H5N1 avian flu scam/plan coming to a town near you... soon.

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March 2020, the Russian's laid out the entire COVID/mRNA scam as they had found Pfizer working papers at Ukraine bio-labs; Watch the video, from three years ago, you will see it played out exactly, how they said it would play out;


Let's remember here that back in March2020 a Russian colonel laid out exactly how COVID would transpire;


I remember watching this video 3 years ago, this was already six months after COVID started being in the alt news in ASIA; I had been following COVID since first report that I was hearing during the wuhan-mil games oct2019;

The guy lays down exactly the goals of DOD

We see it even more today with the explicit destruction of the German economy

Back in Nov2019 they dumped ton of toxic COVID in the Italian Milan-Florence factorys where chinese girls had been working since 1990's "Made in Italy", think Gucci; Most of the girls supplement low-wages with sex4cash with local older Italian men, who were wiped out with COVID Dec2019 and later; In Jan2020 many of the Chinese girls would go home for 'spring fest' in China, which populated COVID all over China.

Yes they destroyed the Italian economy and it still has not recovered from the COVID lockdowns, my own family effected my sister didn't get to see her son for +2 years because nobody was allowed to go more than 5km from home for 2+ year; The son was 25km away;

Iran much of the same they dumped tons of super-toxic COVID on Iran, leading to the death of many old men, especially in the political class;

Yes, all GENOCIDE de-population is always a banker-scam since the 1600's from UK based Rothschild Family, all over earth every 4-6 generation by war or pandemic they cause property values to collapse, where they invest; BUY-LOW/SELL-HIGH; The UK city-of-london is in the "TRUST BUSINESS", elite familys invest in trusts that promise to pay millions a year to offspring elite perpetually forever, in order to make these 500% annual returns they must constantly create massive property de-valuation; Then they rebuild and resell;

Most recently you saw it in USSA with anti-fa and the SOROS team where blacks were led to burn down their own homes and then SOROS investors bought the lands for nickels and turned around the built high-end condos for elite zionist investors; Think Ferguson a highly desired property for gentrification;

The attack on Europe of course as we know with German Nordstream pipe is to permanently knock Europe down so they must buy everything from USSA;

I think the attack was really on CHINA, but MOSSAD definitely made sure that IRAN was hit all at the same time; By hitting the Florence->Milan region where millions of tourists go they were certain that COVID would go to all western & eastern country's;

This video was from March2020, in OCT2019 everybody saw that the US-MIL coming to the Wuhan-Mil-Games that most of the incoming western troops were sick; They also infected the wet market for cover, which the Chinese quickly burnt down; The wuhan bio-lab was just a POMPEO(CIA)/Trump cover for USSA consumption; Note that USSA didn't announce COVID in USSA until MAR2020 same time as this Russian video;

The troops that came to Wuhan in OCT2019 were infect back at their mid-west USSA bases in Aug2019, just like "Spanish-Flu" that began on USSA bases back 1918.

De-population then & now;

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They are not done with us yet, imho

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U will known when they're done, you will all be dead, unless you escaped their ZOG colonys before they murder you;

Just like Jews in 1933 Germany, they bailed, those that stuck around post 1938 died;

USA I see 2009 as 1933, and 1938 as TODAY, in the next few years the shit in USA will get real, once the EBT's quit working, the USA-USD financial system breaking down;

USA city's go feral, rural goes mad-max;

[ Just yesterday US-State Dept announced that passports are no longer available for exit of USA, now its +6 month wait, and longer; ]

All according to plan;


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No, if by mail longer. About 2-3 months. Due to Huge demand now for international travel because couldn’t during covid.

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"Stranded" an old song we just to sing like the TV show "Branded".

"Stranded in the USA Toilet Bowl, what do you do when your stranded and you don't have a roll? To prove your man you must wipe with your hand;"

If you don't have +6 months on a passport then your fucked, if you do then get out now, and apply for your renewal abroad, which is usually faster as they're processed at foreign embassy's;

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+6 months by default

If you pay $120 extra maybe 4 months; If your lucky;

I guess I have to pass the link; (below on topic)

Post COVID demand is bullshit, people who travel already had passports, this is demand by people who never considered leaving the USA;

Of course too now simple travel to Mexico&Canada require passports, long ago it did not;


+6 months


A soon-to-expire passport may not allow for travel, if say your passport is less than six months to expiration they can deny travel,

Importantly, Americans may not be allowed to travel if their passport expires within a few months after their trip.

For example, the Schengen Area requires a U.S. passport be valid for at least 90 days beyond a traveler's intended date of departure from the region. The Schengen Area encompasses 27 countries in the European Union.

Many countries in the Asia Pacific and Middle East require at least six months of validity for permission to enter. Other areas, such as Hong Kong and Macau, require one month.

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Dr. Giordano laid it out at West Point's Modern Warfare Institute in 2017.


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ZOG always tells U what their plan is-is, they never hide it, its how they operate.

They only intend to cull the dumb&woke;

If your GayDAR is up and you know how to read their talking points, then you always know their moves;

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Need to stock up on IVM & antibiotics. Many people with COVID died of opportunistic bacterial pneumonia, untreated because it was assumed the vented patients would die anyway.

Shelf life is about 2 years, maybe three. So many antibiotics are made in China, that shortages are entirely possible. Try to get a good broad-spectrum one from your doc, just to keep on hand. Also some corticosteroids. Nothing fancy.

A nebulizer, desktop size, hydrogen peroxide. A reasonable expense for some safety.

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Or just take vitamin D and zinc - and don't wear a mask (which can promote bacterial pneumonia)?

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Nebulizer with saline is really helpful for chest congestion.

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arizithromycin antibiotic




Have lots on hand, but better yet go live in a country that doesn't require fucking prescriptions, you just walk into a pharma and buy what you want;

All MED PHARMA is MADE in India, all raw materials are imported by the rail-car from China; If India prioritizes any of the above for their own citizens, then the rest of the world is shit out of luck; Lastly, all the above are penny's in India, and big zog-bucks in zog colonys;

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I live in Mexico part-time, and bought a boatload of IVM OTC on my last visit . Got to save a friend's life. It was a miracle ... He was literally at death's door.

I also knew 3 people with Delta, I begged their family to call a renowned physician who could administer IV IVM & azithromycin, and save their lives. He had been part of the Ratjer team that had developed the protocols early on.

All said no. All died. One had three little kids. So sad. And Mexico has a robust med manufacturing sector, similar to Indias. Most are OTC, except opiates and antibiotics.

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"Of Course, It's The Birds," by Richard Vobes:


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I really enjoy him. Thanks.

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Riddle me this Dr Paul

Why is it that the means of how Trump/Pompeo deployed COVID on Iran never discussed or even approached? Inquiring minds ??


iso-cyanate micro-pills aerosol delivery can stay in body days to years for the iso-cyanate ( crazy glue ) to dissolve, has hooks where it stays in body, lungs or intestine;

Israel has been using in MENA for decades to sterilize human populations.

No problem to spray nanoparticles & lipids and not have them released in the victims for months;

No problem to spray SarCov-19 toxic strains genome dependent and not have them released in the victims for months or years depending on thickness of micro-pill;

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Remember the Gypsy-Moth fiasco in Monterey (san fran) area +20 years?? This is the same company, same technology, same CIA-DOD guinea pig testing;

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Operation Sea Spray

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Experts question plan to spray to fight moths

Experts say it's not that nasty and can't be eradicated anyhow



What's interesting in the article they don't mention 'suterra', but they do mention 'checkmate' which is a suterra product, Suterra is an IDF contractor for making micro-pills for sterilizing humans in MENA & elsewhere

OSS was 1950's

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Curious how the article actually uses the phrase “slow the spread” in reference to the moths.

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All talking points from CIA/DOD bio-weapon people, remember that Fauci was running this project, not unlike your OSS ( ocean spray ) in 1950's, USA goyim continual guinea pigs;

Another parallel to mRNA is that experts here say "This will do nothing to solve the problem", bingo, its not about the problem, its about spraying the bio-weapon and studying the effects;

Same as tuskegee, or henrietta-lacks, or radio-active bowling balls to study radioactive transmission, much of US-GOV only exists to experiment on the goyim herds;

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mRNA experts admit that it has no effect in eliminating COVID, yet they march on the jab's

See its all about the process, and not the justification of that process;

The jab is a test, all the mRNA deployed are different and all results go back to VAERS (DOD-CIA-USMIL) for analysis; What are they looking for?? Many things;

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I’ve wondered about the so-called weather/spy balloons they claimed were launched by China. Why was Biden so reluctant to shoot it down until it was over the ocean? Do we really think he was concerned it might fall on someone? Smells like bs. What if the skies were crawling with these balloons spreading viral clones and the few that suddenly appeared were leftovers? Funny how nobody ever heard of these things before. Never caught on surveillance, silent, etc.

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Here's what I'm talking about, the only result of the balloon-shit, is that now China will not talk with dumb-fucking USA;

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Weather balloons are launched all over the earth daily by Weather science people

The question is "Why did the MSM make the 'weather balloon' a THINGY"

Of all the bullshit to distract the GOYIM MIND why a fucking flying condom?

The only blowback on Weather-Balloon is now Xi refuses to talk to anybody in USA GOV, thinks they're all 100% bat-shit crazy;

The Weather-Balloon SHIT, at the same time Hersh released his shit about USA blowing up Nordstream; They always pull distraction shit out of their ass when an embarrassing story is in the MSM news; Normally its aliens, or man bites dog storys, or zombie storys the USA public loves Zombies;

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No, I heard we were on for Ebola - isn't that what's brewing in Africa?

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I suspect,Nano technology is in the Covid "Vaccines", soon to interact with the 5G cell towers,Electronic Zombies, with no free wills...

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I have a horrible feeling this is what they think they can do, that revolting creature Yuri Haval thinking humans are hackable animals. Capital punishment for genocide is what we now need.

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Yes The binary agent could be electronic 5G Through the graphing oxide we have and metals.?

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It isn't a response to a virus those that are injected will have. I believe it is a response to a poison. There is a big difference. Making one weak to fight specific poisons is what I believe they've done. But the rest of us are also exposed but just less so if not jabbed.

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Trump has thus far failed to renounce the Trump jab.

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they already have the vaccines in place for the H5N1 scam

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Please stop with the sci-fi fear mongering.

There is no "future release" of anything any more than there ever was or has been a "release" of anything.

We do know enough of what's in the shots- nasty toxic shyte of all manner particularly metal contamination.

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He brings the receipts. Covid was no accident, it was released to rid the country of DJT and for American Marxists to get power and never let it go.


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Thanks Allen!! Keep preaching the truth!! There was never a release--all they needed was their scientifically fraudulent PCR test, and 24/7 hysteria and propaganda from the corporate media and the govt. Even CIA war pig Pompeo gave it away with "We're in a live exercise"- but the sheep just dismiss what doesn't fit into their belief system.

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Fairly soon the snake oil salesmen at the WEF/CEPI/WHO/UNEP/UNFCCC/ECOSOC will have no one to keep them in the style to which they have become accustomed.

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U just mentioned all team Rothschild/Rockefeller they have been in solid power since 16AD in London, why you think they drop the ball now? They have weathered far worse storms;

Deagle Report 90% reduction in human population in USA by 2025, that's how they solve their problem and stay in power; ( Deagle is Rockefeller Foundation )

NWO is on schedule and will be just fine;

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Surprisingly, after hundreds of millions of years the dinosaurs became extinct.

Unforeseen events possess a certain knack.

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Don't waste your time. This person has no occupation apart from cropdusting substack. 😂

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Jonesy has arrived, hide the women & children;

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Dinosaurs died from comet that spread dust and blocked the sun for decades, could happen again and wipe out elite human life;

On the other hand if the elite, drop human population on earth to 500M total, then there would be plenty of food & oil and everything forever;

In Africa, north of Kenya they have tribes that limit populations to 100, they have been doing this forever; It's quite simple when there is a new live birth the oldest in the village is expected to walk out into the desert and die;

Even small rat population's, as you known once the colony 'in a box' with unlimited food & water reach about 2,000 they all kill each other;

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Deagle did NOT say 90 percent! NAm was 2/3 drop in population. 1/3 was predicted to be left standing.

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The Deagel scenario

The Deagel corporation was asked to explain the thinking behind its strange set of population and output figures. While we cannot take its response at face value, it nonetheless paints a picture that is very similar to the world we now see. And this is not an exaggeration at all.


[1] A fake American GDP

In short, they argued that the US government has greatly over-stated the real level of US GDP. This means the country will be fatally exposed when the next economic crisis strikes.

How can the GDP be so high that a full 61% of Americans are so poor that they do not pay Federal Income Taxes?

It defies rational understanding.

[2] A Pandemic Scenario

They also take into account a “pandemic scenario” – their term – caused by Ebola or a similar pathogen. This, they say, would cause an exceptionally high death rate, placing extreme pressure on healthcare providers across America and greatly reducing economic output.

[3] A financial crisis with the US Dollar

This pandemic could quickly spiral out of control and create an international financial crisis:

“The collapse of the Western financial system will wipe out the standard of living of its population while ending Ponzi schemes such as the Stock Exchange and the pension funds.”

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Now we are thinking like DARPA! What we think now, they came up and refined 10 years ago. Those that are unjabbed-guess what we have been shedded on and if we miss that, possibly tainted blood or food will get us and on and on-stop and think how monstrous scientists are to create a bioweapon that tho You dont get the shot, you still get the shot. And do these creators think they are safe? Maybe there is an anecdote? just like there is a cure for cancer but only special psychopaths have the double secret hand shake? Hmmm

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What I initially thought was that the Covid vaccine was not for Covid but for a disease much more lethal which they have not yet released. The only people who would then die would be the pesky unvaxxed and their critical thinking skills. Why would the WEF want to kill off the useful idiots who'll believe their climate change guff?!

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The "Covid vaccine" is not a vaccine; so probably not.

What they're doing is livestock management. It's what farmers do. We are the livestock. Planet Earth is owned and operated as a business. The control-manipulate-harvest business model is based on fraud, deception and racketeering. Everything on the planet, including you, is either incorporated or securitized.

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I had this thought too, extinguish critical thinkers. But who really knows what twists will transpire. I think all countries are playing their roles, including China, Russia, in reducing peoples expectations.

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I've noticed. There is more crap less choice everywhere.

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You people keep saying we dont know whats in the shot. When the Mafia wanted to know something they had some gruesome persuasive ways to find out what they wanted. Desperate times require Desperate actions. Our Children are in danger they need our help Now. Basic survival fight or die

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You believe in viruses?

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I think they will use 5G for the kill switch. 🤔

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You know, I've seen people worrying about meat tainted my mRNA, but won't the outcome be more likely to be dead cattle?

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When you understand that the US Department of Defense is behind ALL of this (Latipova et al) you understand that the citizens are at WAR with our own roque, psychopathic deep-state government.

Is there any other way to see it?

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Hello, this is Rupert Sayre -- the associate of The Shadow.

A quick update.

Regarding the Pfizer One Dose Man - 2021:

At last report from about a month ago, his feet and ankles had some small swellings and inflammation. I observed his feet about once a week and saw that these swellings were both increasing and decreasing but not decreasing overall.

Now, about a month later, these swellings (blood clots) are increasing again to a problem stage.

I took a look at his blood in the microscope, today, and I saw very clumped red blood cells. I saw the same black clouds and tubes which are probably Graphene Oxide forms. I also saw many tiny grey spheres (vesicles) which I think are the mRNA Spike Proteins as they are different from the Graphene Oxide forms which I've seen in my own blood.

For a while I suspected that there was only Graphene Oxide in the Covid Injections but seeing these tiny grey spheres again makes me now think that there are also mRNA Spike Proteins being produced from the Covid Injections. At this point, the Pfizer One Dose Man's body has been producing spike proteins for almost precisely two years now.

I think if the Pfizer One Dose Man doesn't start taking the Zelenko Protocol (Zinc, Zinc Ionophore [Quercetin], Vitamin C, and Vitamin D) again very soon that he will be limping again in four days. I mentioned this to him and his wife but both of them are still doing nothing.

To recap: the Zinc and Zinc Ionophore blocks the mRNA from replicating in the cell; the Vitamin C acts as an antioxidant and breaks down the Graphene Oxide; the Vitamin D boosts the immune system. With the mRNA blocked from replicating more overwhelming spike proteins, the body's immune system degrades the circulating spike proteins and blood clots.

Regarding my personal research:

I saw the Graphene Oxide in my blood disintegrating to the point where at 28 days, it was 90% gone. I looked again at my blood in the microscope at 35 days and it looked the same as before I started wearing the Tesla Purple Plate Disk. I don't know what happened? It could be that I was exposed to more Graphene Oxide like from the Pfizer One Dose Man. They also started spraying Chemtrails here again after pausing over the winter. So, the Graphene Oxide could be coming from the Chemtrails.

By the way, I did a continuous study on Chemtrails in my area from March to October of 2022. My findings were the same as this website's except I never tried the "thought experiments":


From my personal notes:

2. The evidence points to the Chemtrail-lines are not altering the weather and creating rain or are used to block the Sun's radiation as they are sprayed right at Sundown. The Chemtrails are also sprayed primarily on Weekends and occasionally at mid-week. The Chemtrails are being sprayed over a city and over the city center. The evidence points to the Chemtrails are being sprayed on people.

3. My observations point to the Orgone Cloudbusters as having effects and these effects are: purifying the Air as the Sky gets bluer; disintegrating Chemtrails immediately when there are only a few present; developing Feathery Slyph Clouds which disintegrate Chemtrails over time.

I was also itching all over my body after examining the Pfizer One Dose Man. This could be a symptom of Covid Injection shedding. I put a Tesla Purple Plate in a cloth pouch and wore it around my neck. It is definitely producing more energy than the smaller Purple Plate Disk. It also has reduced the itching.

Regarding The Shadow's mole-hunting:

Personally, I think such an esteemed scientist should be finding an antidote to the Covid Poison Injection rather than pontificating on various sundry subjects.

The Shadow said to me: "Night-time London emanations are also seen by me." Whatever that means?

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Could they splice it into a plant we consume?

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Quercetin - they sell it in Holland and Barrett - the herby shop in the UK.

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Line up the horrible " Elitists",introduce them to a running Tree Shredder...

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