Spot on Dr. A!! You couldn't be more correct about this guy. He's a GREAT example of what is so damned wrong with the Republican half of the country. They have been suffering for generations with some form of hypogonadism. That's my guess because I don't remember seeing or hearing about the leftist lunatics rounding up the opposition party and holding a mass castration ceremony. MTG seems to have far bigger stones than the rest of the Republicans put together! I do have hope however. Notice that Texas just had the primaries and I think the conservatives replaced 15 of the 21 RINOS who helped to defeat the Governors school choice proposal. Again, it was Uncle Ted Nugent and his Hunter Nation. Org group that I believe made the biggest difference. We're going to hold every RINO in the country to account for their incompetent squishy Republicanism come HELL or high water!!

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excellent sharing Sir! thank you for this, thank you for being here and for helping us in this fight...

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I like your attitude and fervor!

And the good news in Texas!

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ONLY for the elderly = Senicide

As these poisons launched I was explicitly warning the elderly NOT to take this slow kill bioweapon; here doc, read this:


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thank you 2nd...you were always spot on...Redfield is wrong here and IMO dangerous. this vaccine or whatever it was had no role in NO one

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Dennis Rancourts' data shows 5% of the very elderly died after the 4th dose.


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the vaccine killed us, as the second greatest killer but the medical management protocols of isolation, sedatives propofol midazolam, Remdesivir, ventilator, denial of antibiotics killed 95%

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If given the chance Dr., can you ask “Fredo” what medicinal treatment he was provided when he was infected with the “Ominous-Spooky Superbug” called Covid? You know the one I speak of!

The short answer is, “Fredo” was taking “chloroquine”. Yes that unknown, untested and most certainly, unproven, 75 years or more SARS-CoV germ prohibitor and prophylactic.

Damn those “PIA’s” pest’s called, the “General Public”! How did they know about “chloroquine”? Great question Fredo. I’ll tell you how, I read about it!

I had read, and I understood, “Fredo” was taking “chloroquine”, suggested by his “Holistic Health Guru” when he was Covid positive or PCR NEGATIVE! Something like that right Dr?

Smart Person his Holistic Advisor is hey? I wonder if “Fredo” will admit that? Then again, he’s one of those, you know, “Special Elitist”. The one’s in charge of providing Americans with the “truth the whole truth” and nothing but the truth, so help me God? Oh wait that’s the other group of “Useless Eaters” like myself and you Dr Alexander who tell the truth! Sorry about that.

You know that “White Privileged” group of speciality’s? Those people! Oh aren’t they so special? They’re the only group of “White Privileged Elitist” who aren’t part of the “White Privileged” group, the rest of us are. We all understand this right?

There’s no need for cow branding these people, the “Fredo’s”of America, because what a loss for the rest of us, without all the “Fredo’s” of the world? And without their “Special Elite Status”, now what would we do?

Only “We The People” must be branded, with a specific “Branding Iron” and labeled or called “White Privileged”! The same way any cow is labeled or branded with a unique marking.

And only the “Useless Eaters” such as myself and the rest of us are branded. This “Fredo” situation reminds me of an older song and the words go like this, “Wonder, Wonder, Wonder, Wonder Who, who wrote the book of love?”. You see, there’s “No Love” for “Bottom Feeders” branded “White Privileged” because, we’re privileged. Isn’t this the mentality of the “all Fredo’s”?

Make no mistake about it, we consume far too many products. The “Special Elitist” cannot have this! No, no, no my son, my daughter, we must surrender ourselves! “ ACHTUNG” It’s the needle or nothing!

“No chloroquine for you”!!

How dare “We the People” be allowed to have a simple, life saving medicine? Or how dare the “Special Elitist” let us in on their secret formula? You know that banned treatment called, “chloroquine” or “hydroxychloroquine”?

Yes thank God “Fredo” pulled through and thank God he’s had a “Come To Jesus Moment. I think not! Otherwise the earth’s magnetic resonance, coupled with rotational forces, had “Fredo”been met with severe illness, would have certainly caused drastic changes in America much sooner!

Thank you “Fredo”, thanks for having what’s called technically, “Tyson Glands” (side note: Some older books say that they occur in humans and produce the smegma that sometimes accumulates under the foreskin).

Smegma hey? Foreskin? Oh lord oh lord, thank you for providing an exuberant amount of “smegma” gluing all these “Special Elites” together, with that sticky smelly stuff called “smegma” they all exude. Their nastiness deserves this! That’s how I feel. Americans are talked down too, treated horribly and yet these degenerates such as “Fredo” are propped up as if they’re some sort of Deity!

If it weren’t for this “Ominously Spooky” unknown super-bug called Covid, how would we have ever known, what a stand up “Special Elitist” and “White Privileged” parasite, Fredo was?

The world may never know.

May God Bless America and The Entire World!


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thank you for sharing this for it is important that people understand the backstory and many who did wrong to us try to re-write history...this was a superb informative sharing.

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You’re welcome Dr. the truth is all I have and if I’m wrong, I’ll apologize! There’s no other way I can live!


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I caught Covid while in Kearney Nebraska in 2020 at the start of the scamdemic. I was down for four days in a hotel and one of the receptionists had the same thing. It was similar to the flu and after sleeping four days off and on I regained my health and was on my way home again.

Arriving home, I got back to work estimating jobs that were to be contracted to me. The last estimate of the day I met with a retired medical professional and told her of my illness and the current counsel of health officials who recommended a jab ASAP as natural immunity was not good enough.

I have clients I have served for decades and I knew this one well. The experts on covid are virologists and this woman became angry, using foul language, in an almost identical way to me! She had never done that before. She told me she had done a paper on natural immunity before getting her medical degree and that my natural immunity beat any *&%^^&*)(&*^ jab anyone could come up with. In my clientele are medical specialists and I noted the medical community was divided. That tipped me off and led to an investigation on my part concluding with a presentation by two virologists that sold me on refusing the jab. Here was the info they gave those present.

-taking a jab MIGHT give you immunity to the current strain BUT your BRAS (broad range antibody spectrum) which we are born with will be weakened

-it attacks ANY invader but the jab will weaken it and reduce its effectivity to the point new strains will go right through it

-other invaders will on a one by one basis depending on what they are either will go through it or be hindered

That was it!!! I decided on my natural immunity and have been exposed to some with covid but have never contracted any more covid infections or any other health problem.

That info was indeed true but I know Dr J. would correct any inaccurate info here on her site which I chose because of her grasp of medical mechanisms that puts that gal high up the ladder on being an expert on the topic. I have in my existence some deadly women who like her, are not just intelligent but also focused. The two traits do two things to me. The first is interacting with such gals, I stay on my toes because a woman with both intelligence and focus is deadlier than a pissed off king cobra that you have stepped on.

However, the aptitudinal excellence can and does at times not only slay me but softens and warms me towards them. Intelligence is one big attractant to me but the added focus in the synergistic combinational mode always creates awe in me. There in nothing under God's blue Arizona sky anything more sublime than a woman imbued with both intelligence and focus that is slightly moderated by poise.

Voila. The result is God's most beautiful and precious creation. Anyone who misses that has to be shy in the loafers. In my profession alone I have had contact easily with 350 women per year and over 30 years I dare say I know a few things about them but am smart enough to approach them with the maxim, "Learning is a voyage, not a harbor." They are all the same but are all different. No, that is not an oxymoron. I do take care to worship the Creator more than the created, but they sure are a masterpiece. Nuff said.

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very good post, your natural innate immunity you refer to, first line of defense is critical and we come with it, broadly protective but must be trained and the vaccine subverts the training and damages it...you are vulnerable, children become vulnerable if they take the COVID shot...so you are 100%, our natural immunity is robust enough...we needed NO vaccine for this

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Dr. P, I appreciate your boldness and candor and the tide is turning against the "dark side." They are going down and cannot quit but they are done and the good guys cannot quit either so I am all in. It is the right thing to do and as I said, here in Canuckistan there are three ways to think and do things...the right way, the wrong way and the Canadian way but most do things and think the last two ways.

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My most serious concern for Redfield is his nation-wide propaganda for masking. He pointed to the mask in his hand and say: “Wearing a mask will save your life. It’s even more effective than the vaccine. “

The first half is nonsense. The second half is strangely interesting: was Redfield intentionally giving us a warning against the deadly bioweapon injection😂😂😂?

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Yang, excellent post and thank you for it showed us then he was a lightweight, not an intellect or was not interested in the actual science...it is either he knew the masks were useless yet did not care...and his words harmed many...I am not forgiving for that for they knew. not one mask worked, they were worthless, the masks actually harmed

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A very large number of people (myself included) voiced about natural immunity, that it was NEVER about a "virus", that any "vaccines" were far more dangerous than we were being told, that locking down the country would cause many times the damage of any "pandemic", and similar topics.

However, the 'Big Honcho' -- the guy sitting in the Oval Office with all the resources and authority and decision-making power -- that guy chose to ignore all of us and willingly sided with the Globalist agenda, locked our country down, and Warp-sped "vaccines" that have so far killed and harmed countless millions across the globe, with much more damage to come.

To this day, that guy - Donald Trump - has not retreated one inch on any of his actions. Furthermore, if (IF!) Trump had been lied to and betrayed by those around him, then why hasn't Trump called out a single liar, betrayer, or criminal, or any of their crimes? Not ONE! Why?

With that evidence in hand, what is the most plausible conclusion: that Trump is looking out for 'we the people', or that Trump stands with the Globalists and their agenda? Folks, you need to wake up! Yes, Trump talks a good talk. But people need to focus on what Trump DOES, not at what he SAYS.

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IMO and I was there, he was screwed and badly misled...he trusted this fuckers...but he is not in on the OP or did wrong...the question you ask which is critical is why does he say it worked and we are working to get him to say that it failed and he has too...Redfield just said it, Fauci now says 6 foot was made us fraud...how much more clear does he want it when his own fucked up task force people now say it was a fraud pandemic basically and all they, they told him to approve, was wrong...

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In the same situation, would *YOU* have been as "misled" for as long and as badly as some people (wish to) believe Trump was? Let me add this: countless people (I was one of them!) were screaming to Trump that he was surrounded by criminals that were lying to him. Why did Trump NEVER listen to a single one of those people (me included)? Why was Trump ALWAYS on board with the Globalist program? Repeating, why was Trump ALWAYS in sync with the Globalist agenda? Did he never once have a doubt? Even as evidence rolled in, and people in our camp advised him, he pushed the "pandemic" agenda ever-forward. Huh???

Get my meaning - it's quite significant. Even if (IF!) Trump had been betrayed, does he not yet know -- over 4 years later -- who the criminals are and their crimes? Then, why doesn't he speak out? Sorry, Doctor, but Trump's actions simply don't pass the smell test - something is rotten in Denmark!

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Doc, I hate to break it to you, but 45 will NEVER admit he was duped. Furthermore, why would anyone want a president who was so gullible?

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At least several things are true here. Who the hell would listen to Chris Cuomo? Isn’t he the ass…., that had Covid, and was out and about on bike, refused mask( I would refuse mask also! ). He was a complete lunatic during flu (not covid!) outbreak. I do not know this Dr. but Covid- flu was never vaccine, learned early on it offered NO IMMUNITY, IT DID NOTHING AT ALL TO PROTECT ESPECIALLY ELDERLY, IT SERIOUSLY HURT THEIR IMMUNE SYSTEM SO THEIR BODIES COULD NOT FIGHT ANYTHING! I would continue to denounce these and anyone else that is stupid enough to try and defend any actions or shots or masks!

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all you say is 100% correct and the flu vaccine for our elderly and whomever never ever worked, it has been a sham all these years...zero, take none, it actually damages your immune system

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Yep, according to government flu vaccine was 16%effective! Why would anyone take it, it does more harm than good. It almost killed me when asiatic flu shot around 1968. I stated had allergy to flu shot according to my doctor, but because I am an RN, FORCED TO TAKE IT! Was so sick, temp well over 105*, lost my pregnancy, not a great moment in my life. They have to listen when patients say, I HAVE A PROBLEM!

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"A man hears what he wants to hear and disregards the rest."

Paul Simon

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The voices of those who died will condemn all of them before God. Whether we think they are good men/women or not. It is a fearful thing to lie & continue to lie and to fall into the hands of God’s wrath & judgement. All folks need to repent.

Isaiah 53:6

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yes, boom

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Then why the “vaxx ”has not only biological material in it but electronic structures in it. Have you looked of whats inside a vial? Have you looked a urine sediment and a peripheral smear of inoculated individuals? Why the hundreds of possible consequences for humans as adverse effects? Its a biological warfare material! Look at it!

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correct, it is a bio weapon of sorts, behaves like one. maybe a binary one?

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For sure “biosynthetic like”organisms, technological structures, not counting the other components and the fluorescence in all. The technological structures has invaded my red blood cells by the millions as observed in a confocal (500/600x) microscope!

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So Ratf*cked lined up for 8 shots of the "safe and effectives" and is still pushing the line that they saved lives, presumably in the order of hundreds of millions?

He's just a fool whose intentions were good.

Oh Lord, please don't let him be misunderstood!


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you are so correct? I think saying 8 shots was damaging and he is shilling...this is very bad.

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Well, I just don't know

What they gonna say now, uh

What they gonna say now, well

We'll pay tomorrow for the power today

We'll run you down if you stand in our way


Over here, 'cause I'm not concerned

What I hear

What I read

It's all bought and sold

I just believe

What I wanna believe

Because the truth is yet to be told

Sammy Hagar

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thank you for this excellent set of verses

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Thank Sammy.

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The only people in the team I respect are you, Dr Alexander, and Dr Atlas.

Mike Pence is definitely a traitor and a mass-murderer-in-chief. Pence will face God’s final judgment.

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thank you but it is the population with its critical thinkers, you, all, who we learn from too and depend on..we learn from each other

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Good video documenting "evolving" positions on the jab. In the future it would be a better idea for these individuals to make decisions for themselves alone and to stop trying to influence others for their own self-importance, attention, and financial incentives received. Especially when they have no idea what they are talking about.

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As for what I have found in myself in both samples, in a regular lab microscope, and could describe the best that I can being those structures unidentified in any known book, they are biological and electronic like structures. This “electronic like” have the capacity to enter the red blood cells (as if this have affinity for oxygen?) and expel a platelet like structure. The biological ones are capable of different tasks. Theres magnetism observable and all structures and particles are fluorescent. I have observed concentric waves when the electronic round structures enter the red blood cells. There are metal appearance structures, fluorescent too. It is a nightmare knowing I have those inside the body without knowing if there’s something to be done to expel them from my body.

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So, POTUS Trump did not listen to you?????? So, POTUS Trump made his own decisions to hide and let the swamp win. He didn't listen to you/Scott Atlas--WHY?????? HE LISTENED TO BIRX/FAUCI OVER YOU??????

PUT HIM ON THE HORSEMEN LIST NOW! When he recants, you can consider whether he deserves to be off the list. Until then, PUT HIM ON THE LIST!

After reading your comments, he way more culpable then you have stated in the past.

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