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I almost died in Jan-Feb of this year from Double Pnenumonia due to Covid. I wasn't suffering from Any Covid Symptoms other than feeling sort of sick but the shortness of breath kept increasing as I sat at home. Going to the hospital was a Trip!!! All the Doctor (a CDC sycophant) wanted to do was treat Covid, pnenumonia was a "side issue". Tried 4X to get me to take Remdesifir with each No being ignored until I threatened her. Took me 11 weeks to recover with steroids and antibiotics due to the pnenumonia being neglected for 3 days and the strain of infection being "unknown". Sheesh! Another more honest MD said "You cheated St.Peter". I never got VaXXXed and never will. I have the 1880 medical plan, when it's time to go, it;s time to go; as they did in the 1880's. St. Peter always gets his day regardless.

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Glad to hear you made it. I also had a pretty serious bout with covid, but nothing like yours. I turned out to be Vitamin D3 deficient. Getting D3 levels up is absolutely critical. I now take at least 6000 iu of Vitamin D3 (mixed with K2). This is actually the amount that Fraudci takes daily. He obviously knows what prevents Covid. Along with d3, take 50mg of zinc. Add quercetin (helps to absorb zinc) and 2000 mg of Vitamin C.

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

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NAC is even better than quercetin in acting as a carrier to get the zinc in the cell.

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FDA is trying to remove NAC from being over the counter.

They sure want us dead.

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Thanks, doing some of that now, I will add to it and appreciate the dosages too.

I do much better with 9mm and 5.56 :-)

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Start using cash.

Credit card companies will have a "special" code for that stuff.


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Add 500 mg of magnesium to also help with the absorption of Vit D.

It pisses me off to no end that my doctors never mentioned that added benefit of Vit K and Magnesium to help with the absorption of Vit D.

I read it in an article that Dr. Mercola wrote.

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Glad you made it!

I was diagnosed with “Covid” pneumonia in October-November 2021 and was hospitalized after struggling to breathe. My doctors asked me 4 times to take remdesivir. The last time a doctor asked me to take it I yelled at him and said I didn’t want to die. No one asked me to take it after that.

Fortunately I had a few wonderful nurses who took very good care of me.

It also took me a long time to recover. I will never get a Covid jab or flu shot since I no longer trust the government.

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Good for you GE! That FAKE MD that urged you to take Remdes-it -FEAR is a robot not a doctor...

Keep cheating St Peter..! Baby! Enjoy the balance of this life!! Stay tuned to a Bona FIDE DOCTOR LIKE Dr Alexander!

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O. M. G.

There is no excuse for that kind of malpractice. O. M. G.


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This is what we deal with in Commiefornia.

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