, in this world ruled by monsters. Some of us perhaps recall simpler times, where at minimum, the lies were a bit less blatant.
My sister took the jabs, she only made it to two. I do not miss her. This is the time in the human species long reign, for cold, somber, honest men to fix it, or die trying. Be strong Brother.
Yes. I felt nothing. She's a Leftist, one of her sons is gay. The husband is an amorphous blob that has never distilled an original thought! As he often said, "hard to believe you guys had the same parents!" On a good note, I did use Convid as a valid excuse not to attend her funeral!
When I realized what was going on (working frontline in health care) I knew I had to get ready. Nobody asked questions why patients with flu became covid-19 as if overnight. 99% of people who witnessed this scam remained silent.
I don't hate them.
I learned one thing though: if people don't believe in God they will have no choice but to believe in Satan when the dust settles after this scam…
I'm at MIT, unjabbed and still employed. I despise those bastards, MIT Medical and the administration. They killed 3 profs and at least 2 students so far. My "colleagues," all educated beyond their natural intelligence, clamored for the jab.
I've written emails to admin types to no avail. We'll see staff dropping soon enough. At some point I'll give them an in-person calm recap of their lawlessness and murderous crimes against humanity. I'd tell them all to burn in Hell, but I don't wish that on anyone.
Sadly, according to the Bible, we all do for various reasons. Knowing that gives me a wee bit if the compassion Jesus did in the cross when he said that his torturers knew not what they were doing. Tragic, every last one of those who believed the lies. They wonder me deeply and I will never be the same. 😢
Fantastic opportunity for advancement! :-) I too am in awe, that men I know with IQs in the ionosphere, capable of intense analytical discernment (when writing software) clamored/ran/wet themselves to be the 1st nerd on the block to get myocarditis!
Honest, I remain on LinkedIn, the Gatesian DEI Dystopia, just to laugh when someone we know died suddenly! Have hordes of former colleagues who revile me, for pointing out how malleable and ductile their once finely honed and formed minds have become.
Every Monday, I rush to my LI notifications, hoping to read about another death! Not so much because I did not genuinely like the person, but because those left connected to me, need their noses rubbed in their poop, a bit longer...
I remember talking with two guys I really respect back in 2020 about the pre-existing immunity to 'rona, noting it might be as high at 50%. They looked in disbelief. I mentioned there are respected profs at Oxford, Harvard and, when I said Stanford, they laughed out loud. "Scott Atlas?? You must watch Fox News! Ha ha ha." I said Ioannidis, but they were already safely tucked away in their washed brains at that point.
What a wakeup for me! A couple months ago I sent the panic committee a reference to Dr. Ioannidis' latest IFR results, and asked when they would apologize. I sent them Retsef Levi's video, too. The reply said they followed the best info they had. In other words, "just following orders." Bastards. If they get a link to my comments here, let them hear one final word. Nuremberg.
You and I will never understand the Leftist mind. The desire to save face, vs being truthful. Imagine the mental gymnastics they go through to justify their clearly inaccurate positions?
Nuremberg killed and condemned many innocent German soldiers. I feel we should line up millions who were aware, in positions of influence, be it medical, media or political, and nonetheless, spewed lies, and mercilessly have A10 Warthogs with their gattling guns, strafe them. Some will instantly die, drawn and quartered effortlessly. Others, will be missing limbs, but maintain a spark of life. I wonder what their inner monologue will tell them,. about their Leftist psychosis? Likely, they will learn nothing in their final gasps, and they will be thinking, "these damn, Fascist White Supremacists are so caught up in being honest, accurate and truthful, that they couldn't follow the script."
While I am certain Leftists despise us as well, there really could not be anything equivalent to my sentiments about them. Difference being, their lunacy was their business, until they attacked us.
I agree. I went through the same shit and no longer work for the corrupt cowards.
I found my anger to be overly toxic to my mental health so i’ve taken purpose and growth out of this fakedemic.
It was and is a great opportunity for spiritual and intellectual growth.
I see the blind cowards as humans without courage but i try to love instead of hate. The pain and suffering they inflict upon me and unknowingly on themselves will make me stronger. In time it will destroy them. And that is their burden to figure out.
Tomorrow I will wish them all dead lol. It ain’t fuckin easy :)
Matt, firstly, thank you. Same, but alas, my "love for humanity" died long ago, and any wisps of rekindling, were snuffed out by watching Operation Lockstep in real life. To the credit of the evil bastards who print money at will, this could not have gone any better. Twerking doctors in empty hospitals, as the news sirens blared out the warnings. And, as expected, the preponderance of humanity caved.
It is endemic to species, these strata we have. Leaders. Followers. Watchers. What is clear to me, and I am grateful for, is my time as a Watcher is ending. I will lead, and I will avenge.
this "Father Louis" quote seems a propos, AC, “People are in a hurry to magnify themselves by imitating what is popular- and too lazy to think of anything better.”-- Thomas Merton
Lucy, this is excellent advice, and I appreciate it. Testosterone is a cruel master though, and I feel it imbues men with a very natural and healthy hatred towards things that violate Natural Law. While it may be primitive, and atavistic, I am thrilled I still care enough to hate. And, it is seething hatred. nature hates weakness, so do I.
Struggling not to succumb to similar consuming anger down under. Social narcosis in OZzzz and NZzzz who continue the love affair with their MSM and the rainbow jackboots of the corporate globalista. It is unbelievable that Canada has sunk so low, being literally murdered and its parts scattered to the heavens by the hand of the sycophantic NPCs to which you refer. The people reap the kakistocracy they sow. Surprised you're still on 'BlinkeredIn' though. Thank you: "jujucum" ... priceless.
DrL, mercifully we have a few of these digital archipelagos where those of us with like minds can share our revulsion with humanity's current, atrophied state (well, not to say Mossad, and the 5 Eyes are not ingesting, archiving and parsing every keystroke!)! I love the term "rainbow jackboots," and will kindly share it with others who also are less than bemused with The Left.
My long tenure on BlinkeredIn, is purely, and atavistically, to wage war on the raging Leftoids who not long ago, could get me fired for any expressive thoughts. Unlike other more combative platforms, like Twitter, their responses are fairly passive. I have lost a few hundred connections, no doubt a large percentage have me muted.
My first trip to Japan, I made friends with a brilliant chemist. I recall him telling me that he was thrilled when a colleague or professor corrected him, as that helped him improve. Logical, and to guys like us, likely how we have grown. But, to a Leftist, an admittance of error, failure, malfeasance is the highest sin. They simply refuse to believe they could or can, ever be wrong. Somewhere, in the dim recesses of their gnarled ganglionic mess of a mind, there are a few synapses trying to fire the truth. That must be why they do all the drugs, and other decadent things, to keep those truth synapses quiet.
AC, a proverbial pleasure breath fresh air, thank you for your response, which brought a laugh; "there are a few synapses trying to fire the truth." ... the last gasp of a hollowed out soul?
Awhile back I downloaded two versions of the rainbow swastika, the flag behind and under which the colourful jackboots stride, available from sites like ( I have them on file. I note they strangely no longer appear available, although the swastika is, and linked to the clichéd hand waving 'threat'.
Live and learn. The last 3 yrs have been a hyperlearning experience! Grateful for life.
PS. You are literally the first individual I have encountered who has used the word 'atavistic' since my anatomy professor in undergrad. Marvelous.
By way of reciprocity, a new word for me lately that I recently came across" 'kakistocracy'. Brilliant.
Anti C..... I wrote that Toronto rag at the time and told them what I thought of that disgusting piece. Of course, no response. It is repulsive how cruel people can be to one another and history shows that over and over. Rather than out and out hate these asses, I pity them. I look at how Turdeau set the stage for all the divisive antics we saw and still see. Now that is hatred - hatred for citizens he is supposed to care about. It shows propaganda and brainwashing works like a charm and all enabled by the brain dead mainstream media and those public health fools. This has certainly taken a toll on my usual positive attitude on life.
I also appreciate how well you can write and state your thoughts.
Thank you, and I appreciate your actions and sentiment. I think what we are seeing, is endemic to species. Whoever/whatever put our molecules in to spin, created certain strata/temperaments. Some, are multi-nefarious. They combine all the deadly sins. Avaricious, dark, brooding, and so full of inferiority complex, they call themselves "Chosen" and spend lifetimes trying to fix ancient grudges against others. These impulses are so primordial, it is impossible to dissuade a vast proportion of our species from either self-destructive, or species destructive behaviors.
On the National level, this highly divisive, and often expelled group of monsters, using 25 generations of stolen lucre, finally has the tech to topple any sovereign nation, buy any of our chimerical leaders, and silence any real and substantive dissent. Convid was a test balloon. Most of humanity failed the test.
We all know how to fix it. If your eyes are open, and you can overthrow the demons ruling us, by any means, we must. No more civility, and nice messages of solidarity. Our ancient warrior spirits must be unleashed.
So what precisely does that say about the rest of the politicians, State officials, law, and bureaucracy? A kakistocracy sadly arise from the people who were on the whole are too comfortable to seriously care less, until they do. A needled barrel and the policies sure begins to awaken some. When they take your car and demand you ride public transport or walk (UN Urban Agenda Habitat III in plain sight), things might become yet more interesting? In the end, the hackable useless eaters will be immobile and unarmed.
But it doesn't have to be like that. Not even close. Bring on unintended consequences.
Yes I remember it well, and Trudeau stroked put the nail in coffin regarding the main stream media. I will not forget and will save this piece. Remember seeing the editorial in the Globe and Mail saying vaccines should be mandatory...never read the content of the article..
[TRANSCRIBER'S NOTE: This TikTok video features the cover of the latest Atlantic Monthly Magazine, which features the essay by Emily Oster, "Let's Declare a Pandemic Amnesty: We need to forgive one another for what we did and said when we were in the dark about COVID."]
ROSS DUH BOSS: Look, look, look, look, look. [holds up index finger] They want everybody to forget and forgive everything that happened during the pandemic.
[places hand on heart] We were all in the dark, we were all afraid.
Like, nah, bitch!
Like, that was like we all got kidnapped and put together on an island and then all y'all bastards were like, we should eat them! And we're like, what the fu*k?! And then now they took us off the island and we're just looking at you on the ride home, like [looks right and left] and you're like, wasn't that crazy?
And we're like, nah, bitch, you tried to eat us! [laughs]
I didn't kick you out of no stores!
I didn't ruin your job!
I didn't tell you you couldn't come to the family reunion!
I didn't tell you you had to drop dead of a heart attack because you didn't get the jab so you're not welcome at this hospital!
There ain't nothing to forgive on my side, Baby Boo. This is you problem! And we're still talking about it!
Some very harsh sentiments here which I understand completely! Our leaders really put it to us the last 3 years!!! I am 57 years old and have been a registered Libertarian since I was 20 years old so even before the planned Demic was sprung on the world I was well aware of the nefariousness of our government officials and had no trust in any of them or their institutions! I also knew that our medical system was built on and for profit and that most doctors are pill 💊 pushers in lab coats with no true concept of keeping people healthy, proper nutrition, disease prevention and cure! Many just write prescriptions and prolong disease because they make money at it! Lots of money!!!
My fault for the true danger the planned Demic response, lockdowns and jab damages caused lie strictly at the feet of our Left Wing Liberal Lame Main Stream Mockingbird Media Hypocritical Mob’s feet!!! The reason our government officials and Big Pharma rolled so easily over top of the populace was due directly to the duplicitous press who fell in lock step and took the bait hook, line and sinker!!! They easily could have checked to see if hospitals were over run but they did not they just reported they were! They parroted nightly the fear porn on local news channels that 5,000 new cases of Covid with 23 new deaths and 44 more on ventilators like local Friday night football team scores and they loved every minute of the telling it!!! If we would have had one major news outlet with any speck of integrity in reporting this whole scamdemic would have fell apart in the first 3 months but it did not because they were in on it!!! This is why millions took the jab and boosters because the press told them too without checking that it might not be as safe as Big Pharma says it is!!!
Truth be told, there is plenty of anger to go around to all involved especially those that know the truth about the disease and that it was not as deadly or dangerous enough to do to us what they did!!!
I can only hope the sheeple have learned something about their handlers and the depths our governments will mine to enslave them and be more wary in the future but alas, I doubt they will! What I see is a nation more concerned with tik tok and who the next Masked Singer is than what their governments are doing to ruin their lives and enslave them!!!
What Clif High affectionately calls The Big Ugly, based on his algorithmic analysis of language usage, is expected this summer. As you said, there’s lots of anger to go around because although the dead can’t speak, their successors certainly can!
The dead can't speak, and their relatives so rarely do, therefore Substackers and Telegram Channels are digging up the dead.
Not conducting interviews.
We need FAMILIES to actually speak.
(More families than the same few men and women grieving the loss of a family member to the jab. Whom we are already familiar with.)
We all read the same stories and see the same videos bouncing around these Substack echo chambers.
(Kind of similar to the Mainstream Media repetition...)
Substack articles, posting photos of the "I Got The Shot" deceased, their obituaries and Go Fund Me pages, won't help win the "hearts and minds" of non-believers.
Folks who spread this type of data, to Covidiots, are often slandered and accused of being horrible, heartless. (If they're acknowledged at all.)
This movement cannot prevail if the families of the dead refuse to get involved.
I remember that day well, the day the TorScar cemented their place in the history of evil. I will never forget and certainly NEVER forgive these criminal morons on that rag. So eager to jump on the despotic bandwagon and NEVER even think let alone check the history of vaccines (which this one is clearly not) Vaccines, real vaccines have a average of 20% effectiveness. Even then there is no proof whatsoever that it was the vaccine that protected people. Imbiciles all of them evil imbiciles.
True. Only the weak fkheads with their trans kids and false power trips denied my respect. For nothing. Im a forgiving person by nature, but this is the hardest thing to do. And now i hate the fact that i have succumbed to the intended division, so the fkn weffers win.
The elitists haven’t got a leg to stand on. Their baseless feeble minds are beginning to notice it. Time to drop ideology, stop dividing people because it actually unites us, and get us out of the WHO and watch the Weffers kill each other off, as most commies do.
At the same time, I see the vaxed as foolish children. I blame the globalists who use the scared small minded weak as ponds. Killing them for money and political leverage. I would give the fools a remedy if I had it. In the meantime they can stay away from me. They are not likely to be close to me anyway, I don't like stupid. Here is a link to the post in one piece, which I just shared on LinkedIn, with the nearly 1000 pussies I used to work with, during a long, and somewhat distinguished tech career.
Almost all of these people (I would guess at least 80%) are quad jabbed. They complied instantly, offered no push-back, and wanted us Purebloods cold, alone and hungry. They proudly flew their Fauci Ouchy pics, and then jumped on the Ukraine Flag train. They are experts at guzzling "jujucum" without any gag reflex, and I hate almost all of them. Many have died, but not enough. Many are sick all the time, but not enough. I want them all dead, writhing in pain. I want the Purebloods remaining to kick them in the ribs and head while they are down, and while this isn't India, feel free to take a shit on them too. We will understand the brief loss of civility.
I could not hate these people any more, and there is not enough schadenfreude in the world.
Wow, that's a harsh way to put it, but I have to say I agree. They instantly complied with the propaganda, because they are all brainwashed fools. And they immediately parroted the Ukraine BS too.
Aye Dave. History is replete with so called "democratic mobs" running roughshod over laws and their opposition. I fear very little in life, but when I hike in the desert, 200M of these jabbed assholes running at me in the opposite direction is a bit threatening!
I had an ISRAELI CEO in March of 2021, who invited the entire small company (300 people?) to our first in person company all hands in a year. The weekend before we all were to fly in, he sent a note out, saying if you had not been double jabbed 2 WEEKS prior to the event, do not bother to go. Not only did I very publicly resign (as did half of my team),. I ripped this guy a new one. The company failed, 30-40% quit, almost all the Americans. A year later, this Chosenite tried to re-connect to me on LinkedIn! Now? I heard he had some medical issues, and is pretty quiescent! :-)
Hail Victory!
Interesting, thanks for sharing that. I appreciate your writing ability. But especially I appreciate your forthright stance against tyranny.
In January of 2021, just as they began to roll out the "vaccine" here in Illinois, I warned a close relative by saying to her, "do not take it, it's deadly". She thought I was nuts of course, but she was/is among the brainwashed sheep.
And thank you for sharing. Integrity and candor are what we all crave, in this world ruled by monsters. Some of us perhaps recall simpler times, where at minimum, the lies were a bit less blatant.
My sister took the jabs, she only made it to two. I do not miss her. This is the time in the human species long reign, for cold, somber, honest men to fix it, or die trying. Be strong Brother.
She died?
Yes. I felt nothing. She's a Leftist, one of her sons is gay. The husband is an amorphous blob that has never distilled an original thought! As he often said, "hard to believe you guys had the same parents!" On a good note, I did use Convid as a valid excuse not to attend her funeral!
Get woke, go broke! And get sick too.
When I realized what was going on (working frontline in health care) I knew I had to get ready. Nobody asked questions why patients with flu became covid-19 as if overnight. 99% of people who witnessed this scam remained silent.
I don't hate them.
I learned one thing though: if people don't believe in God they will have no choice but to believe in Satan when the dust settles after this scam…
I'm at MIT, unjabbed and still employed. I despise those bastards, MIT Medical and the administration. They killed 3 profs and at least 2 students so far. My "colleagues," all educated beyond their natural intelligence, clamored for the jab.
I've written emails to admin types to no avail. We'll see staff dropping soon enough. At some point I'll give them an in-person calm recap of their lawlessness and murderous crimes against humanity. I'd tell them all to burn in Hell, but I don't wish that on anyone.
Some people deserve to burn in Hell.
They wounded me deeply....
Sadly, according to the Bible, we all do for various reasons. Knowing that gives me a wee bit if the compassion Jesus did in the cross when he said that his torturers knew not what they were doing. Tragic, every last one of those who believed the lies. They wonder me deeply and I will never be the same. 😢
Fantastic opportunity for advancement! :-) I too am in awe, that men I know with IQs in the ionosphere, capable of intense analytical discernment (when writing software) clamored/ran/wet themselves to be the 1st nerd on the block to get myocarditis!
Honest, I remain on LinkedIn, the Gatesian DEI Dystopia, just to laugh when someone we know died suddenly! Have hordes of former colleagues who revile me, for pointing out how malleable and ductile their once finely honed and formed minds have become.
Every Monday, I rush to my LI notifications, hoping to read about another death! Not so much because I did not genuinely like the person, but because those left connected to me, need their noses rubbed in their poop, a bit longer...
I remember talking with two guys I really respect back in 2020 about the pre-existing immunity to 'rona, noting it might be as high at 50%. They looked in disbelief. I mentioned there are respected profs at Oxford, Harvard and, when I said Stanford, they laughed out loud. "Scott Atlas?? You must watch Fox News! Ha ha ha." I said Ioannidis, but they were already safely tucked away in their washed brains at that point.
What a wakeup for me! A couple months ago I sent the panic committee a reference to Dr. Ioannidis' latest IFR results, and asked when they would apologize. I sent them Retsef Levi's video, too. The reply said they followed the best info they had. In other words, "just following orders." Bastards. If they get a link to my comments here, let them hear one final word. Nuremberg.
You and I will never understand the Leftist mind. The desire to save face, vs being truthful. Imagine the mental gymnastics they go through to justify their clearly inaccurate positions?
Nuremberg killed and condemned many innocent German soldiers. I feel we should line up millions who were aware, in positions of influence, be it medical, media or political, and nonetheless, spewed lies, and mercilessly have A10 Warthogs with their gattling guns, strafe them. Some will instantly die, drawn and quartered effortlessly. Others, will be missing limbs, but maintain a spark of life. I wonder what their inner monologue will tell them,. about their Leftist psychosis? Likely, they will learn nothing in their final gasps, and they will be thinking, "these damn, Fascist White Supremacists are so caught up in being honest, accurate and truthful, that they couldn't follow the script."
While I am certain Leftists despise us as well, there really could not be anything equivalent to my sentiments about them. Difference being, their lunacy was their business, until they attacked us.
Of course they weren't "following the best info they had." You gave them the "best info." And they ignored it.
They have no excuse, Kathleen. Even in 2020 I sent the panic committee info on masks, the rt-PCR test, and Great Barrington declaration.
I agree. I went through the same shit and no longer work for the corrupt cowards.
I found my anger to be overly toxic to my mental health so i’ve taken purpose and growth out of this fakedemic.
It was and is a great opportunity for spiritual and intellectual growth.
I see the blind cowards as humans without courage but i try to love instead of hate. The pain and suffering they inflict upon me and unknowingly on themselves will make me stronger. In time it will destroy them. And that is their burden to figure out.
Tomorrow I will wish them all dead lol. It ain’t fuckin easy :)
Matt, firstly, thank you. Same, but alas, my "love for humanity" died long ago, and any wisps of rekindling, were snuffed out by watching Operation Lockstep in real life. To the credit of the evil bastards who print money at will, this could not have gone any better. Twerking doctors in empty hospitals, as the news sirens blared out the warnings. And, as expected, the preponderance of humanity caved.
It is endemic to species, these strata we have. Leaders. Followers. Watchers. What is clear to me, and I am grateful for, is my time as a Watcher is ending. I will lead, and I will avenge.
this "Father Louis" quote seems a propos, AC, “People are in a hurry to magnify themselves by imitating what is popular- and too lazy to think of anything better.”-- Thomas Merton
Great quote, thank you!
Please don’t waste time hating them. It only hurts you. I completely understand how you feel though. I have a hard time with this too.
Lucy, this is excellent advice, and I appreciate it. Testosterone is a cruel master though, and I feel it imbues men with a very natural and healthy hatred towards things that violate Natural Law. While it may be primitive, and atavistic, I am thrilled I still care enough to hate. And, it is seething hatred. nature hates weakness, so do I.
Hail Victory!
Struggling not to succumb to similar consuming anger down under. Social narcosis in OZzzz and NZzzz who continue the love affair with their MSM and the rainbow jackboots of the corporate globalista. It is unbelievable that Canada has sunk so low, being literally murdered and its parts scattered to the heavens by the hand of the sycophantic NPCs to which you refer. The people reap the kakistocracy they sow. Surprised you're still on 'BlinkeredIn' though. Thank you: "jujucum" ... priceless.
DrL, mercifully we have a few of these digital archipelagos where those of us with like minds can share our revulsion with humanity's current, atrophied state (well, not to say Mossad, and the 5 Eyes are not ingesting, archiving and parsing every keystroke!)! I love the term "rainbow jackboots," and will kindly share it with others who also are less than bemused with The Left.
My long tenure on BlinkeredIn, is purely, and atavistically, to wage war on the raging Leftoids who not long ago, could get me fired for any expressive thoughts. Unlike other more combative platforms, like Twitter, their responses are fairly passive. I have lost a few hundred connections, no doubt a large percentage have me muted.
My first trip to Japan, I made friends with a brilliant chemist. I recall him telling me that he was thrilled when a colleague or professor corrected him, as that helped him improve. Logical, and to guys like us, likely how we have grown. But, to a Leftist, an admittance of error, failure, malfeasance is the highest sin. They simply refuse to believe they could or can, ever be wrong. Somewhere, in the dim recesses of their gnarled ganglionic mess of a mind, there are a few synapses trying to fire the truth. That must be why they do all the drugs, and other decadent things, to keep those truth synapses quiet.
AC, a proverbial pleasure breath fresh air, thank you for your response, which brought a laugh; "there are a few synapses trying to fire the truth." ... the last gasp of a hollowed out soul?
Awhile back I downloaded two versions of the rainbow swastika, the flag behind and under which the colourful jackboots stride, available from sites like ( I have them on file. I note they strangely no longer appear available, although the swastika is, and linked to the clichéd hand waving 'threat'.
Live and learn. The last 3 yrs have been a hyperlearning experience! Grateful for life.
PS. You are literally the first individual I have encountered who has used the word 'atavistic' since my anatomy professor in undergrad. Marvelous.
By way of reciprocity, a new word for me lately that I recently came across" 'kakistocracy'. Brilliant.
Anti C..... I wrote that Toronto rag at the time and told them what I thought of that disgusting piece. Of course, no response. It is repulsive how cruel people can be to one another and history shows that over and over. Rather than out and out hate these asses, I pity them. I look at how Turdeau set the stage for all the divisive antics we saw and still see. Now that is hatred - hatred for citizens he is supposed to care about. It shows propaganda and brainwashing works like a charm and all enabled by the brain dead mainstream media and those public health fools. This has certainly taken a toll on my usual positive attitude on life.
I also appreciate how well you can write and state your thoughts.
Thank you, and I appreciate your actions and sentiment. I think what we are seeing, is endemic to species. Whoever/whatever put our molecules in to spin, created certain strata/temperaments. Some, are multi-nefarious. They combine all the deadly sins. Avaricious, dark, brooding, and so full of inferiority complex, they call themselves "Chosen" and spend lifetimes trying to fix ancient grudges against others. These impulses are so primordial, it is impossible to dissuade a vast proportion of our species from either self-destructive, or species destructive behaviors.
On the National level, this highly divisive, and often expelled group of monsters, using 25 generations of stolen lucre, finally has the tech to topple any sovereign nation, buy any of our chimerical leaders, and silence any real and substantive dissent. Convid was a test balloon. Most of humanity failed the test.
We all know how to fix it. If your eyes are open, and you can overthrow the demons ruling us, by any means, we must. No more civility, and nice messages of solidarity. Our ancient warrior spirits must be unleashed.
Anti C...., I especially like "Our ancient warrior spirits must be unleashed". So true.
Thank you Yang, good idea!
Wow... can I quote you on that? Totally agree. I hope the Toronto Scar will die along with this heinous bunch.
Trudeau may be the most stupid, weak, pathetic, corrupt, and dishonest man alive. (And worse -- he's proud of it.)
Biden is a close second.
Both are tools of the elite
They are evil too. Yet chances are they will succeed in annihilating us in the next few short years.
So what precisely does that say about the rest of the politicians, State officials, law, and bureaucracy? A kakistocracy sadly arise from the people who were on the whole are too comfortable to seriously care less, until they do. A needled barrel and the policies sure begins to awaken some. When they take your car and demand you ride public transport or walk (UN Urban Agenda Habitat III in plain sight), things might become yet more interesting? In the end, the hackable useless eaters will be immobile and unarmed.
But it doesn't have to be like that. Not even close. Bring on unintended consequences.
Yeah, I remember it well and have the screenshot...I will never forget...
Vancouver, BC Canada
Yes I remember it well, and Trudeau stroked put the nail in coffin regarding the main stream media. I will not forget and will save this piece. Remember seeing the editorial in the Globe and Mail saying vaccines should be mandatory...never read the content of the article..
Evil tyrannical bastards. Liars. Murderers.
We don't want their hospital beds. We want our own hospitals where there are no jabbed shedding and speaking stupidity.
Or giving us tainted blood
Hey, hey! Ho, ho!
has got to go!
[TRANSCRIBER'S NOTE: This TikTok video features the cover of the latest Atlantic Monthly Magazine, which features the essay by Emily Oster, "Let's Declare a Pandemic Amnesty: We need to forgive one another for what we did and said when we were in the dark about COVID."]
ROSS DUH BOSS: Look, look, look, look, look. [holds up index finger] They want everybody to forget and forgive everything that happened during the pandemic.
[places hand on heart] We were all in the dark, we were all afraid.
Like, nah, bitch!
Like, that was like we all got kidnapped and put together on an island and then all y'all bastards were like, we should eat them! And we're like, what the fu*k?! And then now they took us off the island and we're just looking at you on the ride home, like [looks right and left] and you're like, wasn't that crazy?
And we're like, nah, bitch, you tried to eat us! [laughs]
I didn't kick you out of no stores!
I didn't ruin your job!
I didn't tell you you couldn't come to the family reunion!
I didn't tell you you had to drop dead of a heart attack because you didn't get the jab so you're not welcome at this hospital!
There ain't nothing to forgive on my side, Baby Boo. This is you problem! And we're still talking about it!
⬆️ What T B transcribed.
"Like, nah, bitch!"
#AccountabilityNotAmnesty 💉☠⚰💔
For all.
Some very harsh sentiments here which I understand completely! Our leaders really put it to us the last 3 years!!! I am 57 years old and have been a registered Libertarian since I was 20 years old so even before the planned Demic was sprung on the world I was well aware of the nefariousness of our government officials and had no trust in any of them or their institutions! I also knew that our medical system was built on and for profit and that most doctors are pill 💊 pushers in lab coats with no true concept of keeping people healthy, proper nutrition, disease prevention and cure! Many just write prescriptions and prolong disease because they make money at it! Lots of money!!!
My fault for the true danger the planned Demic response, lockdowns and jab damages caused lie strictly at the feet of our Left Wing Liberal Lame Main Stream Mockingbird Media Hypocritical Mob’s feet!!! The reason our government officials and Big Pharma rolled so easily over top of the populace was due directly to the duplicitous press who fell in lock step and took the bait hook, line and sinker!!! They easily could have checked to see if hospitals were over run but they did not they just reported they were! They parroted nightly the fear porn on local news channels that 5,000 new cases of Covid with 23 new deaths and 44 more on ventilators like local Friday night football team scores and they loved every minute of the telling it!!! If we would have had one major news outlet with any speck of integrity in reporting this whole scamdemic would have fell apart in the first 3 months but it did not because they were in on it!!! This is why millions took the jab and boosters because the press told them too without checking that it might not be as safe as Big Pharma says it is!!!
Truth be told, there is plenty of anger to go around to all involved especially those that know the truth about the disease and that it was not as deadly or dangerous enough to do to us what they did!!!
I can only hope the sheeple have learned something about their handlers and the depths our governments will mine to enslave them and be more wary in the future but alas, I doubt they will! What I see is a nation more concerned with tik tok and who the next Masked Singer is than what their governments are doing to ruin their lives and enslave them!!!
Much love and peace to you all, we need it!!!
What Clif High affectionately calls The Big Ugly, based on his algorithmic analysis of language usage, is expected this summer. As you said, there’s lots of anger to go around because although the dead can’t speak, their successors certainly can!
The dead can't speak, and their relatives so rarely do, therefore Substackers and Telegram Channels are digging up the dead.
Not conducting interviews.
We need FAMILIES to actually speak.
(More families than the same few men and women grieving the loss of a family member to the jab. Whom we are already familiar with.)
We all read the same stories and see the same videos bouncing around these Substack echo chambers.
(Kind of similar to the Mainstream Media repetition...)
Substack articles, posting photos of the "I Got The Shot" deceased, their obituaries and Go Fund Me pages, won't help win the "hearts and minds" of non-believers.
Folks who spread this type of data, to Covidiots, are often slandered and accused of being horrible, heartless. (If they're acknowledged at all.)
This movement cannot prevail if the families of the dead refuse to get involved.
For whatever reasons.
A lot of strong messages here! Unfortunately, you ain't seen nothing yet.
don't misunderstand me, I am pureblood and will fight to the death.
Too bad you Canadians don't have a Second Amendment
That’s why they don’t have a First!
Never Forget. Never Forgive.
I remember that day well, the day the TorScar cemented their place in the history of evil. I will never forget and certainly NEVER forgive these criminal morons on that rag. So eager to jump on the despotic bandwagon and NEVER even think let alone check the history of vaccines (which this one is clearly not) Vaccines, real vaccines have a average of 20% effectiveness. Even then there is no proof whatsoever that it was the vaccine that protected people. Imbiciles all of them evil imbiciles.
True. Only the weak fkheads with their trans kids and false power trips denied my respect. For nothing. Im a forgiving person by nature, but this is the hardest thing to do. And now i hate the fact that i have succumbed to the intended division, so the fkn weffers win.
But not forever.
i’m with you. i know that division is their goal, but the people i know showed their true colours and i’m unable to reconcile it.
The elitists haven’t got a leg to stand on. Their baseless feeble minds are beginning to notice it. Time to drop ideology, stop dividing people because it actually unites us, and get us out of the WHO and watch the Weffers kill each other off, as most commies do.
What to do in those twisted rainbow places where their reign supreme and the sheeple and mushrooms chorus in unison, OZzzz and NZzzz?
At the same time, I see the vaxed as foolish children. I blame the globalists who use the scared small minded weak as ponds. Killing them for money and political leverage. I would give the fools a remedy if I had it. In the meantime they can stay away from me. They are not likely to be close to me anyway, I don't like stupid.