Two forces at work here.

1. Paid pharma hit men.

2. Cognitive Dissonance and refusal to look jab lethality in the face, especially those that allowed themselves to take the jab.

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if the FDA or any other type of agency in other countries wanted that type of study, they could have had it before the EUA was issued.

so now they are complaining that the original study wasn't done right?

well, now they are stuck with the best study

btw there ware more deaths in the Pfizer RCT of the vaccinated than the placebo before the unblinding. Which is consistent with heart failure in the Florida Study.

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Sloppiness, and laziness, topped by a massive infestation of entitlement, is the diagnosis of the majority of the population- those not on Substack but getting their info from independent platforms and corrupted mass media agencies supported by brainwashed Covidiots.

For ex, in my household, we don’t need a nutritionist to tell us what to eat, or a wellness director to say to us about the benefits of exercise & healthy lifestyles.

We also don’t need a psychologist to mitigate our differences or how raise our children.

This, we don’t need the ‘experts’ to help us see what we can see and interpret within our minds and intellectual capacity.

We can read studies ourselves (and put lots of time into them), and we always question everything!

We may trust some things, but we always verify.

So, the work done in FL and managed by Dr. Ladapo’s team sits perfectly with us, and we entirely dismiss the noise from the Covidiots.

Nonetheless, we are very observant of whether those around us are taking the shots or not are doing well or not.

It is a big difference between the two groups, and we are definitely in the healthy, no medical issues group.

Why? Because we said NO, from age4 - 84! Was it easy? No - but it’ll be worth it to us.

Those that said “yes” are either not with us anymore or have an unfortunate outcome.

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At the end of it all, it's actually so simple. Even if we don't consider AEs and merely look at effectiveness. What does it take to convince a person that the shots are completely useless? How many times does a multiply vaccinated person have to get COVID before he or she realizes that there might just be something oddly ineffective about said vaccine?

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The SCSS method should be used by other states as well. The sooner the results of the study are replicated elsewhere the better. The whole rotten edifice created by Gorski et al and all of the shills for Big Pharma who are trying to cover up the harms and trying to get more people jabbed will all come crumbling down.

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Re unvaccinated group I am part of an International group of over 300k so it would be easier than you think. vaxcontrolgroup.com They have papers on research gate already. Epoch Times have an article on their research so far.

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Special event going on NOW - livestream about the global dangers of WHO/WEF attempt to take control and what to do about it, the grave harms caused by the covid shots, & more. Now talking: Rabbi Jonathan Rietti. In 1 hour at 5:30 PM EDT - live with Dr. Pierre Kory MD in NY! Afterwards: Attorneys Thomas Renz and Bobbie Anne Cox. Please join! https://truth613.substack.com/p/critical-livestreamlive-event-this

Recording will G-d willing be posted on my substack afterwards.

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The point can be made without such vitriol as the message gets lost with a hateful tongue.

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