The first and foremost priority is totally overhauling the corrupted ELECTION SYSTEM. ALL machines must be abolished, not allowed to be used ANYWHERE. NO mail in ballots. Voter ID. Citizens ONLY.

Our elections CANNOT BE TRUSTED. Our sacred right in a free Republic is a free, fair and transparent election. This has been STOLEN from us.

Most of the Reps and Senators in Congress are there because of ELECTION FRAUD. It is obvious to most Americans that our country itself was overthrown by a treasonous coup in 2020 using election FRAUD. The current president is NOT legitimate.

Nothing can be done to mitigate any of these other problems we face, attacks on us by the global cabal, etc., until WE THE PEOPLE have a true say. Right now none of the criminals running these agencies in DC answer to the people, because they were INSTALLED, not elected by the people.

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Excellent, thanks.

Off topic but please go talk to doc Malik again, liked the first 2 you did together

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yes, huge hugs

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