Taiwan, would it cut off the semi-conductors that are running US military etc.? 90% of most advanced chips made in Taiwan and so, Is this China-US-Taiwan was really about advanced chip technology?
JARED KUSHNER (TRUMPS SON IN LAW) announces that when TRUMP wins POTUS, that Netanyahu is going to “GIVE GAZA” to Jared Kushner for development to build the most elite beach front condo’s on Earth;
And, in the event Israel takes Gaza, the Ben Gurion Canal Project (an alternative to the Suez Canal) could go forward without a struggle & without sharing the wealth that would come from it.
Right. And when the oil and gas wells are tapped offshore and perchance if one suffers some explosion, those condos along the shore will stinkin' with oil slicks. Makes sense to me.
Trump family just steals land and develops the land sells on contract and moves on to next parasite game, they never intend to live in the places they shit in,
TAIWAN since post WW2 has been a USA WHORE-HOUSE for US-MIL
Like Okinawa in Japan
They even have 1/2 a dozen CIA bio-weapon labs on Taiwan island;
It's a fucking USSA colony post WW2, just like Japan, just like South-Korea
The only mistake that CIA did is they didn't destroy the racial purity, to this day Koreans hate niggers & whites; Same in Taiwan
It's just matter of time when uncle-scam geos bankrupt that all these colonys fall back to ASIAN loyalty.
What to really watch is "NORTH KOREA" they have 90% of the world known rare-earth minerals in place, and their north-sea offshore OIL exceeds the SAUDI oil fields; Once they start investing in North-Korea it will become the SAUDI of ASIA; They're mining today, but they need huge investments by CHINA to develop the deep-sea oil fields;
China is probably dragging their ass in fear that USA will just blow them up; Like they did at Nordstream, or Crimea Bridge (Ukraine), or all the hydro dams in Ukraine;
TSMC & ASML are the most valuable companys on earth
It's only obvious that USA will destroy them like they did NORDSTREAM, on the basis if you can't compete fairly, then cripple your competition;
Just like '5G' USA is 15 years behind on RF radio chips, rather than leap-frog and invest they chose sanctions and to destroy the CHINESE leads
Most of what is done in Taiwan has already been moved & duplicated in CHINA motherland, the majority of TSMC are chinese first & foremost, and recent fiasco of building a TSMC plant in USA was a kluster-fuck
They had to send 500 Taiwanese to get the plant running and the locals in Arizona "Spit in their face", they all demanded to go home, now Arizona Plant, cost to USA $30B USD can only hire DEI lesbos and wetbacks, who refuse to wear bunny-suits cuz they're white;
Recent TSMC plant in USA (arizona) proves that USA cannot be trained to install a condom, let alone run a modern level-4 clean room that costs $10's of Billions of USD
In Taiwan the locals who work the TSMC plant, work 10 days on 2 days off and are on site 24/7, they sleep, eat and shit outside of the clean room when not in the clean room;
The new arizona FAB the DEI lesbos wanted a smoke break every 20 minutes, where it takes a full hour to decontaminate, and re-enter the clean-room; They called the call for 'cleanliness' as being too white;
There is no point of explaining any of this to dumb fucking assholes;
there is so much knowledge and facts and even truth in what you wrote, not all, but lots, but you are so damn offensive, its hard to table it up my brother or sister...you could help in our battles but you got to refine...I can be like you, many can, but no one will listen...I am sure you are a decent compassionate kind human being who probably are either a priest or nun...ha ha ha...
I suspect that you don't know a potatoe chip from a semi-conductor chip
I have spent much of my life in fab's around the world, earlier on as kid I started in solid-state physics, until I got tired of working around all the dangerous chemicals ( hydro-flouric acid ), ... Then went to put computation clean & safe;
The problem is 99% of the public is fed SHIT 24/7 on everything
Like CIA said "When everything the USA public believe is a lie, our mission at CIA is completel" - Casey CIA 1991 director
Fuck you people can't even do a citizens arrest on the COVID MD's and hang them, your all pathetic.
Taiwan is a valuable trading partner. However, as to whether the USA has the right to interfere in their politics, using war, we have no right. The US State Department shows this on their website:
Even Drudge is behind the 8 ball here. WW3 has been ongoing. Fools do not comprehend thst we've been living through WW3. A silent war. A mind fuck of a war. Not one shot fired. The world stood virtually still as Globalists took hold of a world that is currently chewing on them and are about to spit them out. Globalism has FAILED on the hlobal stage for all to see. The Evil Deep State is losing WW3. The next ground battle is WW4 and is most likely to occur here on US soil because as the great George Carlin once said; America is Pussified. Grow some balls America. Stock up on guns and ammo because you will need them. #EndAPECnow #LevelTheCCP #FreedomIsNotFree #FreedomBastardized #FreedomCompromised
USA-MIL has less than one year inventory of Rare-Earth element chips, once the Chinese actually stop selling everything to USA, expect the US-MIL to slowly come to a halt
Even the satellites and weapons the new hypersonics all require rare-earth element RF EM chips, USA not only has no source of raw materials, but has no factory in USA capable of making them.
As show in ARIZONA when when you throw $100's of BILLION's at the problem, it cannot be fixed, because the GOV still gave non-whites preference in hiring and the DEI crowd argued that a degree in engineering isn't needed in the FAB process;
At the end of the day, its about the job, and not about manufacturing the product
Same people running BOEING, just ship planes, even if they can't fly;
The USSA has occupied the TAIWAN "Whorehouse" since WW2 era ending in 1945
They have had plenty of time to build beach front fortresses and booby-trap the island;
If any of this jew shit were even true
What is a known-known is the TAIWAN has to date built the highest quality shit on earth due to their work ethic
China knows to to break a glass-doll in a CHINA shop, leave it to stupid fucking uncle-schmuel to break everything in Taiwan.
Biggest fear of USSA in Taiwan is that ethnic Chinese get tired of being HO's and CIA little-bitches and vote their CIA patsy politicians out of office.
Looks like we intend to protect Taiwan's border instead of our own. Protect Ukraine's border instead of our own. Taiwan might look like Ukraine does now if they encourage USA's sabre rattling. How much success would US have so far from home vs China's navy in its own territory? We have insane sociopaths running our gov & gov's of the West.
JARED KUSHNER (TRUMPS SON IN LAW) announces that when TRUMP wins POTUS, that Netanyahu is going to “GIVE GAZA” to Jared Kushner for development to build the most elite beach front condo’s on Earth;
And, in the event Israel takes Gaza, the Ben Gurion Canal Project (an alternative to the Suez Canal) could go forward without a struggle & without sharing the wealth that would come from it.
Disgusting and obvious what they have in mind. Taking Gaza's oil & gas field as well.
Right. And when the oil and gas wells are tapped offshore and perchance if one suffers some explosion, those condos along the shore will stinkin' with oil slicks. Makes sense to me.
Trump family just steals land and develops the land sells on contract and moves on to next parasite game, they never intend to live in the places they shit in,
Well its the same in newport beach from long-beach to laguna, most expensive beach front on earth, and all off shore full of oil wells
Winning, besides offshore of GAZA is LPG 'gas wells' less messy when the fuck up;
TAIWAN since post WW2 has been a USA WHORE-HOUSE for US-MIL
Like Okinawa in Japan
They even have 1/2 a dozen CIA bio-weapon labs on Taiwan island;
It's a fucking USSA colony post WW2, just like Japan, just like South-Korea
The only mistake that CIA did is they didn't destroy the racial purity, to this day Koreans hate niggers & whites; Same in Taiwan
It's just matter of time when uncle-scam geos bankrupt that all these colonys fall back to ASIAN loyalty.
What to really watch is "NORTH KOREA" they have 90% of the world known rare-earth minerals in place, and their north-sea offshore OIL exceeds the SAUDI oil fields; Once they start investing in North-Korea it will become the SAUDI of ASIA; They're mining today, but they need huge investments by CHINA to develop the deep-sea oil fields;
China is probably dragging their ass in fear that USA will just blow them up; Like they did at Nordstream, or Crimea Bridge (Ukraine), or all the hydro dams in Ukraine;
If they can't own it, then destroy it;
I bet the Taiwan plant is chock full of explosives. If the Chinese invade they will get ZILCH.
I read somewhere the same thing. Taiwan isn't giving up the Chips.
TSMC & ASML are the most valuable companys on earth
It's only obvious that USA will destroy them like they did NORDSTREAM, on the basis if you can't compete fairly, then cripple your competition;
Just like '5G' USA is 15 years behind on RF radio chips, rather than leap-frog and invest they chose sanctions and to destroy the CHINESE leads
Most of what is done in Taiwan has already been moved & duplicated in CHINA motherland, the majority of TSMC are chinese first & foremost, and recent fiasco of building a TSMC plant in USA was a kluster-fuck
They had to send 500 Taiwanese to get the plant running and the locals in Arizona "Spit in their face", they all demanded to go home, now Arizona Plant, cost to USA $30B USD can only hire DEI lesbos and wetbacks, who refuse to wear bunny-suits cuz they're white;
Recent TSMC plant in USA (arizona) proves that USA cannot be trained to install a condom, let alone run a modern level-4 clean room that costs $10's of Billions of USD
In Taiwan the locals who work the TSMC plant, work 10 days on 2 days off and are on site 24/7, they sleep, eat and shit outside of the clean room when not in the clean room;
The new arizona FAB the DEI lesbos wanted a smoke break every 20 minutes, where it takes a full hour to decontaminate, and re-enter the clean-room; They called the call for 'cleanliness' as being too white;
There is no point of explaining any of this to dumb fucking assholes;
there is so much knowledge and facts and even truth in what you wrote, not all, but lots, but you are so damn offensive, its hard to table it up my brother or sister...you could help in our battles but you got to refine...I can be like you, many can, but no one will listen...I am sure you are a decent compassionate kind human being who probably are either a priest or nun...ha ha ha...
I suspect that you don't know a potatoe chip from a semi-conductor chip
I have spent much of my life in fab's around the world, earlier on as kid I started in solid-state physics, until I got tired of working around all the dangerous chemicals ( hydro-flouric acid ), ... Then went to put computation clean & safe;
The problem is 99% of the public is fed SHIT 24/7 on everything
Like CIA said "When everything the USA public believe is a lie, our mission at CIA is completel" - Casey CIA 1991 director
Fuck you people can't even do a citizens arrest on the COVID MD's and hang them, your all pathetic.
Trump apologist
"I love Trump"
facts are terrible things
deal with it
tomorrow is another day, trump love will return,
everyday is ground hog-day in p-alex love trump doll land
Taiwan is a valuable trading partner. However, as to whether the USA has the right to interfere in their politics, using war, we have no right. The US State Department shows this on their website:
Even Drudge is behind the 8 ball here. WW3 has been ongoing. Fools do not comprehend thst we've been living through WW3. A silent war. A mind fuck of a war. Not one shot fired. The world stood virtually still as Globalists took hold of a world that is currently chewing on them and are about to spit them out. Globalism has FAILED on the hlobal stage for all to see. The Evil Deep State is losing WW3. The next ground battle is WW4 and is most likely to occur here on US soil because as the great George Carlin once said; America is Pussified. Grow some balls America. Stock up on guns and ammo because you will need them. #EndAPECnow #LevelTheCCP #FreedomIsNotFree #FreedomBastardized #FreedomCompromised
USA-MIL has less than one year inventory of Rare-Earth element chips, once the Chinese actually stop selling everything to USA, expect the US-MIL to slowly come to a halt
Even the satellites and weapons the new hypersonics all require rare-earth element RF EM chips, USA not only has no source of raw materials, but has no factory in USA capable of making them.
As show in ARIZONA when when you throw $100's of BILLION's at the problem, it cannot be fixed, because the GOV still gave non-whites preference in hiring and the DEI crowd argued that a degree in engineering isn't needed in the FAB process;
At the end of the day, its about the job, and not about manufacturing the product
Same people running BOEING, just ship planes, even if they can't fly;
The USSA has occupied the TAIWAN "Whorehouse" since WW2 era ending in 1945
They have had plenty of time to build beach front fortresses and booby-trap the island;
If any of this jew shit were even true
What is a known-known is the TAIWAN has to date built the highest quality shit on earth due to their work ethic
China knows to to break a glass-doll in a CHINA shop, leave it to stupid fucking uncle-schmuel to break everything in Taiwan.
Biggest fear of USSA in Taiwan is that ethnic Chinese get tired of being HO's and CIA little-bitches and vote their CIA patsy politicians out of office.
Looks like we intend to protect Taiwan's border instead of our own. Protect Ukraine's border instead of our own. Taiwan might look like Ukraine does now if they encourage USA's sabre rattling. How much success would US have so far from home vs China's navy in its own territory? We have insane sociopaths running our gov & gov's of the West.
And don't we borry $ from China? I learned a few yrs ago that even some of the parts on our military jets are made in China.