Ironic that you can learn more real infectious disease on Alex jones than in medical school.

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If only Trump came out, named names and crimes, and declared open war on the criminals behind this "Greatest Crime Against Humanity in All History", he would receive backing that would blow the entire thing sky high.

But he won't do that, will he. Which begs the question: WHY???

One theory - my theory - would answer that question. Few want to hear it, much fewer wish to accept it, but there it is. Hopefully it'll all soon be answered beyond any doubt.

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I agree, people cant accept they were that conned

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I believe it was Mark Twain who said that it is far easier to fool a man, than to get a man to admit that he had been fooled. Pride ... it's all about pride -- a great obstacle.

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Dr. Paul Elias Alexander

This is a mix of MK Ultra and Psychological operations (PSYOP) are a range of activities that the U.S. government uses to influence behavior and attitudes to achieve political and military objectives. PSYOP can be used during peacetime and conflict, and can include activities such as:

* Military Information Support Operations (MISO): Sharing information to influence the behavior of governments and citizens

*Military deception missions: Misleading enemy forces during combat

*Leafleting: Distributing information to influence perceptions

*Radio and television broadcasting: Using media to influence perceptions

Your assessment and analysis regarding the clot shot were accurate in the findings. It should have never been given to children or in the womb. There was never a true emergency since Ivermectin, Plaquenil, and other old remedies were available at the time. It did not prevent the man-made disease, nor did it reduce hospital admissions. There should be no emergency use authorization and the manufactures, DOD, DOJ, FDA, CDC and Health and Human Services along with the State and local Health Departments all should be liable both financially and criminally and any other places too.

Since this is a global agenda by the elites they should also bear responsibility also that lurk in the shadow approximately a thousand of them. This is not about political party lines it is about the weaponizing of a product to destroy humans or kill via the methodologies if immune system disruptions, cardiovascular issues, mental health issues and many others unknown to date.

We have no long term studies in this new mRNA technology. So far we have witnessed cardiovascular excessive bleeding to the clots that can lead to embolism in any part of the systems stroke, heart attack, sudden death syndrome. Neurological such as Bells Palsy to many other different degrees of damage increase in memory issues of dementia. There are increased incidences of cancer leading to the possibility of parasites infections would warrant the Fenbendazole and or Ivermectin.

Body system could be impacted and unfortunately the Labatory animal experiments all failed and unfortunately the humans seem to follow the same exact path. It has been estimated up to twenty years to thirty years out from the initial injection could lead to many more deaths.

The higher ups should have listened to you on your recommendations, and no one would have died. Yet the pharamika wanted to make their money no matter what. A human life has no meaning to them, just give them their money.

This reminds me of the experiments in Russia, Germany, and the United States. You had no choice but to have done to you what they wanted without any regards to your rights they were suspended. They hold true in childhood alleged cancer once you get into the system if the parent does not comply the state will step in and provide unwanted chemotherapy usually the higher money maker, along with the radiation, and surgery.

That child could be injected with poison that even oncologists won't give their own family members. The state has absolute control over the child even if it means killing them since it's in the best interest of the child.

Big pharma in regard to cancer treatment of children are the biggest money maker and want nothing but profits.

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thank you for sharing, excellent content

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It is the difference between someone trying to assist the population and others wanting to eliminate the population. And today, the extent of their crime is super under appreciated so they continue their plan to depopulate.

For those who arent clear as to what I am talking about, expect 50%of the double jabbed to have passed in the next 5 years... I am being conservative.

Now, for most of you your minds will not be able to wrap your heads around that even if you agree with me.

THe population of the USA is ~ 300 Million, 70% double jabbed (https://usafacts.org/visualizations/covid-vaccine-tracker-states/)

So, we are talking about at least 100 Million deaths just from what has already been done.

Now you know why you can't wrap you head around the Democide. I am sorry for those reading this who were double jabbed, especially with Moderna. There are things you can do if motivated, but most of you won't and most won't even believe what I consider very conservative numbers.

A few of us tried to warn you all but no one listened....or read... this is what I wrote in 2017: https://bolenreport.com/this-is-how-liberty-dies/

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you are going places many dont want to go...thank you for the bravery

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what you say here is not far fetched

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Yesterday you posted a good bit on chemtrials. And the desatorous effects of heavy metals in the atmosphere.

What if the next plague is sprayed on us from above?

Think of all those biolabs in Ukraine.

And Newsom's biolabs in California.

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yes, it can be...and no doubt they will try

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Hmmm … like so many trying to recover lost “self-imposed ‘esteem.’ “

Trump was a failed, health-ignorant ‘leader’ over his head in the still-growing Dismal Swamp of non-Constitutional legi$lators$ and so-called ‘impartial’ judge$.

RFK,Jr. being onboard IS a step toward UNITY … for health at least. But, what’s the most important factor for health ?

Peaceful SLEEP … secondary to RFK, Jr’s nutrition vs food-corruption-platform.

To Whit : Dr. Pradip Jamnadas, MD / Cardiologist


Enjoy the TRUTH everyone !

… so, please, let’s SKIP the neXt toxic, no-accountability for UNtested, UNsafe, mRNA vaXXcine$ from cowardly, irrational, militarized, CONstant propaganda-repeating LIAR$ trick.ling down from the ‘United’ Nation$’ tyrannical, unelected W.H.O. !

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Is it possible to name who's who and start cleaning the environment?

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check out how the company xclear which provides nasal sprays that actually prevent transmission of respiratory infections is being persecuted

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yes, I know of this

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Sep 8
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Because, Elusive, we've not seen but a speck of their hatred towards us.

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Sep 8
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thank you for sharing, let us take a look

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Too bad the video was private.

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