Another textbook example of intelligence not necessarily intersecting with common sense. Human behavior is a truly baffling and eye-opening study. Again, Twain to the rescue: "It’s easier to fool people than to convince them they've been fooled." Optics prove this to be true. Couple this with a lofty ego and the chances for disaster go up exponentially. (See Titanic and/or Oceangate)

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Aug 5, 2023·edited Aug 5, 2023


Perhaps she may have wanted a lofty pocketbook, along with the potential lofty ego...

Credit here to conspiracysarahsubstack for bringing to light the truth that the marxists try to bury as untruths just because.? ...they....don't like it...?

Dear Interviewer, Can we please ask Dr. O'Riordan how many patients she recommended the Permanent Gene Editing Bioweapon Injection officially known in the DOD Contract as a " Counter Measure " to ? and if she administered it at her practice and if she was directly compensated or incentivized for administering the shot to each patient an additional $ 100-$ 250 per patient, over and above her regular fees ? Also known, in other circles, as being bribed (by Big Parma). Or perhaps just one or two of these questions? It will really help us get to the bottom of the Truth of the matter. Not to mention, she should notify these patients immediately so they can help save themselves earlier rather then not( later).

See proof below.

Thank you for helping her and her patients at this time.

"With knowledge comes responsibility."



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Such a thing will never cease to amaze.

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How sad and infuriating that great Dr’s were programmed to accept that the mRNA poison junk cooked up and delivered in an injection would just be a wonderful feat of science!

I could sit on my couch and eat bon bons everyday, gain 100lbs, and still be better off.

And while I’m thinking about it, I keep hearing news reports that Covid cases are sky rocketing in Florida. Total BS. Some places are making people war masks again.

I looked on the FLDOH website last night and it said that despite all the reports that there are only 2 true cases in the state! So get ready for the big fake to scare those willing to be scared. Should we tell them the virus hovers 3 ft from the ground and to avoid it they have to crawl to avoid it?

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It is just gonna keep getting worse.

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Depending on ones point of view. Eventually the medical doctors will learn the truth and then those who didn't in time will die early. It is just another self-limiting issue.

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Yep! I refuse to cave to the fear mongering. All it is another attempt to control people. I wonder how many have the guts to stand up to the propaganda ?

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I just watched "Covidland: The Shot."

Disturbing watching the news clips when they tried to force us to take the covid death shot.

Here is the link:


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How many breast cancer patients did she tell to get the covid death shots?

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Yes Kathleen, someone needs to ask her so we know all the ones that are suffering like her or more then her, and possibly knew better but they listened to her, their " Doctor " anyway.

This is probably why she cannot admit to herself psychologically what she did and advised the wrong thing and is responsible for so many of her patients' suffering and death. There is a Psychological Diagnosis for this. Psychiatrists? Psychologists ?

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I think "murdering psychopath" will do.

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Still, there are those people in denial that will not accept the truth of these dangers.

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3 Dr’s being treated for cancer all immunocompromised at Cancer center in my area voluntarily took the Covid shots as part of a study. None of them had a positive antibody response. Nothing. I wonder if they are still alive. One would think that their medical background would have made them stop and do some deep diving. They instead just believed the big pharma safe and effective misinformation.

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So many of us, with no medical training whatsoever, knew not to take the covid death shots.

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Praying for her recovery & an awakening!

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The best thing she could do before she dies is to denounce the covid death shots.

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Aug 6, 2023·edited Aug 6, 2023

Great question, whichbI'm sure she will never answer. Medical community, common sense and honesty no longer exist. She may not live long enough to answer.

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Amen. Lord be with her in her greatest and perhaps last battle on this earth. Jesus name. Dr Alexander....you will be the next for Malone to sue. That is the corrupt playbook. God be with you and thank you for speaking the good, the bad and the ugly. Call them by their name! Bring the evil to the light.

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That in itself, the lawsuits launched by Malone tells you what he’s about.

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Well, we could all turn around and sue him, for damages!

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The same thing happened to my 90-year-old mom. She was a super healthy woman who during her last annual checkup in late 2019 the doctor told her she would live another ten years. In August 2020 she had her annual mammogram. A cancer tumor was discovered. It was removed by a right breast mastectomy in October 2020. She was assured that it would be many years before the cancer would re-emerge. She was getting mammograms every six months and taking estrogen as a mild chemotherapy to prevent the cancer from coming back. In April 2021 my siblings convinced her to take the Covid death jab. I fought hard to convince them she had a very robust immune system and we both already had a mild case of Covid in March 2020. Unfortunately, she had zero adverse reactions to the first shot, so she took the second in May right after a clean mammogram. In January or February of 2022 she started having balance problems. In October 2022 she was hospitalized with fluid in her lungs. X-rays and CAT scans found cancer ravaging her lungs and liver. A PET scan verified blood clots in her brain even though there was no cancer. That explained the balance issues. She was an amazing mother and God took her home on Mother's Day 2023. I am beyond angry that my siblings didn't listen to me in 2021. Only one of the four acknowledges that it was the jab that took her from us. I didn't bother requesting an autopsy. I didn't want to fight with my siblings because it would have gotten ugly because I was so angry. I did let them know how angry I was at the government and media for brainwashing them. I have a feeling when the truth becomes mainstream that the mRNA technology is dangerous, in the next three to five years, their attitudes will change.

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I can tell so many stories about cancer returning to the vaxxed. And other health issues too. Yet they don't see the correlation. It's mind boggling. I've (almost) come to terms with the fact that a good many people I know may die in the near future. All one had to do was read the Pfizer/Moderna SEC filings which blatantly stated that this was an experimental genetic therapy! And then do a bit of real research. Early on, the survival rate was 99.5% (give or take a few hundredths of a percent). That's hardly a pandemic !

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Aug 3, 2023·edited Aug 3, 2023

In April 2021 my siblings convinced her...

I had the same thing (not quite, my mother was murdered around three weeks after being coerced into getting the AZ poison). But I do not count them as siblings anymore.

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These beings turn into little Mengeles. They don't know sh...t but they start bossing people around about medical info! Since when!?

Ask your siblings when they are getting their next boosters. Bourla said it should be every 6 months and so did Fraudci remember? So ask them! They would be hounding your mother to if she were still alive. Remind them of that.

Ignorant with attitudes make a really bad combination. Then add malignant and we have a whole another problem, like the end of this country. Did you see this exact thing in Australia and other countries?

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They are not taking the shots anymore. My mother was 90 years old. They did not badger her. She was just not very savvy about researching the whole Covid thing on her phone, watched Fox News 24/7, and therefore easily convinced. My siblings were all basically forced to take the jab or lose their livelihoods, except for one who took it because she is the only liberal among the five of us. She listens to NPR 24/7. There is no animosity toward my views. I am one of the laughably named far-right domestic violent extremists Joe Biden would put in jail if I wasn't just another law-abiding citizen. I am also a basic prepper. That is probably why my siblings didn't listen to me. They are just hardworking people who are not red-pilled, except for the one who does believe that the jab killed my mom. They will eventually wake up.

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So the ones that are in favor of the shots, if they are in favor why are they not taking more?

As prescribed.

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Aug 4, 2023·edited Aug 4, 2023

My niece coerced my brother to take the jab. He was healthy and then got pneumonia for some reason. Last March he was rushed to the hospital for a severe ear infection which caused deafness in one ear. He couldn’t even walk or talk the day he was hospitalized. Still has ear problems and chronic vertigo. My niece wasn’t so successful at intimidating me, I told her I’d never ever take one of those things, she mocked me about ivermectin. We both burst out laughing and that was that (before my brother’s illness). I still love her but can’t comprehend the cognitive dissonance. She’s a charge nurse

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A charge nurse who is killing her father due to her ignorance.

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5 % death rate per year from what I read. They can't have much more because it will be too obvious ...and less not effective enough to depopulate. So 10 years x 5 % is 50 % elimination. While we are all sitting and chatting. We need to put these Depop leaders out of their misery.

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I am furious reading this. My sincere condolences. I must hold my tongue.

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Thank you, Dave. Don't hold your tongue toward your elected representatives as they gear up for more masking, more lockdowns, and more vaccine mandates. Let your local representatives, your favorite stores, and your employer know that you will not comply.

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Oh, you can be assured I will not comply and will speak out, as I have already been doing.

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This is beyond tragic and heartbreaking to watch disaster roll along as slow motion genocide by mRNA transfection.

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I know 2 Dr’s personally who are vax injured. Not that old. 50-ish. 1 had a stroke and is near blind and the other had a mild heart attack.

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I know of 2 staffers b4 my retirement who in their 50s woke up deaf. Completely. And one who during 2nd pregnancy was paralyzed both legs. Excuses abound...

Sure, it happens all the time... and all that car radio rock n roll will deafen you every time lol

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Sweet Jesus!


The injection did cause inflammation in the frontal CNS and thus the stupid, zombie like affect. Additionally the sprays in the air do it also. I even hear them warning in a mocking way on the radio these facts. " If you feel foggy ....it is normal....." then the radio voice said to add more aluminum to the dishwasher ....I kid you not, by rolling up foil paper and put it into the utensil holders.

They fired many PhDs researching aluminum and early onset Alzheimer's and other Dementias.

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Aug 5, 2023·edited Aug 5, 2023

And so many people still freaking clued out!!

When I talk to these women in salons etc., and ones who have just had babies! ....living under a rock and I don't know now where to start, how to start. Not my forte. I just do it anyway though. So many people in a day dislike me, the messenger. Hopefully I plant a seed at least. I always have my evidence with me but funny enough, they don't want to see it. They have their arrogant, hubrisless little minds made up.

Lord help us. I think they are going to bring us down. I know it.

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You can become a top surgeon by conforming to medical orthodoxy. Your eyes can be closed health and disease prevention.

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Surgeons don't need to learn much about oncology, virology, or immunology.

In a automotive repair shop they'd be the wrench turners, not the diagnosticians.

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Same with a woman down the street. Had breast cancer seven years ago and thought she beat it.

Got the Vax and now scheduled for double mastectomy. Horrible.

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She understood cancer but she was ignorant about mRNA "vaccines."

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Sheesh, wouldn’t a science-based education lead you to ask a few questions? The doctor probably does a great job with suturing, but give me a break.

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The better her surgical sutures the more stupid( in the Bonhoeffer sense) she is. Thanks to the rockefellerian medical disaster of what passes for “education”.

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Medical doctor is pretty much at the bottom of the doctorate pile, next to the JDs.

That's why there are so many doctors and lawyers.

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We see the results of a corrupt medical establishment gone rogue

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You need to TELL ALL YOU KNOW Dr Alexander. Humanity is at stake after all. Please... do tell!!!!

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Burn, Cut & Poison ? vs cancer cells’ SIMPLE PHYSIOLOGY explained better by Dr. Thomas Seyfried’s non-toxic, pain-free, no hair loss, no radiation REAL, press-pulse cancer-therapy ?

We have been LIED to about cancers & $$$$$


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All those you mentioned, although complicit to one degree or another are merely “middle management” in the much larger conspiracy to do away with the “excess” seven billion or so unwanted “useless eaters”, after all how many servants does one really need if you own everything anyway... Right?

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There it is again the derisive rhetoric that scorches the injured

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All those college degrees and still can't connect the dots. Total dolt when it comes to common sense dumb bitch

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Ohhh--she took FOUR 4 IV Covid vaccines?

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yes, cancer treatments like chemo leave you compromisedd and as such, all recommended to get boosted to protect them! I know one prostate cancer survivor who had 6! Now he has amelydosis of the heart, another side effect. His wife took 5.

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That's right--I had known that. Thanks for reminding. From my side, Monday, on last day of daughter's visit before returning to UK, I dared (!) to mention that "I have read that schoolchildren in UK will be required to have Covid vax before returning to school this fall"--and tucked into the words of her reply was some business about "only if they are immunocompromised". Ohhhhh. As if people aren't dying fast enough, so let's shoot them to speed the process! The cruelty is unfathomable. To say nothing of daughter's apparent complete unawareness. Visit felt like 3 weeks with a gigantic elephant in the room.

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OMG, can't imagine. Maybe you should shout it out. Get it all out. Tell her to move. Have the evidence printed out.

What is the worst that can happen? What is the best that can happen?

The idiot sausage fingers King and his father both claimed they wanted Depop!

There is no secret.

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Well let me tell you--shouting out is likely to be the wrong way, totally. I begged next daughter--recently having given birth to twins--please to not allow them to be vaxxed on day of birth. Response: something about an elderly lady ( I had 73rd birthday last month) who believes everything she reads on the internet. [Turtles All The Way Down?] Please understand that this comes from the same daughter who regularly called me every Friday afternoon (when after long week of school I could have been a) napping from total exhaustion of teaching middle school students--but loving it b) playing Schubert or Beethoven on my piano--my release) for a deep-thoughts discussion of religion, philosophy, politics. Thus, to your question: the worst is that daughter one would simply write me off as daughter two has (although given our history, I do not think those words actually emanated from her).

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But it makes NO SENSE...if your are immune compromised, your immune system is

BROKEN..it won't MAKE ANTIBODIES to REAL vaccines.

It doesn't work for old people...and as a matter of fact, this particular jab hasn't worked on ANYONE YET except to their detriment.

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It makes sense. For Depop. And that is what is happening by design.

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Yes, actually gene modification bioweapon experiments. We don’t call them vaccines anymore; that just plays into the globalists’ depopulation agenda

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Or we do continue to term them 'vaccines' (not my idea) to get people used to the idea that what they used to know is not what they know now.

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