Bravo to Drs Ladapo and Alexander!

And yet I’m still seeing a torrent of ads promoting the slab jabs on the idiot box. Something is real rotten - and not just in Denmark.

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The health system is PURE EVIL.....CAN'T TRUST CDC OR WHO at all anymore....they are


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As are all corporate “healthcare systems “.

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Definitely can't trust the WHO (World Hell Organisation) or the CDC (Crooked Dodo Clan)!! Evil to the core!!

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Today's issue, 5/14,2023, of Children's Health Defense will answer a lot of questions:

"Is WHO a front organization for the takeover of US Government."

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The whole edifice is captured, corrupt and rotten to the core.

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There will never be any answers forthcoming and even if there were, they would all be lies.

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the CDC and the WHO should be unchartered and shut down for the lying murdering institutions that they are. The don't promote health, they promote sickness and disease because that is how they get paid....PURE EVIL.....ANYTHING GLOBAL IS PURE EVIL.

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Well said!!

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Twelve questions.

12 questions.

Thank you Dr Ladapo!!!

God is good - and great, for giving us the honest brave voices of good doctors and nurses, as few as they may seem, at this critical time.

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Dr Ladapo could be appointed Sec of Heath for the next POTUS.

He is the highest level person who knows the whole truth about Covid-19 Plandemic/Scamdemic.

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He should also ask if they are aware that scientist are finding extensive contamination of DNA in all of the mRNA jabs. This should warrant an immediate recall.


“By comparing the number of cycles required for each of the two targets to cross the threshold, it was determined that up to 35% of the total nucleic acid contained in the vaccines is in fact DNA. For comparison, the EMA has stipulated that DNA should not amount to more than 0.033% of the total nucleic acids.”

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The only entity that can or will possibly punish them is the TX / FL grand jury process.

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Yes they will keep pushing the jab because ama is owned by the.Rothchilds family i do believe they.took it over in 1912 American medical association we the people are the cure for all these crazys when everyone figures it out..umuinty starts breaking.down over time. This is a culling of masses in all western society's this true. systems are showing all around chest pain couphing Inflammation in your joints the symptoms are all around im on site with five thousand people 1500 walking showing symptoms i dropped last October heart rate down 32 ppm hurt my back in December it Paralyzed my right leg for 4 months im just back to work this last month picked up a cold last shift im do 14 day on 10- 12hr days then 7 off came back on shift this week on Tuesday wensday night had sore eye from having a shower water tasted funny didn't think nothing woke up with Paralyzed right side of my face. (BELL PALSY) I HAVE NOW so from following the great doctor's we have on our side for the last three plus years Educating myself on vaccines got me into reading Reading pathology immunology urology cardcardiovascular system and so on anything I get my hands on to understand this. So i understand what systems are one of the 1800 injuries that come from these darts. So please Educate others around you so they understand what they're looking for your body will tell you.

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Hope good health is restored for you!

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We, as a country are unfortunately "rotting from the inside out and outside in"

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Thank you republishing this. And a big shout out to Jo whose name will be preserved as righteous.

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They will still push the bioweapon injections because they're evil demons , IMHO

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So many need jail or worse!

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Jail? Every last politician, businessman and doctor involved in this merits the death penalty!

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Agree 100%!

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mRNA filled shots frm American manufacturing-a vax so bad, the CCP rejected it. Amazing.

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Good to both of you!!!

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