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No disrespect Dr. Alexander at all. But this has nothing to do with medicine or science. It never did. Please examine the places and people that are still sticking to the narrative, their connections and politics. Then look at the places that dropped it all early or better yet, never implemented any of this crap like both Dakotas.

The answer is a clean clear left-right divide. The left is using this opportunity to smash individual rights, end the Nuremberg Code, seize total control over all aspects of our lives and cultures, destroy the concept of the individual, even in our own heads and so on.

Remember that it was the top advocates for all these measures in BC that actually advocated for the use of "Glory Holes" for sexual gratification back in what, 2021? What does this tell you about the medicine and science of it all. That there is none.

This is about the smashing of taboos, cultural norms, basic stuff like the difference between men and women. And again, the Dakotas never did any of this stuff. Sweden only pretended to but they killed all their elderly with Morphine and Medazolam right out of the gate. No restrictions or mask mandates for bars and restaurants though.

This issue cannot be understood through the microscope. You need to understand it through the lens of neo_Marxist dialectics.

Let me help: https://unconstrainedanalytics.org/report-re-remembering-the-mis-remembered-left-the-lefts-strategy-and-tactics-to-transform-america/

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agreed, I simply tried here to be scientific and voice my disdain for what they are doing but I know politics pervades all. Left vs right or IMO, good vs evil.

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Marx, the father of modern leftism, was a Satanist for decades before he ever wrote all that communist stuff. He wrote poems to Satan and volumes of related material.

So yes. This is good Vs. evil by its most literal and straight forward metric.

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Well said. On the very local level of my own neighbourhood in suburban Vancouver I can observe this same divide. My closest neighbours are good people, but they are compromised by utilitarianism. So they reckon that government policies - from economy related ones all the way to “public health” - are all meant to bring “the greatest good for the greatest number”. In their calculations, my family was selfish for not taking the jab “for the greater good”. As someone else commented here, the digital ID is coming, and the “proto social credit” introduced by the willingness of people to accept the word of a “benevolent” government will affect many of us almost immediately.

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Quote from a Cdn blogger : Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is in lockstep with Klaus Schwab’s Great Reset agenda now that the Liberal government has unveiled its ambitious federal “Digital Identity Program.” …As previously reported by The Counter Signal, Canada is already a partner with the World Economic Forum in a digital ID project, which appears to be currently underway at major Canadian airports in the form of ArriveCan.

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