Amen. Lord be with her in her greatest and perhaps last battle on this earth. Jesus name. Dr will be the next for Malone to sue. That is the corrupt playbook. God be with you and thank you for speaking the good, the bad and the ugly. Call them by their name! Bring the evil to the light.
Amen. Lord be with her in her greatest and perhaps last battle on this earth. Jesus name. Dr will be the next for Malone to sue. That is the corrupt playbook. God be with you and thank you for speaking the good, the bad and the ugly. Call them by their name! Bring the evil to the light.
Amen. Lord be with her in her greatest and perhaps last battle on this earth. Jesus name. Dr will be the next for Malone to sue. That is the corrupt playbook. God be with you and thank you for speaking the good, the bad and the ugly. Call them by their name! Bring the evil to the light.
That in itself, the lawsuits launched by Malone tells you what he’s about.
Well, we could all turn around and sue him, for damages!