If you’ve not already seen one of my many descriptions of why I come to the conclusions I do, here is one.


A disclaimer. The first version of this was written while we stayed in Costa Rica for a few months in the second half of 2021. It was revised in, I think, late 2022 or early 2023.

Consequently, I had not then yet broken out of the delusion of viruses causing acute respiratory illnesses. I now know that isn’t their cause.

I mention these things because some of what’s in this are jarring in comparison with the better understanding that I now have. That said, it’s likely that there are other things I don’t yet understand. This will remain true because, not being the criminals, we don’t have a copy of the script they’re following.

One day soon I will redraft it to better reflect my current understanding.

Where it comes to the injections, I can’t really do more than to dismantle & think about what we’ve been told they are. As you’ll see, what they’ve told us about is a series of products which unquestionably are designed intentionally to cause harms.

There are multiple, independent, unnecessary and (to me and people like me, including those who designed and made these products) obvious causes of inevitable human toxicity.

With several people having analysed some samples of these products, it is coming to light that if they contain mRNA encoding a sequence of amino acids that they’ve called “spike protein” at all, it’s present only in small amounts. The bulk of it is in much shorter fragments. I still wouldn’t inject them. If any of even the shorter sequences were transcribed into proteins, they will still be non-self & trigger autoimmune attacks upon the recipients own cells and tissues. The mRNA based injections also contain much circular DNA, arising from the method of manufacturing. This, too, is harmful, which is why extremely low limits are set for such products.

In summary, what they’ve told us they’ve done is unquestionably bad. There’s no escaping the conclusions I reached a long while ago. My training & work history renders me a competent professional witness to evaluate these injections.

Please do not accept any of them. Their core design aspects mean they will all be toxic to whatever extent the perpetrators choose. Please use this & other evidence to warn others you care about or encounter.

Finally, despite being wrongly quoted as having said “The injected will die within X years”, I have neither made such predictions nor do I know what’s going to happen to most people. The reason is that, even if I knew in detail exactly what’s in the injections, I cannot translate this to actual numbers. People vary in their susceptibility.

What I have surmised is that I think it more likely that the perpetrators will seek to embed regular injections as the norm. I expect them to try to accomplish first by creating the circumstances where it is necessary and normalised that each of us must carry & show upon demand a digital ID. Then, over time, the perpetrators can end cash & introduce digital-only money. Once every transaction is subject to “digital permissioning”, the perpetrators merely need to make continuing validity of your digital ID dependant upon your having received the latest, WHO-recommended (or mandated) “vaccine”.

Refuse & be excluded completely. Comply and they can dial down the population to any value that their evil minds say is the target number. Consistent with this hypothesis, first suggested early in 2021, we see that there are large factories for the manufacture of tens of billions of doses of the purported vaccines all around the world. Additionally, just look at the absurd weaponisation of “bird flu”, which doesn’t exist. I’d be surprised if we’re not being offered mRNA based injections against this non-existent virus within the year. You do not need it or indeed anything in relation to it & should on no account permit yourself to be injected with it.

Best wishes


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I’d be surprised if we’re not being offered mRNA based injections against this non-existent virus within the year.

I'd be surprised if any more than 10% willingly line up.

“The injected will die within X years”

Yes, no one can know with certainty, because no one truly knows how the body reacts/adapts to such threats. I remember getting scared shitless by the BSE 'threat', since I ate vast amounts of non-organic beef during that period. If there were an infectious agent as they say, millions must have been infected, yet hardly anyone has died. The only conclusion is that our immune etc. systems have been able to neutralise the prions (CD11c+ dendritic cells?).

Have since wondered if that was also planned - Thatcher reduced rendering temperatures making animal to animal transmission possible. Cull us and the cattle; a NWO win win.

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Dr. Mike Yeadon is truly a hero! And of course, so are you, Dr. Alexander...

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Mike is a personal friend because he is genuine, a real true honest character...hounded because he spoke the truth...he will be in heaven.

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We have yet to assess the following: For years, we have known that Mr. Gates promotes vaccines that would reduce fertility. We are aware of most of the individuals inciting chaos in Western countries—people like the Gateses, Soroses, Zuckerbergs, Rothschilds, Schwabs, Faucis, and their political puppets. There are already laws to protect us against such depraved indifference from privileged individuals wronging their own people. The intelligence communities even know where their bunkers are located. So why are they never indicted and prosecuted?

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No better human being than Dr. Mike Yeadon. Outstanding credentials, very honest, very courageous.

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Dr. Mike Yeadon is 100% correct in his conclusions, in my view...I have arrived at the same conclusions.

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yes, big time

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Depopulation agenda and steal an election

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He needs to continue to speak the truth.

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Warrior Paul, you embrace what Mike has to say, the truth about the genocide.

Yet the one who is claiming ownership and singing the praise of this mass killing, twisting it as a virtue he bestowed on mankind, is none other than 45, the man you have put your trust and heart in.

Mike we all pray 45 has a deep come to Jesus moment, and very, very, soon.

Time and excuses, are running out.

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yes, we are on the same page Rich....and you need trust, 45 knows...there are lots we not part of and we need to give him space...I know he will do good....we are working on him. he has with COVID, lots of other issues to face as you are well aware of.

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Hey Dr. Paul. I have to mention JJ Couey here. I think you put Mike and Jay together about a year ago . He just presented at Red Pill Expo last Saturday. Check it out on his website. Like Mike, he had nothing to gain and everything to lose by staying true.

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boom, JJ is also a friend, what a marvelous man, courageous and wicked smart...yes, we had a show together, Mike, JJ, and I...these 2 people bring a different view yet commonalities and want same thing which is accountability and to fix their world...the world benefitted from them being in it. JJ is superb. thank you for informing.

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What shocks me is not a single doctor has called these shots a massive crime against humanity. The shots have a double hell. The mRNA CODE IS RANDOM and that random code TRANSFECTION alters every person injected!!! But wait, it gets better. (Sarcasm) The DNA in every shot is TRANSLATION INTO EACH RECIPIENTS DNA STRAND. These shots are MUTATING EVERY HUMAN!!! The HUMAN SPERMATOZOA IS ALTERED FOREVER!!! Humanity is being transformed at the DNA level!!! I feel the need to swear so bad but I will refrain. Why aren’t any DOCTORS Tm SCREAMING THIS FROM THE ROOFTOPS??!! ANY TAKERS? Dr. Mike Yeadon?? What say you Dr. Paul?

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My post is directly related to my watching the Red Pill Expo and J.J. Couey’s presentation. It is what I posted in X.


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This is how you can tell that senator Ron Johnson is phony and displaying fake Covid tabletop discussions with so many but leaving out two main characters which is Dr. Michael Yeadon and Dr. David Martin. Funny how these two men were able to discuss this fraud and murder with the UK parliament…with the backing of a few MPs, but Ron Johnson is doing exactly what his handlers are telling him to do….NADA.

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And yet Pence rolled these shots out and even today his acolytes say the shots saved hundreds of millions of lives.

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And there’s not ONE study that shows any lives were saved. It’s all propaganda.

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the modelling ... the modelling

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💯 percent correct

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I also note Dr. Malone is stepping out with damaging positions that expose the other side.

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