Little surprise a billionaire eugenicist was the spokes-nerd for this charade, from the start. In Davos, they are ferrying in high class Ukrainian hookers, and laughing their asses off. The shekels are being divied up, and humanity weeps.

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those hookers have a great opportunity. i hope they take full advantage of the situation and don't disappoint their ancestors.

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Alas, hookers are not known for caring about humanity. If they did, they would be wives and mothers.

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The Uk is refusing to investigate excess deaths and it’s stopped recording at least in public I believe still births as well as overall birth rates.

( Channel 3 in the UK tonight has apparently run a programme blaming the cold for excess deaths btw)

At what point is the government narrative now going to blow apart, as it is sure not sustainable?

It surely can’t be long now.

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But for global warming? That'll be the cause this summer.

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is anyone dumb enough to believe it? only those that watch their programming i suppose.

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And Stuart Varney on Fox Business remarked that sales of Pampers was down likely due to people buying more store brands ... or maybe not ! Willful blindness everywhere.

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Why can't we find the YouTube of this 1997 documentary of @LenHorowitz63 based on book Emerging Viruses: https://www.yos. http://utube.com/watch?v=W2aV_E9heIU&t=4s Let's organize to get this & @RichardFleming's

Is Covid-19 a Bioweapon? hypothesis investigated at International Criminal Court @ICC

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Check Rumble and Bitchute

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This is absolutely insane. And makes you think that maybe, maybe, the survival of the "civilized" homo sapiens is at stake here.

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One of our largest hospitals here in a Florida city of 1 million announced yesterday that they are closing their maternity ward. Professor Stephan Rayer phd - UF Dir. Population Program of Economic Research said it was due to, " recession and covid" that was causing "fewer people having babies."

My son and his wife who live in Boston have been trying to have a first child now for 7 months. They're planning on seeing a fertility specialist. I've read this is a common now.

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Christian exemption, exemption of faith and many apocalyptic revelations


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Thank you Paul and shared.

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