Why does TWC & Dr. McCullough push drugs with long lists of side effects like Tamiflu? And RNA injections from deactivated Ecoli to counter MRNA LNP injections? That’s crazy. How bout him saying that Statins are good for us & don’t cause dementia? What the hell is wrong with him? I’ve seen lots of people on Statins who have profound dementia in long term care settings. I don’t trust his “professional advice” any longer. I’ll take a hard pass on anything he recommends. But thanks. 💜

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So is that’s a quackzine for quackzine damage do they get a free doughnut 🍩

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I'll tell you why, they are not scientists... they are doing their best to enable us to fight the greatest battle between heaven & hell.. McCollough is a good man.. nuff said..yes, he does need to acknowledge mitosis.. it will be soon...

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Corona 19 was dis-ease X

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Then be prepared to stand with Dr. DREW! He opened up his anti-social government hidden mind to allow all discussion... I stand with all that are fighting ❤️

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