Knowing how Mulvaney destroyed Bud Lite, the Navy brings out someone who will do to Navy recruitment what Mulvaney did for Bud Lite. I have to assume this was by design and meant to further destroy military moral and preparedness.... after all, we have been taken over by a BioSecuirty State coup with ties to the CCP.... this my not be the End Times, but it is the end of what used to be the USA.

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Let's give Mulvaney another limelight spot: put the personnage (he or she, I dunno...) in the recruitement marketing adds for the navy? maybe it would be more of a publicity stunt then for Bud light? LOL!!!

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We are now a weak candy ass nation. Weakness usually encourages aggression, so look out.

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The Army won't be able to fight their way out of a brown paper bag!

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Or a bra.

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US has been given over to a reprobate mind. It's under the Judgement of God. It's going down.

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Afraid so. It Is Written.

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CHRISTINE M. God absolutely has this under control. He is using this to separate His Flock from the goats. He has opened a lot of people's eyes, who are becoming receptive to the Truth on account of what is happening right now. Some, of course, will double down in their rebellion and their hearts will become even more hardened.

Ask for His protection and grace turning back to Him in repentance and obedience and he will guide you through what is to come.

There is nothing to fear if you make Him your shelter! This I know for a fact.

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There’s honey in the rock. 🙏🏼

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Thank you for the encouragement!!

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God loves you, Phyllis and Christine. Focus on Him, reading His Word during this time of challenge will give you LOTS OF ENCOURAGEMENT!!!During judgement, He pours out such an abundance of grace to those who turn to Him in faith in trust, thanking Him for all His mercies.

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I have a terrible feeling you are right.

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I am glad my WWII Navy pilot father is not around to see this. He wasn't especially amused by the Village People singing about the Navy.

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We are already in the midst of WWIII. Certainly COVID was part of the warfare which likely also started months and perhaps years before we realized. China will win WWIII practically without having to fire a shot unless and until we rid ourselves of these deviant policies and procedures. Fine, if you're 'trans', that's great. But don't force a whole country and its military to bend to your whims and behaviours! If you are qualified, trans or not, to be a fighting soldier then fine. But don't expect the military to provide trans-uniforms!

The West is losing WWIII itself by way of its implementation of suicidal policies ranging from woke climate agendas based on the false evils of CO2, as well as the woke policies aimed at mollifying a tiny but very vocal fraction of society. These policies are suicidal. About the only way we might come out on top by following this self-destructive pathway would be if our enemies basically laugh themselves to death whilst observing our clown show. If that's the plan, it's ingenious but I have a feeling that's not the plan, nor would it actually work because the CCP is deadly serious and isn't laughing.

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The CCP is indeed serious & always has been.

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In the DOD Directive to recruit foreign troops, it said they will put them in leadership positions (further neutralizing US servicemen) and complained that US soldiers "eat too much" and "complain too much" and foreign troops are easier to control because "they came from countries that don't know freedom and, therefore, make better soldiers."

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"They" are laughing at us and how much we the normal average guy has allowed them to get away with because no one has a damn backbone. So called diversity has killed this country. Hard work and wanting to be part of this country made the USA what it use to be. The invaders just want to take and that too is done on purpose to destroy our culture. We all came from somewhere but we were united as a nation.

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It seems like they want to destroy the Navy rather than recruit men and women who actually care about our country and protecting it. We are seeing the USA being weakened and destroyed from within. I hope all those involved with this will enjoy losing their freedom and living as slaves.

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Thanks this is sheer madness. where are the REAL MEN?

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The woke US military is the laughing stock of the world.

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Now that the seals will have drag queens on the submarines, they won't be so lonesome. The queens can give them the same shows they give to elementary children in blue states.

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The US Navy cannot even pilot ships without running in another vessel.

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May 6, 2023·edited May 6, 2023

It's a JOKE. But, the sex-based Psy-Op has never yet failed. It's the absolute GOLD STANDARD of psyoppery.

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They want navy seals swimming with the mermaids.

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Bin Laden was officially on the payroll of the CIA at the time of 9/11 and stated he was not involved in that particular act of terrorism, while openly admitting to others. His story is like that of the ex? head of Al Qaeda who kept on getting officially killed again, and again, and again, it is all a chosenite communist mickey take and an insult to the intelligence that is a calculated psyop intended to undermine any faith or hope in being able to use the mental faculties at all when using any information sources at all.

Bin Laden is reliably established as having really died of kidney failure years before the Seal team supposedly killed him, the Seal team then all got liquidated on the orders of crackhead Barrack Obama I read somewhere so they could not open their mouths about the guy they killed not really being Bin Laden, they just dumped the body of some poor innocent guy into the ocean, something they would never do if it really had been Bin Laden.

And the guys that killed the Seal team then got liquidated too, something like that, Israel arranged 9/11, using dual nationality agents in the US establishment and Saudi Arabian cryptos. But the drag queens thing is just a blatant insult inflicted on a purposely poisoned and now rapidly dying culture.

Aaron Russo and Major General Wesley Clarke exposed how the attacks on several ME nations were all arranged long before the '9/11' psyop. The entirely innocent Iraq had a 5% lifetime cancer rate prior to invasion, in 1990, but even by 2005 that had already risen to a staggering 200% lifetime incidence of cancer and is still rising, DU will carry on doing that for hundreds of millions of years to everyone living on that land forever in the future, and all other forms of life there, which will surely not be able to reproduce at all in heathy or viable forms at all in just a few more generations, the amount of hatred and sheer vindictiveness against all other life that goes into planning such a thing is inconceivable, born from criminally insane minds of the you know who's in Israel who now milk unlimited supplies of stolen oil from Iraq entirely for free in perpetuity with US slave troops in Iraq stationed there to guard the well heads and pipeline purposely extended by the US all the way through into Israel from the Iraqi Mosul to Kirkuk pipeline, no other nation gets any of that war booty procured through actual genocidal mass murder in perpetuity there, though no one at all should be taking any at all from Iraq in the first p[lace, and not at such an horrifically obscene cost to all life there. The news about the oil pipeline and the stolen oil going to Israel was originally reported in a newspaper in the UK called The Daily Telegraph back in the early 1990's.

Iraq has had a still-rising 200% cancer rate documented even since 2005 due to toxic dioxin burn pits, heavy use of DU to salt the soil with it, and the at gunpoint forced used of chosenite Monsanto GM seeds that cause cancer and birth defects, reduced fertility, you name it.

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