Dr. Robert Redfield & Fredo Cuomo interview; let me tell you, I was there & Redfield did argue for natural immunity having a MORE serious role, he did say ONLY for the elderly, NOT to be prioritized
for the complete population, I argued there be NO vaccine for NO one, as Redfield was battling the CDC malfeasants, NIH, FDA; but Redfield was FLAT wrong, 100% wrong saying it saved lives, then & NOW!
So, I continue to have serious respect for Redfield, he is a good man IMO, yet flat wrong on the vaccine and makes some dangerous statements here and Fredo Cuomo is inept and not a proper interviewer, he should have had a proper scientific person who could have pressed him and fleshed out on some of the things he Redfield, said was WRONG…, I have a lot of respect for him…I would ask him to show me and anyone the data, the clinical evidence, the medical evidence where it worked for serious illness…where? saying it does, does not make it so…
point: this vaccine never worked, never, was ineffective day one and there is no evidence it worked, and it was deadly…Redfield tried to fight them at CDC and in the Task Force but he was weak at CDC and overall on Task Force, on vaccinating the entire population as he felt it could be focused to high-risk people, and he did try to argue for the role of natural immunity, a greater role, over vaccine…but he was weak and had no power at CDC etc. so Redfield is wrong to say what he did and has misled people here! He has continued the deception about the mRNA vaccine.
The evidence that has accumulated now across 3 years post vaccine roll-out shows it never worked so I have no idea what Robert is saying and again, Cuomo is a light weight and has no idea what Redfield is saying. So could not question him properly. How could Redfield say this vaccine saved lives? Where is the evidence? Many people who were elderly and high-risk died after the vaccine. Many obese. It did not work. And Cuomo shilled and pushed the vaccine with his brother Governor ‘Nipples’ Cuomo and many people died as a result, he insulted, attacked, smeared good people who chose to be unvaccinated. Many died!
Redfield said he still uses the vaccine in his practice? Is he insane? Based on what? Does he explain the benefits and risks?
Redfield was wrong here to defend Fauci.
He Redfield is now crying that the vaccine is harmful, IMO, too little, too late Robert. I have to say. He is saying the vaccine should have NEVER been mandated. Brilliant! Too late though…It did not stop infection. Yes Robert….And Robert, it did not stop transmission. So, it was moot to mandate. Now he is saying lockdowns were wrong, school closures were wrong. Thank you Robert, brave of you….I would say he is not lying, but too little too late….should have fought harder, should have stood up on that podium and say NO lockdowns or school closures…but you did not….he Robert, was focused on the initial 15 days to bend the curve but not more…so he was on the right page…he fought against closing schools, but he was very weak…was over-ruled by the top brass at CDC…they hated him…CDC top brass fucked Redfield daily…and he did try but a baby in the bunch…was not aggressive enough…Very correct NOW, Robert, but you did not fight hard enough…on that….People died. I like Redfield, he is a good man, God fearing, but the wrong person at CDC, they rolled him. He was the best person at CDC at the CORRUPT top. But incompetent IMO. Not someone I would prosecute…for he did try, but was inept in all of this, the wrong leader of COVID response Task Force.
He should have stepped away…he could not handle it.
But I like him, he means well…he does not have a bad bone, just incompetent. Others involved were malfeasant. Bad people. Like our medical doctors. Like brass at CDC, NIH, FDA etc.
He gained respect from me as a doctor for most doctors still think COVID or whatever that this was, is a respiratory illness when in fact it is a blood clotting illness, and they, with severe breathing and respiratory issue need anti-coagulants. It is a blood clotting disorder with micro-thrombi spread across the body in blood vessels etc.. Needs blood thinners etc. e.g. aggressive aspirin, heparin, coumadin, enoxaparin etc.
Then he said he got the COVID vaccine 8 times, and wife. Is he serious? Why would he say that? This is such a dangerous thing to say today and saying it in interview makes me think he is shilling for this deadly vaccine. He said Pfizer’s Paxlovid works? Is Redfield serious? He is flat wrong, it CAUSES COVID symptoms and kills. Does he know the data on Paxlovid? Redfield is very dangerously wrong on these statements, and I am shocked he would do this. And Fredo Cuomo sits there as he talks this crap and cannot push back or challenge Redfield for he is not the right interviewing person, not technically capable, belongs IMO as an interviewer on The View, and this is why Redfield went there. He had to be interviewed by an idiot.
Spot on Dr. A!! You couldn't be more correct about this guy. He's a GREAT example of what is so damned wrong with the Republican half of the country. They have been suffering for generations with some form of hypogonadism. That's my guess because I don't remember seeing or hearing about the leftist lunatics rounding up the opposition party and holding a mass castration ceremony. MTG seems to have far bigger stones than the rest of the Republicans put together! I do have hope however. Notice that Texas just had the primaries and I think the conservatives replaced 15 of the 21 RINOS who helped to defeat the Governors school choice proposal. Again, it was Uncle Ted Nugent and his Hunter Nation. Org group that I believe made the biggest difference. We're going to hold every RINO in the country to account for their incompetent squishy Republicanism come HELL or high water!!
ONLY for the elderly = Senicide
As these poisons launched I was explicitly warning the elderly NOT to take this slow kill bioweapon; here doc, read this: