no, it is us, we are suicidal, the fault is us...Dr. Peter Breggin and Ginger Breggin puts out a well written stack 'Desmet and Malone strike again: No one’s killing us; we’re a suicidal society'
Is it possible you’re both right? Absolutely everyone plays their own part in the agreement, consciously or not. I believe the evidence is clear for your position. And I believe the history of totalitarian rule where, at least in part the individual exist for the purpose of the state (or collective), people have willingly and in their minds honorable taken their own lives for the perceived greater good of the collective—china, North Korea, etc. And the psychological research clearly shows that shame and guilt correlate highly with suicidal ideation and action, whether conscious or not.
Breggin needs to stop blaming and come up with a solution if he is the leading, know-it-all mind expert. We are in WWIII PSY warfare. Desmet is right and laid no blame. All my jabbed surroundings are on the “humanity must perish to save the planet” trip. Indoctrinated, yes. We all are. EXCEPT, some of us managed to retain core values and common sense despite. WE ALL ARE VICTIMS!! Right?! No-one got a free card ! Did you? But many did not stand up to psychological abuse. Why? Fix them! 4 years into it Breggin’s energy still goes to his top dog defence and internal camp warfare instead of fixing the ‘damaged souls’. That’s all. Fix them, so we can all move forward. This warfare is running so stale. The WEF train is on the tracks BECAUSE open discussion has been banned. Breggin is on that train, though offered opportunities to talk it out. Why does an expert psychiatrist of all professions take this stance ?
Thank you Paul. I 💯agree with Breggin. Most of us were just trying to stay alive and keep our jobs, my kids didn’t want the vaccine but they wanted to stay in college - it’s a tragedy.
It was the people who elected Hitler into power and supported Hitler in the Nazi regime's plebiscites. They didn't know that Hitler had XX chromosomes (i.e., was a woman) like we know now thanks to DNA anaysis of her remains but Hitler had made no secret of what she intended to do if elected into office. Women, mistakenly believing Hitler was a man used to throw their underwear at Hitler's motorcade and shout that they wanted to have "his" babies. At the Nuremberg rallies people worked themselves into a frenzy. Winston Churchill, whose aristocratic father Lord Randolph Churchill had connections to Lord Rothschild, an aristocratic Ashkenazi Jew and banker who is said to have boasted that he was the founder of the state of Israel, declared war. Hitler and the Nazis had claimed that the Jews started WW1 and were trying to start another world war. Hitler and the Nazis had been cooperating with Zionist organizations to try to get the Jews out of Europe, to what is now Israel. Hitler had warned in early 1939 that if "international finance Jewry" WTE succeeded in starting another world war that the Jewish people in Europe would be annihilated. Churchill, using a pretext, started a world war anyway. Hitler was an Anglophile and did not want war. During the course of the war, Churchill, with Bomber Harris, firebombed Dresden and other German civilian cities, mass lexterminating German civilians. By the time the Soviet Union won the war in Europe for the allies nearly 70 million people, including many millions of Germans, had been killed. Were the German people in voting for Hitler and following Hitler not suicidal? If their hysterical adoration for Hitler was not mass formation psychosis, what was it? Similarly, what am I to call my vaxxed neighbors who screamed at me to get vaxxed and put on a mask and who rushed to be first in line for their boosters?
What should ‘the people’ do with murderers” (?) and all we have to do to see the answer to that Question. Is to look at the Continuum of Gaza . .\ i honestly do appreciate all and every who be awake & alert on the Vaxxxx Evils ongoing but Must be ever so alert on what Element/Entity/Tool/Derelict/Zombie You may Let Slip into office as Your POTUS) •
Solzhenitsyn suggested that the cure for the Soviet “purges”would have been for neighbors to band together and ambush and kill the secret police coming to arrest them. Hmmmmm.
Is it possible you’re both right? Absolutely everyone plays their own part in the agreement, consciously or not. I believe the evidence is clear for your position. And I believe the history of totalitarian rule where, at least in part the individual exist for the purpose of the state (or collective), people have willingly and in their minds honorable taken their own lives for the perceived greater good of the collective—china, North Korea, etc. And the psychological research clearly shows that shame and guilt correlate highly with suicidal ideation and action, whether conscious or not.
Really !? and Who might that or they be. .
I agree. I like that. Thank you.
Breggin needs to stop blaming and come up with a solution if he is the leading, know-it-all mind expert. We are in WWIII PSY warfare. Desmet is right and laid no blame. All my jabbed surroundings are on the “humanity must perish to save the planet” trip. Indoctrinated, yes. We all are. EXCEPT, some of us managed to retain core values and common sense despite. WE ALL ARE VICTIMS!! Right?! No-one got a free card ! Did you? But many did not stand up to psychological abuse. Why? Fix them! 4 years into it Breggin’s energy still goes to his top dog defence and internal camp warfare instead of fixing the ‘damaged souls’. That’s all. Fix them, so we can all move forward. This warfare is running so stale. The WEF train is on the tracks BECAUSE open discussion has been banned. Breggin is on that train, though offered opportunities to talk it out. Why does an expert psychiatrist of all professions take this stance ?
Bc the whole of it is a finagle ! 3 dimension chess .. all your ques. Will be answered when You the peeps are put (on the line) !
Yeah sure, no one tries to kill us:
Is the elite for depopulation or extermination of us, the “useless eaters”?
Thank you Paul. I 💯agree with Breggin. Most of us were just trying to stay alive and keep our jobs, my kids didn’t want the vaccine but they wanted to stay in college - it’s a tragedy.
It was the people who elected Hitler into power and supported Hitler in the Nazi regime's plebiscites. They didn't know that Hitler had XX chromosomes (i.e., was a woman) like we know now thanks to DNA anaysis of her remains but Hitler had made no secret of what she intended to do if elected into office. Women, mistakenly believing Hitler was a man used to throw their underwear at Hitler's motorcade and shout that they wanted to have "his" babies. At the Nuremberg rallies people worked themselves into a frenzy. Winston Churchill, whose aristocratic father Lord Randolph Churchill had connections to Lord Rothschild, an aristocratic Ashkenazi Jew and banker who is said to have boasted that he was the founder of the state of Israel, declared war. Hitler and the Nazis had claimed that the Jews started WW1 and were trying to start another world war. Hitler and the Nazis had been cooperating with Zionist organizations to try to get the Jews out of Europe, to what is now Israel. Hitler had warned in early 1939 that if "international finance Jewry" WTE succeeded in starting another world war that the Jewish people in Europe would be annihilated. Churchill, using a pretext, started a world war anyway. Hitler was an Anglophile and did not want war. During the course of the war, Churchill, with Bomber Harris, firebombed Dresden and other German civilian cities, mass lexterminating German civilians. By the time the Soviet Union won the war in Europe for the allies nearly 70 million people, including many millions of Germans, had been killed. Were the German people in voting for Hitler and following Hitler not suicidal? If their hysterical adoration for Hitler was not mass formation psychosis, what was it? Similarly, what am I to call my vaxxed neighbors who screamed at me to get vaxxed and put on a mask and who rushed to be first in line for their boosters?
What should ‘the people’ do with murderers” (?) and all we have to do to see the answer to that Question. Is to look at the Continuum of Gaza . .\ i honestly do appreciate all and every who be awake & alert on the Vaxxxx Evils ongoing but Must be ever so alert on what Element/Entity/Tool/Derelict/Zombie You may Let Slip into office as Your POTUS) •
Solzhenitsyn suggested that the cure for the Soviet “purges”would have been for neighbors to band together and ambush and kill the secret police coming to arrest them. Hmmmmm.
Malone sounds vaccinated.
Nonsensical "reasoning" to suggest a suicidal motivation. Seems Desmet is hungry for the attention his prior theory afforded him.