Dr. Robert Malone: This initial video by Malone was the key video for here he claimed he discovered the mRNA vaccine & we know he lied, he has changed that statement; it's this statement that
had DEL, EPOCH, CHD et al. thinking they had motherload; they had mRNA maker & he had them hooked; but he lied & he did this to gain fame, money, status & the public was lied to thinking he was honest
Malone is a serial liar, in your face. You judge for yourself.
What did Dr. Kaitlin Karikó mean here?
Why did Malone lie in this introductory video saying he invented mRNA vaccines? He thought he was so shrewd, the play on words…he knew out of the gate was to confuse you and befriend you…the ‘mass formation’ was he doing it to you…yes to screw with the public like his ‘mass formation psychosis’ Desmit crap…This is the video that helped gain him fame and money…he knows the lie in this video…and you latched on, thinking he was smart and bringing a cure…you ‘trusted’ the little bearded one…yet it was a lie. All a lie.
Why don’t you Robert make that statement again, exactly how you made it in this video…say “I am the original discoverer of the mRNA vaccine”…say it that way…say it again…let us see…you know you cannot for it was a lie then.
Malone had DEL and Jan et al. counting money, tied him up for fraud interviews and he fucked the Freedom media going and coming…locked them all down…donor money, free juice so he had them where he wanted them…locked down and unwilling to ask him squat and afraid to…just pink fluff puff crap…stroking each other…he cannot tell one story straight, must read off of something….screen, laptop, phone…makes Biden blush…this little Garden Gnome. Fucked the public! People died due to Malone’s lies! Due to Bourla lies, Bancel, due to CNN, even FOX lies, shilling with Siegel etc.
Malone uses media, Twitter, substack to attack smear and slander, threaten people…and when it does not work, he sues them…he has done it to me and I punish him back, when he uses media, I use it right back on him. I don’t think he likes this island boy. he he he…He has learnt his attacks are met by my responses and I can be punishing that way using the very same media he uses. Malone delights in using social media to attack and punish people he does not like e.g. Breggins, Ruby, McCullough et al., people who question him, and often he drives chilling and silence…well, not with me, he found that out too with the Breggins…for me, well, I use the same media to deliver it back in kind and some, schooling and punishing the little one, the Garden Gnome, for his mischief. I will defend good people and those I consider friends from this little one and will punish him each time in media when he throws a tantrum. He learns, him and his dufus lawyer. Batting 0-10.
I offer these questions below to the Freedom fighter movement media e.g. to DEL, EPOCH, CHD, Brownstone etc. as a guide if they wish to get these addressed, if they could get off their sorry money whore asses and ask Malone these questions…just these below, just based on this Atlantic interview by Kariko:
1)Why did The Atlantic state ‘one target of Malone’s ire’? ‘Ire’ over what? Can Malone be asked to discuss if there are other scientists in the research group that he did not get along with or they did not get along with him or that there was some level of disagreement etc. There is no blame here, just trying to understand that statement as to credibility of it. This is how the piece reads.
2)The media has referred to Dr. Karikó as an mRNA vaccine pioneer. Does Dr. Malone feel same? CNN seems to state that she is the real reason that the COVID vaccine actually came to fruition. Can Dr. Malone discuss the credibility of this assertion? Has Dr. Karikó misrepresented herself?
3)The Atlantic stated that no story and media they looked at mentioned Malone as to the mRNA technology or vaccine. Can Dr. Malone explain this as to veracity?
4)Dr. Karikó reported on an e-mail that Malone sent to her that accused her (accused by Malone) of giving reporters bogus information of her role and work in MRNA technology. Malone essentially stated that Karikó inflated or embellished her work or contribution. Can Dr. Malone comment on if that e-mail and content exists and that he indeed send it? Is Dr. Malone saying that Dr. Karikó has lied and is a fraud so to speak?
5)Dr. Karikó reports that Malone said in communication to her when he accused her of feeding reporters bogus information, that “this is not going to end well”. Can Dr. Malone tell us once and for all, what he meant by this statement for it reads like a threat and is troubling as to what he meant or intended. ‘This is not going to end well’ for who? Can Malone clarify who this was directed to? Did he directly mean Dr. Karikó? What did he plan on doing? What actions?
6)Dr. Karikó stated that she did not tell the public that she invented the mRNA vaccines etc. implying that her role and actions were quite different from Malone’s. Can Malone comment on this please in the sense that Dr. Karikó is really saying that Dr. Malone was being untruthful and misleading as to his role in mRNA technology?
7)Dr. Karikó said that many many scientists played a role in synthetic mRNA development etc. and deserved as much credit as anyone else. This is how I read that portion in The Atlantic. Can Malone comment on this please as to if Dr. Karikó is saying that he inflated his role and position and does not deserve the credit for he was not the main inventor etc.? This is a critical question for Malone has gained notoriety, fame, money etc. out of a statement that he has made day one and this being “I am the inventor of the mRNA technology’. I believe I heard him say once when asked ‘absolute’. Thus is Dr. Karikó saying Malone is being fraudulent and deceptive? Can Malone clarify for this will help resolve many issues and help establish his credibility.
8)Dr. Karikó stated that Dr. Malone was not her mentor and coach as he said, and that they met only once in 1977 when she had to give a talk. So did Malone lie? Or is Karikó lying?
9)Dr. Karikó went on to say that it is Malone who is embellishing his record and overstating his accomplishments. So has Malone been lying to America etc. all the time and if so, this is very troubling for essentially she is saying that he fraudulently misrepresented himself. Why? What is even more troubling is that Malone benefitted from this deception, if it indeed was deception and this is so very key to the issues, that we must get this clarified. Is Dr. Karikó being untruthful? And so can Malone lend us some input to clarify who is being truthful or not?
10)Dr. Karikó stated that there were hundreds of scientists who contributed more to mRNA etc. development, than he did, he being Malone. Again, this question resides at the core of the issues at hand for if this was really stated by Dr. Karikó, she is essentially saying Malone is a fraud. Troublingly is the fact that no one, no media has chosen to ask him very key questions, important one, serious ones and ones that can clarify issues as well as save lives. Is Karikó the fraud? Has she said things that are untrue? The drive to get at the heart of these questions is so because Malone’s core statement to gain access to the Freedom movement was that he invented the mRNA technology etc. Dr. Karikó stated that many many scientists, not Malone, played a role in developing mRNA technology that went/go into the COVID injections and result in the COVID injections. Who is truthful? We were not there and need to understand the landscape.
I truly want these answered by Malone as they come up routinely and addressing these can help restore his credibility. Karikó has painted him in a negative light and maybe, potentially, she did wrong and it is she who moved to smear and discredit and he can help us unpack this and clarify. This can help inform society and also help them in their decision-making. I truly want to know what happened here.
Thank you for standing up to that lying fraud opportunist.
Malone must have atleast a half a dozen NDA’s , I would imagine every word is scripted. He has worked for many of the agencies that have misled and betrayed Americans. I would love to know how the million dollar ponies were acquired? One would venture to think that they may have been incentivizing property to ensure the the NDA would remain effective!imo of course