I couldn't understand why the medical community would tell people to stay home until they couldn't breathe anymore before they came to an ER.

Kind of like telling someone who just broke their leg to stay home and only show up to the hospital once gangrene developed.

Whatever happened to early treatment?

I will never trust the medical community again.

After all, it was the doctors and nurses in Nazi Germany who started the killings...of the disabled, the mentally challenged, and the elderly.

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I like your broken leg analogy....

Mass murder is all the rage these days.

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They sure do want us dead.

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Allowing people to be treated and cured in the early stages of infection would not have allowed them to keep half the population shuttered in their homes pissing their pants in fear, and hating everyone who wasn't as scared as they were.

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It was the most effective and successful government/military psyops ever.

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Good points, well forgotten over time.

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I almost died in Jan-Feb of this year from Double Pnenumonia due to Covid. I wasn't suffering from Any Covid Symptoms other than feeling sort of sick but the shortness of breath kept increasing as I sat at home. Going to the hospital was a Trip!!! All the Doctor (a CDC sycophant) wanted to do was treat Covid, pnenumonia was a "side issue". Tried 4X to get me to take Remdesifir with each No being ignored until I threatened her. Took me 11 weeks to recover with steroids and antibiotics due to the pnenumonia being neglected for 3 days and the strain of infection being "unknown". Sheesh! Another more honest MD said "You cheated St.Peter". I never got VaXXXed and never will. I have the 1880 medical plan, when it's time to go, it;s time to go; as they did in the 1880's. St. Peter always gets his day regardless.

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Glad to hear you made it. I also had a pretty serious bout with covid, but nothing like yours. I turned out to be Vitamin D3 deficient. Getting D3 levels up is absolutely critical. I now take at least 6000 iu of Vitamin D3 (mixed with K2). This is actually the amount that Fraudci takes daily. He obviously knows what prevents Covid. Along with d3, take 50mg of zinc. Add quercetin (helps to absorb zinc) and 2000 mg of Vitamin C.

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

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NAC is even better than quercetin in acting as a carrier to get the zinc in the cell.

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FDA is trying to remove NAC from being over the counter.

They sure want us dead.

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Thanks, doing some of that now, I will add to it and appreciate the dosages too.

I do much better with 9mm and 5.56 :-)

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Start using cash.

Credit card companies will have a "special" code for that stuff.


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Add 500 mg of magnesium to also help with the absorption of Vit D.

It pisses me off to no end that my doctors never mentioned that added benefit of Vit K and Magnesium to help with the absorption of Vit D.

I read it in an article that Dr. Mercola wrote.

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Glad you made it!

I was diagnosed with “Covid” pneumonia in October-November 2021 and was hospitalized after struggling to breathe. My doctors asked me 4 times to take remdesivir. The last time a doctor asked me to take it I yelled at him and said I didn’t want to die. No one asked me to take it after that.

Fortunately I had a few wonderful nurses who took very good care of me.

It also took me a long time to recover. I will never get a Covid jab or flu shot since I no longer trust the government.

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Good for you GE! That FAKE MD that urged you to take Remdes-it -FEAR is a robot not a doctor...

Keep cheating St Peter..! Baby! Enjoy the balance of this life!! Stay tuned to a Bona FIDE DOCTOR LIKE Dr Alexander!

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O. M. G.

There is no excuse for that kind of malpractice. O. M. G.


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This is what we deal with in Commiefornia.

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They just didn’t ban it.......

https://vaccineimpact.com › 2020 › worlds-second-largest-hydroxychloroquine-plant-in-taiwan-blows-up

World's Second Largest Hydroxychloroquine Plant in Taiwan Blows Up ...

Dec 22, 2020News sources in Taiwan (thanks to Dr. Meryl Nass for breaking this story here in the U.S.) are reporting that the world's second largest supplier of raw materials to make HCQ blew up earlier this week, which will most certainly put a strain on the world's supply of HCQ. An explosion at a pharmaceutical factory in Taoyuan City left two ...

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Respirators were also used to kill.

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Why,was there all this call for ventilators and then the medical workers who were scared of contracting the covid and not adequately trained on the ventilator coupled with giving an end of life drug which shut down the will or ability to fight off the virus.This protocol was the end for many of our beloved.

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They were probably trained on the ventilators, sadly. At least the chief pulmonologist would have known

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100% agree. Personally I think anybody who prevents another person from getting to potentially life saving drugs needs to be held liable for any and all damages. Ivermectin and HCQ should be over the counter just like they are in most African countries. Most African countries pop these pills for prevention and treatment of malaria and river blindness. This is why hardly anybody in those African countries died (exceptions were countries like South Africa, where IVM was prohibited).

The fact that we are at the mercy of big pharma whores to give us permission to take life saving drugs tells you all you need to know about the totalitarian USSA. Land of the slaves, home of the cowards. (obviously there are exceptions but it applies to 90% of people in power).

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Land of insurance dictated “ doctors “ with the highest costs and least efficient treatments Big pharma outdoes oil lobbyists by 3 times I recently read.

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Lobbying is just a euphemism for bribing. Must become illegal.

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Exactly! It’s criminal.

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Dr. Alexander! Thank you for your dedication! It's time we tell the American people that the plan is to have a MANDATORY annual mRNA injection! It is Fauci's goal from the beginning!

Learn more: https://thomasabraunrph.substack.com/publish/post/72254545

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And it’s ongoing.

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We must stop this nonsense and never go down this road again! Sign the petition at www.beyondthecon.com. These warriors are fighting to get a grand jury to look at the lies the CDC, HHS, etc. touted for 2 years!! Our children's future depends on this! The truth must get out! This is being held in the 9th circuit Federal Court on the 12th! Having as many signatures as possible let's the court know WE MEAN BUSINESS AND WANT PEOPLE TO PAY FOR THEIR LIES!

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This could be it... get everyone and I mean everyone to sign and send in that will.... quite possibly the break we have been looking for.. Make it Happen... WE CAN take this Country Back..... Nuremberg just around the corner.. Fooochi and Big Pharma going down... concrete steps today to make it REAL...

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Somehow someway, we must bring these Mass Murderers to justice, legally... CALL our Representatives until we get a complete Investigation going into the BIG PHARMA Global Crime Syndicate.. anyone found guilty of aiding and abetting BP in this Ongoing Global Covid Vax MASS Murder Scheme should be given the Death Penalty...

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Heroes. And on the other side, deliberate evil-doers.

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Either you are the victim of mass murder or a perpetrator of mass murder. Seems the gray area diminishes with each passing day.

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I’m the “grey man” . And that means a lot! Being grey can save you when nothing else can.

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Dr Alexander thank you!!!

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Biden put Navarro back in chains

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Navarro? He worked for Trump

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Her was assistant to prez director of trade and manufacturing. In leg irons and put in Solitary Confinement no phone calls

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These People have Big Balls Blaming Trump for the Vaccine.

excerpt from The Real Anthony Fauci

The Real Anthony Fauci

Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and

Unlicensed Health

By Robert F. Kennedy Jr.s

Chapter 12

“The El-Hibris’ second sugar daddy, Dr. Anthony Fauci, was also raining down manna on Emergent.

At the beginning of the pandemic, Emergent signed a development deal with NIAID for a plasma-derived therapy. Dr. Fauci aimed to incorporate the company’s COVID-HIG product into one of NIAID’s clinical studies, with initial funding of $14.5 million coming from Kadlec through BARDA. In turn, Kadlec supported Dr. Fauci’s pet project, Moderna, the mRNA jab caper that Dr. Fauci and Bill Gates considered their Holy Grail. In mid- April 2020, Kadlec arranged for BARDA to provide Moderna up to $483 million to accelerate the Fauci/Gates vaccine’s development and manufacturing. That amounted to about half of what BARDA doled out to all of Moderna’s competitors combined, including Johnson & Johnson, Pfizer, and Astra-Zeneca.118

Kadlec was also generous to Bill Gates, arranging a $1.6 billion grant— the largest to date—from Operation Warp Speed to Gates’s biotech selection, Novavax. Although the company, based in Gaithersburg, Maryland, had never brought a vaccine to market in its thirty-three-year history, and was then on the verge of collapse, Gates and his obedient minions at the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness (CEPI) had placed a bet on Novavax’s technology, which uses moth cells to pump out crucial molecules at a faster rate than typical vaccines.119

Kadlec’s generosity with his Warp Speed wampum caused Novavax’s stock to surge 30 percent. John J. Trizzino, Novavax’s chief business and financial officer, said the company did nothing inappropriate but acknowledged that it used its connections to Gates to help win the deals.

In September 2019, less than a month before COVID began circulating, the Gates Foundation made a $55 million pre-IPO equity investment in

BioNTech. The company also had never brought a single product to market.120 Soon afterward, the German government followed Gates with a $445 million infusion into BioNTech.121 On July 21, 2020, when Robert Kadlec committed Operation Warp Speed to a $2 billion purchase of 100 million doses of BioNTech/Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine,122 the company’s stock value soared, with Bill Gates’s equity shares increasing to an evaluation of $1.1 billion.

In October 2020, Emergent became one of four companies collaborating on a clinical trial for a combination treatment regimen that included Dr. Fauci’s drug remdesivir as a “background therapy.” The company said in a statement: “Emergent is proud to continue our partnership with NIAID/NIH and . . . BARDA to advance potential therapeutic solutions for COVID-19 in hospitalized patients.”123

Bill Gates owned a large stake in remdesivir’s manufacturer, Gilead.124 WHO’s own studies showed clearly—as even WHO acknowledged—that remdesivir was useless against COVID.125 Worse, the drug’s extreme toxicity—remdesivir’s side effects mimic the late-stage symptoms of COVID126, 127—may actually aggravate the severity of the illness.128 To overcome these obstacles, Dr. Fauci financed and rigged a suite of flawed studies to suggest—deceptively—that remdesivir might slightly reduce the number of days a patient would stay in the hospital.129

The WHO’s much larger studies proved that there was no reduction in length of hospital stay. Nevertheless, using his blatantly orchestrated “research,” Dr. Fauci then forced remdesivir’s approval through FDA as “Standard of Care” for COVID. At the same time, Dr. Fauci and Bill Gates were financing and promoting studies to discredit chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine and sabotage ivermectin—two effective COVID remedies that posed an existential threat to remdesivir and the entire Fauci/Gates COVID vaccine enterprise.”

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