I remember talking with two guys I really respect back in 2020 about the pre-existing immunity to 'rona, noting it might be as high at 50%. They looked in disbelief. I mentioned there are respected profs at Oxford, Harvard and, when I said Stanford, they laughed out loud. "Scott Atlas?? You must watch Fox News! Ha ha ha." I said Ioannidi…
I remember talking with two guys I really respect back in 2020 about the pre-existing immunity to 'rona, noting it might be as high at 50%. They looked in disbelief. I mentioned there are respected profs at Oxford, Harvard and, when I said Stanford, they laughed out loud. "Scott Atlas?? You must watch Fox News! Ha ha ha." I said Ioannidis, but they were already safely tucked away in their washed brains at that point.
What a wakeup for me! A couple months ago I sent the panic committee a reference to Dr. Ioannidis' latest IFR results, and asked when they would apologize. I sent them Retsef Levi's video, too. The reply said they followed the best info they had. In other words, "just following orders." Bastards. If they get a link to my comments here, let them hear one final word. Nuremberg.
You and I will never understand the Leftist mind. The desire to save face, vs being truthful. Imagine the mental gymnastics they go through to justify their clearly inaccurate positions?
Nuremberg killed and condemned many innocent German soldiers. I feel we should line up millions who were aware, in positions of influence, be it medical, media or political, and nonetheless, spewed lies, and mercilessly have A10 Warthogs with their gattling guns, strafe them. Some will instantly die, drawn and quartered effortlessly. Others, will be missing limbs, but maintain a spark of life. I wonder what their inner monologue will tell them,. about their Leftist psychosis? Likely, they will learn nothing in their final gasps, and they will be thinking, "these damn, Fascist White Supremacists are so caught up in being honest, accurate and truthful, that they couldn't follow the script."
While I am certain Leftists despise us as well, there really could not be anything equivalent to my sentiments about them. Difference being, their lunacy was their business, until they attacked us.
I remember talking with two guys I really respect back in 2020 about the pre-existing immunity to 'rona, noting it might be as high at 50%. They looked in disbelief. I mentioned there are respected profs at Oxford, Harvard and, when I said Stanford, they laughed out loud. "Scott Atlas?? You must watch Fox News! Ha ha ha." I said Ioannidis, but they were already safely tucked away in their washed brains at that point.
What a wakeup for me! A couple months ago I sent the panic committee a reference to Dr. Ioannidis' latest IFR results, and asked when they would apologize. I sent them Retsef Levi's video, too. The reply said they followed the best info they had. In other words, "just following orders." Bastards. If they get a link to my comments here, let them hear one final word. Nuremberg.
You and I will never understand the Leftist mind. The desire to save face, vs being truthful. Imagine the mental gymnastics they go through to justify their clearly inaccurate positions?
Nuremberg killed and condemned many innocent German soldiers. I feel we should line up millions who were aware, in positions of influence, be it medical, media or political, and nonetheless, spewed lies, and mercilessly have A10 Warthogs with their gattling guns, strafe them. Some will instantly die, drawn and quartered effortlessly. Others, will be missing limbs, but maintain a spark of life. I wonder what their inner monologue will tell them,. about their Leftist psychosis? Likely, they will learn nothing in their final gasps, and they will be thinking, "these damn, Fascist White Supremacists are so caught up in being honest, accurate and truthful, that they couldn't follow the script."
While I am certain Leftists despise us as well, there really could not be anything equivalent to my sentiments about them. Difference being, their lunacy was their business, until they attacked us.
Of course they weren't "following the best info they had." You gave them the "best info." And they ignored it.
They have no excuse, Kathleen. Even in 2020 I sent the panic committee info on masks, the rt-PCR test, and Great Barrington declaration.