Naomi wolf and steve bannon who gave her the platform to bring her views to the world ... maga!!

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Naomi has been unrelenting and unequivocal on this inexcusably inhumane crime that these jabs have been and continue to be. And she has taken massive fire from the left especially, but other political factions as well have tired to discredit & disparage her. She was a died in the wool liberal for many many years, as well as a feminista, but she has come to see the truth that her old political stomping ground is largely populated by a bunch of utter hypocrites and intolerant cancel culture censors who wouldn't know the truth if it bit them on the backside, nor do they care. She has been spot on early on too, e.g., the vax passports that others tried to paint her as a lunatic for even mentioning in a serious tone, p.s. it came to be as we all know. I give her high marks even if we do not historically share the same political lineage or ideology. Yale has shown its true colors all right, their mascot may be a bulldog but they seem to be another self-absorbed woke institution that now specializes in bulls*it

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Ditto! 👏

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Dr. Wolf sounds like an old time protestor from the 60s & 70s, full of fire and brimstone! What has happened to that spirit in America? We need more of this!

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Maria- People are afraid to let their fire and outrage show... afraid they may be branded a kook. I am so glad to hear Naomi let it rip. To me her tone speaks of honesty and deep caring. I do hope she was heard.

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Naomi Wolf is one of the few Heroes in real life these days. Along with Dr Paul and a handful of others. She is such a fighter and she speaks the truth. I don't understand why the younger ones won't listen. It does not bode well for our future. But Naomi is an inspiration

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Cried my eyes out listening to

dr wolfs speech. Was not always a fan of hers for political reasons in the past, but she has moved more to the right than she probably understands, especially moving to upstate NY and getting a gun etc, and I respect her and her POV. I am dealing with the unconstitutional college mandates with my own child as well as being banned last year from my own city’s restaurants/museums/bathrooms etc for not being jabbed (I will never go back) and have family I haven't seen in years and feel the same heart-wrenching, frustrating emotions she feels. Just can’t believe we are living in this Orwellian nightmare that so many are blind to.😢

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Dec 6, 2022·edited Dec 6, 2022

I rarely view interviews or speeches since reading them is much less time-consuming. But I greatly appreciate the recommendation to watch Naomi Wolf at Yale. Her compassionate investment in doing what's right is palpable. She's right: forced covid injection is a crime. From my perspective, it's also a sin.

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Thank you, thank you Dr. Alexander for this blog and all that you do for human rights, and thank you, Naomi Wolf for speaking out against this insane tyranny with such heart and clarity.

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She is AWESOME!!!

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As we know, the crime took place back in 2021 with forced injections on virtually every campus in this country. I know of one -- one -- Oral Roberts University that made clear its opposition to this. No forced injections and no forced masking.

I can only imagine how it must feel for Dr. Wolf as an alumna of Yale to see them continue to assault their students. She calls out alums and the president and parents, but leaves out the faculty. They, for some reason, get a pass on this "bivalent booster" junk. Why is that? On this score, I have to wonder about the apparent absence of Dr. Harvey Risch on this crucial topic. He seems to be absent 𝘢𝘯𝘥 silent.

Is Dr. Risch working behind the scenes at Yale to stop this? As a member of the initial cohort of doctors who spoke out early, I continue to admire him, especially for his calling out of violations of Nuremberg. So, how is it that he remains on the faculty at Yale? I mean, it has to make him feel terrible that his employer will commit yet another crime by forcing this "booster" on students while he and other faculty get a pass.

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Wow! How powerful Naomi Wolf is in this speech! How brave and wonderful for her to speak!

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As far as COVID goes, she's fine.

As far as recognizing men? No.

She goes out of her way to say that women and children are suffering from lockdowns, the jabs, etc. - she even states women and children suffer the most - in one of her recent articles.

She doesn't discuss how the cytokine storm is stronger in men, especially young men and how this excess inflammation uniquely makes the jabs especially dangerous for young men with regard to risk of myocarditis, and any other issues that come with the uniquely excessive inflammation.

She's still a feminist that only looks at the stars for women, but not for men.

Here's a fantastic critique of her from another Substack writer, Janice Fiamengo.


This isn't meant to offend anyone.

I believe what I am saying is reasonable and others have noticed this, too.

Good day.

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Edmond Dantès (Mercedes, if you love me, do not rob me of my vengeance;-) I love it) then listen to this, she went out of her way to hammer on the damage to men; I know he personally, yes Dr. Wolf is a feminist but time does things to people and she is same yet better, today she is one of the fiercest warriors for the developing child in utero, and I have heard many times for men too. Please listen to her talk here at Yale and you will get what you were seeking. You need to understand the threats and risks she faces near daily for cutting against the grain, I know for I have see, and she has lost many friends and family even and decided to stand against this madness inspite and moves on. I share because it is good for balance. She cannot defend herself in this comment so I am for her. I like balance.

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Dr. A is right. She took time to express her distaste at what is being done to our young men--harming them, making them weak and sick, which is obviously part of the goal of this manufactured virus and especially the vaccine. That is why it was being forced on our military--to weaken us as a country. I wonder who is behind that??? 🧐🧐

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Reasonable enough.

I agree that she is putting a lot on the line.

She mentioned the impact the jab has on men? Great. I don't follow every post she makes, so thanks for the clarification.

Feminism has been harming and weakening society and the family unit since before the COVID fiasco.

Janice Fiamengo's critique is still truthful and accurate.

As for balance. Balance, for the sake of balance, I find, is counterproductive to the pursuit of Truth. Sometimes people go out of their way to make one side look more fair than they are for the sake of "balance". If someone is not being fair, they should accurately be perceived as unfair in that specific way.

None of my comments are meant to harm or offend.

I don't deny that some of the work she does is good.

I do maintain, that the Janice Fiamengo article on her is accurately composed.


Everyone is a mixed bag, I'm not intending to aim animosity at her - just an honest criticism.

Naomi still plays to the gender identity politics and feminist viewpoint that assumes men are, by default, in need of rehabilitation and are automatically oppressing women.

Feminism's damages is what made the lockdown easier to usher in - when we harm boys and men through anti male abuse in the education system and in media and we break up the family unit we are weaker and more prone to tyranny, like all of this COVID business.


The above is a video playlist of video essays by Janice that describes the true nature of feminism and it's origins, with citations and source documents.

Other books on the anti male crusade of the modern world championed by feminists and supported by big tech companies (because it helps form a technocratic tyranny)...include:

The Myth of Male Power by Dr. Warren Farrell

The War Against Boys by Christina Hoff Sommers

Does Feminism Discriminate Against Men by James P. Sterba

Gynocentrism by Peter Wright

The Feminist Lie by Bob Lewis

The Empathy Gap by William Collins

I hear what you're saying, Naomi has redeemable qualities.

I'm just mentioning a specific criticism of her is all.

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she spoke a lot in this, you got to listen to the speech, its 18 minutes, a good use of your time.

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You make a fair suggestion.

I agree with your earlier comment that people do change over time.

Thanks to you and everyone like you that publicly speaks about what is going on.

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Agreed, Dr. Alexander. Each of us may have a focus, expertise in a slice of the great problem before us. Each of us can therefore carry the directed slice of information and share to educate us all. No one of us can see the entire picture of the diabolical nature of these dangers and harms, but together we can inform each other in areas where we may not be informed. Together. We do not all have to agree all of the time, but together we will be strong. Thankful for Dr. Wolf and her passion, and for you, Dr. Alexander. Take care.

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Dec 7, 2022·edited Dec 7, 2022

Naomi hasn't cleared her attic of the commie cobwebs like Michael Rechtenwald has.

She and RFK are still clinging to the idea of tyranny as a force for good, somehow legitimized by people casting ballots.

That's not to denigrate her welcome opposition to the plandemic. However anyone with a foundation in history and the liberal (classical liberal) tradition, considering her framework for solutions will find she's still got major mental messup.

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Dr. Alexander, help get the word out! Save Canada! https://karlstack.substack.com/p/a-legislative-onslaught-against-freedom

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Powerful, passionate. People need to listen. Thank you for posting this sir.

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