Thank you for standing up to that lying fraud opportunist.

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Malone must have atleast a half a dozen NDA’s , I would imagine every word is scripted. He has worked for many of the agencies that have misled and betrayed Americans. I would love to know how the million dollar ponies were acquired? One would venture to think that they may have been incentivizing property to ensure the the NDA would remain effective!imo of course

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every word...he cant speak without reading it from somewhere...IMO a total fraud. and I know him well. besides accounting for the mRNA madness, he must be questioned about all those grants...account for each tax payer dollar. It is our money.

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Kariko who got NOBEL for it said he was a fraud, he embellishes everything...almost lives in his own mind as to his contribution...Kariko's Atlantic piece really sets this in perspective. what yanked my chains is once you asked the Gnome questions he returns with law suits...thought he could silence all...and he basically did, but not the island boy...he he he

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You are a breath of fresh air to say the least doc, really appreciate all you do and enjoy reading your thoughts. Thanks

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🎯🎯🎯🎯🎯🎯🎯The Magic Word everyone seems to miss (NDAs)👏👏👏👏👏

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His behaviour to true truthful integer doctors like Breggins et al says it all!! No futher comment needed!

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Not to mention the anti vax Malone was feverishly trying to bring to market his own inoculation for covid . We must not forget that very important bit of info, if DARPA/DOD did not already have the plan in action , he very well may have brought his own jab to market, would he have still jumped on the freedom fighting bandwagon? It’s a legit question

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point is that first statement, he CANNOT make again...and I will bet you my life, if he is asked about that statement formally, you will hear the victom come out, he will say he weas distracted, he did not understand the question or his mommy bathed him in water he felt was too warm as a child that fucked up his mind blah blah blah...he CANNOT state it so again...why? because it weas a lie. he knows that a large part of the public are on to him. and figured him out, but alas, the con was in, many donated money to the little one. he got the Freedom movement media like DEL, EPOCH, CHD, Brownstone etc. to be silent on his fraud for they were pimping on him for interviews for donor money and he was happy to oblige them for he 'bought' their silence. frauds, all of them.

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Wow, put this way makes me realize how much a whore they all are! Most anyway. I started out listening to Dr McCullough thank goodness my intuition set me in the right direction. Didn’t take long to realize Malone dodged every serious question asked of him. Always diverting to some life hack or whatever? And when pushed with receipts he cried fowl and $25 mill to speak again please. It’s the only way out of a debate that your signature says you can’t speak about. Malone is the kinda guy that would sell out his own momma for couple weeks pay. Sick little man

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oath, oath scares him...

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They all worked on this bio- weapon and hope “this is not going to end well”.for them in the end!

This is once again a masterful Substack piece. Well done, Thank you for exposing the evil amongst us ‼️drip drip drip =flood filled truths. Keep it rolling…Roll tide baby‼️

Expose them all because we know they’re working on the bird flu hoax cure when we all know ivermectin, Fen Ben and vitamin D in mega doses works. But no, let’s fund these narcissistic bullies in lab-coats to harm us🤬

Justice is coming 💯🙏

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yes, it is coming...courts.

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I watched an interview by Dr Tom Cowan of Dr Stefano Scoglio, in which Dr. Scoglio stated that he has been following the mRNA science very closely since its inception over 20 years ago, and that the mRNA technology was 'not yet ready for prime time' in 2021, and that Dr Malone was involved in the research years ago, but not recently.

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I see! A malignant narcissist... So, a con artist, right?

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Malone would look good on one of these balloons

Dicks of Hazzard: Pro-Trump artist releases 100 penis-shaped balloons with faces of Alvin Bragg, Judge Merchan on them


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Boom! He's stated that he invented the mRNA technology and NOT the vaccines. Seems he's been obfuscating.

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Mass formation psychosis is crap eh? That's what Trump uses to screw the minds of his followers, yourself included!

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These people do not follow Truth, Compassion and Tolerance. They follow something else.

"In the New Testament, the Devil is referred to as the "Father of Lies" in John 8:44, which states, "You are of your father the devil, and your will is to do your father's desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, and has nothing to do with the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks according to his own nature, for he is a liar and the father of lies"."

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Dastardly deeds.

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