Could be post-partum psychosis

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TO top this off the FDA approved a medicine for postpartum depression that one of the adverse affects is suicide. Pharma is dangerous to our health!

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Absolutely impossible to speculate on this. It's becoming almost a banality....certainly not trivial, but tragically commonplace. What can you possibly do with this but place it under the Life is Incredibly Bizarre umbrella? More poor souls lost.

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This was such a sad story, didn't all doctors have to be jabbed to practice back then, Im sure she took her boosters as instructed. My heart breaks for her husband and the families.

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A generalist doctor in France told me that a grandmother patient of his tried to kill her grandchild due to effects of Convid injection on her brain. This was in mid-2021.

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Anyone notice,how easily angered, flying into rages, the Covid Vaxxed seem to be? Traffic accidents increases, office meetings, become shouting matches, were once,calm rational beings, are like hand grenades, with the safety pin removed.

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This sounds like postpartum psychosis. Because of the extreme trauma that most women experience during hospital birth (thanks to numerous evil, medical protocols designed to make birth an extremely painful, frightening and unpleasant experience), not only do moms (and sometimes dads too) experience postpartum depression and postpartum post-traumatic stress, but for some mamas, the trauma is so bad, they experience postpartum psychosis and often have thoughts of killing themselves and their babies. It is imperative that our society address the issue of birth trauma -- all of which is being caused by technological interference in the birth process and the many wicked rituals that the medical establishment is engaged in that are nothing other than techniques of trauma-based mind control. Please see my website for more info: www.BirthofaNewEarth.com and/or listen to this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TsGfAZHs-18&feature=emb_title

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Suicide ideation is a listed side effect of the Pfizer jabs.

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Besides other possibilities mentioned in other comments, don't underestimate the mental health side effects of bad diets, such as Standard American Diet and vegan.

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What does the autopsy say?

Oh, wait...never happen. She was a doctor so, unknown cause, SADS and leave it at that.

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Maybe she sees the effects of thevjabs in hervpatients??

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Tragic, not really any words. Dr. Alexander - thank you for bringing us this information. The more we know the more we can glean a bigger picture.

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With a 4 month old she could very easily have had post-natal depression. I’ve witnessed this twice in people that I’ve known…it’s a ruthless and tragic infliction at a time which should be so joyful.

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I find it oddly coincidental that one day before this the FDA approved the first ever Oral Postpartum Depression treatment.

FDA Approves First Oral Treatment for Postpartum Depression (August 04, 2023)


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I believe this kind of sudden crazy violent behavior is a hallmark of someone on SSRIs. Ask Dr. Peter Breggin, I think he has warned about the SSRI dangers.

Since she was an MD she had easy access to that Rx, and the orthodox medical establishment still prescribes SSRIs ignoring the dangers.

This is another tragedy among many SSRI tragedies.

I only wish the medical establishment would listen to people like Dr. Breggin.

A quick search online brought up the following article by Dr. Breggin on SSRIs and violence in military personnel who were prescribed SSRIs (cut and paste link in browser)::


From the paper Abstract: The newer antidepressants frequently cause suicide, violence and manic-like symptoms of activation or over-stimulation, presenting serious hazards to active duty soldiers who carry weapons under stressful conditions.

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We should be able to ask.

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