'B.C. to stay the course as U.S. CDC relaxes COVID guidelines: Health minister'; are you BC corrupted narcissistic idiots that out of touch? It is time to set the good people of BC free, it is time!
I live in BC and I'm not jabbed, I guess when they bring in digital ID, Ill lose my freedom. Are they that dumb, we lost it in 2020 when they started filling their pockets with Pfizer bucks when the poison shots started. I don't want to leave the country but they're pushing us to because this is total lunacy. We were also thinking of selling our house and getting an RV, we will pay cash for it and then travel around to avoid the craziness. We are also cancelling our cell phones so they cant put that crap on them. I have fought this bs since day one and Im not about to stop, I'm 70 yrs old, I plan to die a pure blood with my God gene in tact. As for Bonnie Henry, Dix and Trudeau, they can all go phuck themselves. I'm a strong person and a fighter, I also have a beautiful dog dying of cancer right now so between that and all this insane shit going on, its a wonder I'm not in a mental ward.
I watched the video and laughed out loud... which a rarely do in these gloomy times. It was WELL worth it! Sent it to my friends too. That grampa is my idea of a fellow patriot and I sure would love to be his neighbor!
I like your spirit and attitude. I'm 72; live in BC and feel pretty much the same. We have a trailer and are starting the 4th month of our 4 month sabbatical on Vancouver Island. I'm not looking forward to going home in a month to our surbuban condo enclave. It's going to be a hard winter with Dix and Henry at the helm.
Bless Your Heart Hannah, I'm so sorry about your pup... that makes everything so hard. I don't get BC. I live here too, I'm not jabbed, I'm almost 72, I'm seriously worn out. Most people our age - even the spiritual folks that I always thought were "question authority" watch CBC and bought the farm. Big time.... I had an RV - but it was in the States - so had to sell. My family is here and of same mind. But I'm tired and sad. And all I can think is that Dix and Henry are so brainwashed - or so captured... Isn't there Anybody in BC that can reign them in??? Best Wishes to you and yours.
Thank you for your thoughts on our pup, sh'e hanging in but it's not good. As for us, I stopped watching TV "news" in early 2020 and didn't watch much before that. I knew almost immediately covid was a scam and the jabs were a bio weapon. Its really sad how many people here didn't even think to research an experimental drug before taking it. My daughter took two unfortunately after she knew the dangers but she's 53 so I have no control, she feels fine so far but I still worry. I understand you're sad and tired over all this crappola with what our tyrannical gov. is doing to us, I'm tired too but I pray every night and look for the light at the end of the tunnel, God wins and there are so many great people fighting for us and I love them for it. Bonnie Henry will be tied up in court into 2023 over her actions with covid so thats good. The CDC just came out and retracted their stance on the shots, I think they're starting to feel the heat. Our next battle will be digital ID and digital currency but we have to fight and stay together,. The jabbed are getting their digital ID made from their vax card on their phones, boy people are in for a huge shock when they wake up and realize the shots were meant to depopulate and the rest is used as fighting global warming which is another huge lie. Anyways sorry for the long post, please take care, pray everyday if you're a praying person and never give up, you have a friend in this fight right here.
Hola, totally agree.... thank heavens my daughter, son-in-law and I (and a lot of friends) are on the same page. Just watched the first part of "The Viral Delusion" https://paradigmshift.uscreen.io/
My son-in-law said this from the beginning. Gosh I am now pretty far down that rabbit hole... But I agree with you. I believe people are beginning to see the light. I think folks can recover (if they got an uncontaminated batch) if they stick with just the 2. Loved Charles Eisenstein from the beginning - I was more concerned with fascism than virus. Zach Bush on viruses and evolution. But now one of my main heroines is Jessica Rose. Jessica Rose
She is Fantastic
https://youtu.be/hN8QEtPQ4BQ Oct 2021 on VAERS and how she got started on this. Now she is been writing - about myocarditis. and is in the video above. Don't know if I'll watch more. Maybe- Just couldn't do long shows... but then I started painting and watching at the same time. Fun.
My heart goes out to you with your dog. It is such a hard thing. For some reason I always found it easier to grieve with my pets. Usually before because it is so hard to watch them. My belief is that we are all eternal ( dogs especially - well maybe cats especially too), and that those bright loving spirits stay with us to give us moral support. Bless Your Hearts! [where are you in BC? I'm outside of Nelson - yup the Koots]
You too eh? Except I'm only 63. Dix and Henry are "Bought" -- likely thoroughly corrupt to begin with. Check out the books "The Psychology of Totalitarianism" by Matthias Desmet, and "Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds" by Charles MacKay, first published in 1844. BTW The only way the madness could have been avoided is with a heavy grounding in "Conspiracy Theory"... 🙄
Have been following Desmet for a while. Actually since last fall when he was on the Aubrey Marcus podcast. Around the same time I ran across Paul Kingsnorth.
I have been dubious since the very beginning and started trying in April 2020 to ask people to THINK. And I understand it is about money and fear. But Still. How could BC keep going. I'm convinced they are definitely part of the mass hypnosis crew - Dix and Henry. Have to be - otherwise how could they continue with the poisoning.
I haven't heard of Aubrey Marcus or Paul Kingsnorth, thank-you for that. As for the despicable and aptly surnamed Adrian Dix and "Butcher Bonnie" Henry? As Thomas Harris described his character Jame Gumb whom they closely resemble, they are "evil" and "crazy"... 🤔
My son-in-law was talking about this a couple of years ago. Guess I'm down the rabbit hole now. Cause it makes sense to me.... sigh
Better go get my granddaughter. Nanacation tonight and tomorrow eve. while my kids work. (Shes right next door). Annies' Mac n Chees.e and cartoons. Blessings and Cheers Lindy
Thank you Dr Paul for writing these words to Dix and Henry. It helps me to read and hear your words to know I’M not the crazy one. The cognitive dissonance is mind boggling isn't it? I don't know why every day I'm still so stunned at these people and so many around me. Every day I feel like I'm definitely from a different planet having an out of body experience here on earth!
It must be their hearts. So hardened as to actually be like AI themselves.
I hear "Let my people go" over and over in my head.
I'm 60 miles (under 100 km) as the crow flies from your border and have experienced what Canadian border agents, jack booted all in black thugs, can do. Right after the Olympics were held in BC. we drove to Canada as we have every year for 25 years - because we love(d) Canada - and they tore us apart, threatened to detain us indefinitely, interrogated us etc. Because we had a wrapped Christmas present in the back seat and when asked what it was, I said, "I don't know, its a present." ******* All other times have been fine...but I'm loathe to put myself and our pets through any possible phuckery. Our brother in law and wife are in Canada now and had no problem at the border even not having filled out the stupid arrivedamncan (because they didn't even know about it). But they of course whipped out their multiple injection verification proudly and sailed through. (They had no idea why anyone would find it a problem.....ugh.)
We, on the other hand, would be found utterly and completely UNACCEPTABLY unpunctured.
So Gypsy, come on up to our house in Alaska and take refuge when you cross over!
East Van here...I know there are quite a few YVRites around here.
Idiot voters here elect and re-elect these extreme "progressivist" NDP monsters. Happily, Herr Bonny Hitler is facing multiple lawsuits. Though the only way to get rid of Adrian Dickhead is to get him boosted as often as possible. EVERY layer (federal, provincial, municipal) of government here is corrupt NDP.
I feel the main issue is not that they're stupid.. It's that they're doing what they've been told, sticking with the script.
Prior to this plandemic , it seemed that Canada, at least culturally, was sure to follow whatever was happening south of the border. Now tho, it seems we're following a different "path"... Which makes sense given Canada and the Netherlands seem to be found zero for the "great reset" being advanced.
they are stupid, I used to think like you but I have spoken to lots of doctors now over 2 years and it is clear, you think that they are smarter than you. The public knows more on COVID than these MORONIC DOCTORS. COVID has flushed them out, the emperor has NO clothes.
Left my Interior Health job in September of 2021 rather than submit to the jab. Was privy to IH emails & knew what was coming down the pipeline, courtesy of Bonnie & Dix.
Could not flee BC in November as scheduled, due to unprecedented flooding which prevented PCR tests from getting to the lab in Vancouver.
No "negative PCR test results", no boarding pass.
Imprisoned on November 30th. By order of Turdeau et al.
Travel restrictions were finally "suspended" for the unclean, on April 20th.
"Fool me once, shame on you, fool me TWICE? Shame on me."
I'm breaking out of this godforsaken prison province ASAP Dr. Alexander.
Bonnie Fluevog Shoes, The Dick and Lord Goodhair can go f*ck themselves.
Yes many will never work for these health authorities again. Unbelievable coverup of harms done. Shame on all the doctors for supporting this pandemic response.
No disrespect Dr. Alexander at all. But this has nothing to do with medicine or science. It never did. Please examine the places and people that are still sticking to the narrative, their connections and politics. Then look at the places that dropped it all early or better yet, never implemented any of this crap like both Dakotas.
The answer is a clean clear left-right divide. The left is using this opportunity to smash individual rights, end the Nuremberg Code, seize total control over all aspects of our lives and cultures, destroy the concept of the individual, even in our own heads and so on.
Remember that it was the top advocates for all these measures in BC that actually advocated for the use of "Glory Holes" for sexual gratification back in what, 2021? What does this tell you about the medicine and science of it all. That there is none.
This is about the smashing of taboos, cultural norms, basic stuff like the difference between men and women. And again, the Dakotas never did any of this stuff. Sweden only pretended to but they killed all their elderly with Morphine and Medazolam right out of the gate. No restrictions or mask mandates for bars and restaurants though.
This issue cannot be understood through the microscope. You need to understand it through the lens of neo_Marxist dialectics.
agreed, I simply tried here to be scientific and voice my disdain for what they are doing but I know politics pervades all. Left vs right or IMO, good vs evil.
Marx, the father of modern leftism, was a Satanist for decades before he ever wrote all that communist stuff. He wrote poems to Satan and volumes of related material.
So yes. This is good Vs. evil by its most literal and straight forward metric.
Well said. On the very local level of my own neighbourhood in suburban Vancouver I can observe this same divide. My closest neighbours are good people, but they are compromised by utilitarianism. So they reckon that government policies - from economy related ones all the way to “public health” - are all meant to bring “the greatest good for the greatest number”. In their calculations, my family was selfish for not taking the jab “for the greater good”. As someone else commented here, the digital ID is coming, and the “proto social credit” introduced by the willingness of people to accept the word of a “benevolent” government will affect many of us almost immediately.
Quote from a Cdn blogger : Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is in lockstep with Klaus Schwab’s Great Reset agenda now that the Liberal government has unveiled its ambitious federal “Digital Identity Program.” …As previously reported by The Counter Signal, Canada is already a partner with the World Economic Forum in a digital ID project, which appears to be currently underway at major Canadian airports in the form of ArriveCan.
HELP US, Dr Alexander!!! This is the craziness we have had to endure and keep enduing....... there are emails from and to Henry that shows she knew of side effects of vaccines early on.....
I live in the Fraser Valley, a retired RN and smelled a rat right from the beginning, now have had covid and my own natural immunity. My GP as given up asking me if I want the clot shot. Many of my family have listened to Bonnie Hitler, as if she knows what she’s talking about. We, the unvaxxed, have been ostracized here in BC. Lord, help us!!!
I am unvaxxed, almost died in the hospital save for the ivermectin, recovered happily use nasal spray and other NON fda approved covid protection, healthy as a horse now. watching many many fully jabbed getting repeatedly sick. My wife, during my low point while in hospital , OR nurse, coerced to getting jab No. one, adverse effects, refused all other shots, terminated, treated by a wonderful naturopath with ozone as the italians do, healthy and happy and many many fully vaxxed working nurses keep asking her, how come you and your unvaxxed husband never get sick .... duh
This is the most cathartic, truthful and entertaining op\ed that I have read lately. I dream of a day when this could be printed as a "letter to the editor" in one of our Canadian newspapers.
As I've said before, it's not just the officials. It's the quack hysterical academic and hospital experts from UBC, Univ. of Saskatchewan, U of T and McGill. All featured prominently in MSM.
Canada is going to stay on this course. Party hysteria, part inhumane, part deep corruption.
It is a bad combinationof ignorance, lazyness, and fear and it creates a pro vax mindset with poor outcomes, sadly, maybe natural selection occuring right before out eyes
I loved that you focused this post on the insane covid measures in British Columbia we have been living with, and, no doubt, will continue to have imposed on us one way or another.
In the spirit of accurate reporting I would point out your reference of Adrian Dix being premier of the province and health minister is incorrect. He is our health minister. John Horgan is the premier. Also as far as I know the insane policy of not hiring back unvaccinated medical personnel is not exclusive to the province of B C. I believe Ontario is doing the same.
I fully believe based on the last 30 months that by the fall the mask edict will be in once again. Every year it's the same thing. Masks until the late spring early summer and then a reprieve; only to be mandated back to masks each fall. What drives me crazy is they will justify the masks because it's flu and respiratory season in the fall and they will throw covid into the mix. They will tell us it's to keep transmission down and hopefully avoid over taxing the health care system. IT'S FOR THE GREATER GOOD. And during all this they will relentlessly push the vaccines. At this point I don't think anything is going to dissuade Dix or Henry from this course of action.
As an aside, it's worth looking up Adrien Dix and his past while under the leadership of Glen Clark, leader of the NDP years ago. His past is one of the reasons I have never trusted him.
Yes it’s been tough living in BC. This year Dr. Henry wanted to prevent all unvaccinated health professionals from re licensing! It makes no sense with our health care system buckling at the knees. It does seem deliberate. A clown show nightmare for sure. I love it here though it’s hard to walk away from though many have fled.
I live in BC and I'm not jabbed, I guess when they bring in digital ID, Ill lose my freedom. Are they that dumb, we lost it in 2020 when they started filling their pockets with Pfizer bucks when the poison shots started. I don't want to leave the country but they're pushing us to because this is total lunacy. We were also thinking of selling our house and getting an RV, we will pay cash for it and then travel around to avoid the craziness. We are also cancelling our cell phones so they cant put that crap on them. I have fought this bs since day one and Im not about to stop, I'm 70 yrs old, I plan to die a pure blood with my God gene in tact. As for Bonnie Henry, Dix and Trudeau, they can all go phuck themselves. I'm a strong person and a fighter, I also have a beautiful dog dying of cancer right now so between that and all this insane shit going on, its a wonder I'm not in a mental ward.
Insanity indeed. I feel your anger and love your strength. Blessings to your dog. 😔
Ha! Hadn't yet read your comment when I posted mine.
My sentiments EXACTLY.
I'm gone baby GONE.
This video says it all: Grand Prairie folks...
There's hope at the border. These folks made it across, and back.
I watched the video and laughed out loud... which a rarely do in these gloomy times. It was WELL worth it! Sent it to my friends too. That grampa is my idea of a fellow patriot and I sure would love to be his neighbor!
Exactly, cigar smoke and all!
When they bring in digital ID is when you smash your cellphone. Hang in there; at 63 I'm 7 years behind you...
I like your spirit and attitude. I'm 72; live in BC and feel pretty much the same. We have a trailer and are starting the 4th month of our 4 month sabbatical on Vancouver Island. I'm not looking forward to going home in a month to our surbuban condo enclave. It's going to be a hard winter with Dix and Henry at the helm.
Bless Your Heart Hannah, I'm so sorry about your pup... that makes everything so hard. I don't get BC. I live here too, I'm not jabbed, I'm almost 72, I'm seriously worn out. Most people our age - even the spiritual folks that I always thought were "question authority" watch CBC and bought the farm. Big time.... I had an RV - but it was in the States - so had to sell. My family is here and of same mind. But I'm tired and sad. And all I can think is that Dix and Henry are so brainwashed - or so captured... Isn't there Anybody in BC that can reign them in??? Best Wishes to you and yours.
Thank you for your thoughts on our pup, sh'e hanging in but it's not good. As for us, I stopped watching TV "news" in early 2020 and didn't watch much before that. I knew almost immediately covid was a scam and the jabs were a bio weapon. Its really sad how many people here didn't even think to research an experimental drug before taking it. My daughter took two unfortunately after she knew the dangers but she's 53 so I have no control, she feels fine so far but I still worry. I understand you're sad and tired over all this crappola with what our tyrannical gov. is doing to us, I'm tired too but I pray every night and look for the light at the end of the tunnel, God wins and there are so many great people fighting for us and I love them for it. Bonnie Henry will be tied up in court into 2023 over her actions with covid so thats good. The CDC just came out and retracted their stance on the shots, I think they're starting to feel the heat. Our next battle will be digital ID and digital currency but we have to fight and stay together,. The jabbed are getting their digital ID made from their vax card on their phones, boy people are in for a huge shock when they wake up and realize the shots were meant to depopulate and the rest is used as fighting global warming which is another huge lie. Anyways sorry for the long post, please take care, pray everyday if you're a praying person and never give up, you have a friend in this fight right here.
Hola, totally agree.... thank heavens my daughter, son-in-law and I (and a lot of friends) are on the same page. Just watched the first part of "The Viral Delusion" https://paradigmshift.uscreen.io/
My son-in-law said this from the beginning. Gosh I am now pretty far down that rabbit hole... But I agree with you. I believe people are beginning to see the light. I think folks can recover (if they got an uncontaminated batch) if they stick with just the 2. Loved Charles Eisenstein from the beginning - I was more concerned with fascism than virus. Zach Bush on viruses and evolution. But now one of my main heroines is Jessica Rose. Jessica Rose
She is Fantastic
https://youtu.be/hN8QEtPQ4BQ Oct 2021 on VAERS and how she got started on this. Now she is been writing - about myocarditis. and is in the video above. Don't know if I'll watch more. Maybe- Just couldn't do long shows... but then I started painting and watching at the same time. Fun.
My heart goes out to you with your dog. It is such a hard thing. For some reason I always found it easier to grieve with my pets. Usually before because it is so hard to watch them. My belief is that we are all eternal ( dogs especially - well maybe cats especially too), and that those bright loving spirits stay with us to give us moral support. Bless Your Hearts! [where are you in BC? I'm outside of Nelson - yup the Koots]
close to the Fraser Valley area, outside Vancouver.
You too eh? Except I'm only 63. Dix and Henry are "Bought" -- likely thoroughly corrupt to begin with. Check out the books "The Psychology of Totalitarianism" by Matthias Desmet, and "Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds" by Charles MacKay, first published in 1844. BTW The only way the madness could have been avoided is with a heavy grounding in "Conspiracy Theory"... 🙄
Have been following Desmet for a while. Actually since last fall when he was on the Aubrey Marcus podcast. Around the same time I ran across Paul Kingsnorth.
I have been dubious since the very beginning and started trying in April 2020 to ask people to THINK. And I understand it is about money and fear. But Still. How could BC keep going. I'm convinced they are definitely part of the mass hypnosis crew - Dix and Henry. Have to be - otherwise how could they continue with the poisoning.
Best wishes Capt. Roy - Bless Your Heart!
I haven't heard of Aubrey Marcus or Paul Kingsnorth, thank-you for that. As for the despicable and aptly surnamed Adrian Dix and "Butcher Bonnie" Henry? As Thomas Harris described his character Jame Gumb whom they closely resemble, they are "evil" and "crazy"... 🤔
Sorry Capt. Roy - you are just a youngun!!
https://youtu.be/N_uAwsVn10Y this is where I ran across Kingsnorth first.
Just watched the first part of "The Viral Delusion" https://paradigmshift.uscreen.io/
My son-in-law was talking about this a couple of years ago. Guess I'm down the rabbit hole now. Cause it makes sense to me.... sigh
Better go get my granddaughter. Nanacation tonight and tomorrow eve. while my kids work. (Shes right next door). Annies' Mac n Chees.e and cartoons. Blessings and Cheers Lindy
Thank you Dr Paul for writing these words to Dix and Henry. It helps me to read and hear your words to know I’M not the crazy one. The cognitive dissonance is mind boggling isn't it? I don't know why every day I'm still so stunned at these people and so many around me. Every day I feel like I'm definitely from a different planet having an out of body experience here on earth!
It must be their hearts. So hardened as to actually be like AI themselves.
I hear "Let my people go" over and over in my head.
Not waiting for "permission" to get out of jail.
I'm getting OUT of B.C., by hook or by crook.
I'm 60 miles (under 100 km) as the crow flies from your border and have experienced what Canadian border agents, jack booted all in black thugs, can do. Right after the Olympics were held in BC. we drove to Canada as we have every year for 25 years - because we love(d) Canada - and they tore us apart, threatened to detain us indefinitely, interrogated us etc. Because we had a wrapped Christmas present in the back seat and when asked what it was, I said, "I don't know, its a present." ******* All other times have been fine...but I'm loathe to put myself and our pets through any possible phuckery. Our brother in law and wife are in Canada now and had no problem at the border even not having filled out the stupid arrivedamncan (because they didn't even know about it). But they of course whipped out their multiple injection verification proudly and sailed through. (They had no idea why anyone would find it a problem.....ugh.)
We, on the other hand, would be found utterly and completely UNACCEPTABLY unpunctured.
So Gypsy, come on up to our house in Alaska and take refuge when you cross over!
Where the Hell are you going to go? All the provinces in Canada are as crooked and demented as British Columbia.
You must keep in mind, Bonnie Henry and Adrien Dix are "Evil" and "Crazy."
East Van here...I know there are quite a few YVRites around here.
Idiot voters here elect and re-elect these extreme "progressivist" NDP monsters. Happily, Herr Bonny Hitler is facing multiple lawsuits. Though the only way to get rid of Adrian Dickhead is to get him boosted as often as possible. EVERY layer (federal, provincial, municipal) of government here is corrupt NDP.
Someone “owns” them. That is the only possible explanation for such ignorance.
Bonnie was employed by the WHO prior to this sweet gig...
Arbutus pharmaceuticals. The Lipid Nanoparticle thing...
Klaus Slob owns them along with Gates.
They are willfully ignorant...
I feel the main issue is not that they're stupid.. It's that they're doing what they've been told, sticking with the script.
Prior to this plandemic , it seemed that Canada, at least culturally, was sure to follow whatever was happening south of the border. Now tho, it seems we're following a different "path"... Which makes sense given Canada and the Netherlands seem to be found zero for the "great reset" being advanced.
they are stupid, I used to think like you but I have spoken to lots of doctors now over 2 years and it is clear, you think that they are smarter than you. The public knows more on COVID than these MORONIC DOCTORS. COVID has flushed them out, the emperor has NO clothes.
Did you see this?
For the vaxxed only...
Left my Interior Health job in September of 2021 rather than submit to the jab. Was privy to IH emails & knew what was coming down the pipeline, courtesy of Bonnie & Dix.
Could not flee BC in November as scheduled, due to unprecedented flooding which prevented PCR tests from getting to the lab in Vancouver.
No "negative PCR test results", no boarding pass.
Imprisoned on November 30th. By order of Turdeau et al.
Travel restrictions were finally "suspended" for the unclean, on April 20th.
"Fool me once, shame on you, fool me TWICE? Shame on me."
I'm breaking out of this godforsaken prison province ASAP Dr. Alexander.
Bonnie Fluevog Shoes, The Dick and Lord Goodhair can go f*ck themselves.
Yes many will never work for these health authorities again. Unbelievable coverup of harms done. Shame on all the doctors for supporting this pandemic response.
No disrespect Dr. Alexander at all. But this has nothing to do with medicine or science. It never did. Please examine the places and people that are still sticking to the narrative, their connections and politics. Then look at the places that dropped it all early or better yet, never implemented any of this crap like both Dakotas.
The answer is a clean clear left-right divide. The left is using this opportunity to smash individual rights, end the Nuremberg Code, seize total control over all aspects of our lives and cultures, destroy the concept of the individual, even in our own heads and so on.
Remember that it was the top advocates for all these measures in BC that actually advocated for the use of "Glory Holes" for sexual gratification back in what, 2021? What does this tell you about the medicine and science of it all. That there is none.
This is about the smashing of taboos, cultural norms, basic stuff like the difference between men and women. And again, the Dakotas never did any of this stuff. Sweden only pretended to but they killed all their elderly with Morphine and Medazolam right out of the gate. No restrictions or mask mandates for bars and restaurants though.
This issue cannot be understood through the microscope. You need to understand it through the lens of neo_Marxist dialectics.
Let me help: https://unconstrainedanalytics.org/report-re-remembering-the-mis-remembered-left-the-lefts-strategy-and-tactics-to-transform-america/
agreed, I simply tried here to be scientific and voice my disdain for what they are doing but I know politics pervades all. Left vs right or IMO, good vs evil.
Marx, the father of modern leftism, was a Satanist for decades before he ever wrote all that communist stuff. He wrote poems to Satan and volumes of related material.
So yes. This is good Vs. evil by its most literal and straight forward metric.
Well said. On the very local level of my own neighbourhood in suburban Vancouver I can observe this same divide. My closest neighbours are good people, but they are compromised by utilitarianism. So they reckon that government policies - from economy related ones all the way to “public health” - are all meant to bring “the greatest good for the greatest number”. In their calculations, my family was selfish for not taking the jab “for the greater good”. As someone else commented here, the digital ID is coming, and the “proto social credit” introduced by the willingness of people to accept the word of a “benevolent” government will affect many of us almost immediately.
Quote from a Cdn blogger : Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is in lockstep with Klaus Schwab’s Great Reset agenda now that the Liberal government has unveiled its ambitious federal “Digital Identity Program.” …As previously reported by The Counter Signal, Canada is already a partner with the World Economic Forum in a digital ID project, which appears to be currently underway at major Canadian airports in the form of ArriveCan.
HELP US, Dr Alexander!!! This is the craziness we have had to endure and keep enduing....... there are emails from and to Henry that shows she knew of side effects of vaccines early on.....
Is it because Acquitas is based in Vancouver and that's the company Trudeau has shares in..... this is in UBC.... https://www.pfizer.com/news/press-release/press-release-detail/pfizer-enters-agreement-acuitas-therapeutics-lipid
I live in the Fraser Valley, a retired RN and smelled a rat right from the beginning, now have had covid and my own natural immunity. My GP as given up asking me if I want the clot shot. Many of my family have listened to Bonnie Hitler, as if she knows what she’s talking about. We, the unvaxxed, have been ostracized here in BC. Lord, help us!!!
I am unvaxxed, almost died in the hospital save for the ivermectin, recovered happily use nasal spray and other NON fda approved covid protection, healthy as a horse now. watching many many fully jabbed getting repeatedly sick. My wife, during my low point while in hospital , OR nurse, coerced to getting jab No. one, adverse effects, refused all other shots, terminated, treated by a wonderful naturopath with ozone as the italians do, healthy and happy and many many fully vaxxed working nurses keep asking her, how come you and your unvaxxed husband never get sick .... duh
This is the most cathartic, truthful and entertaining op\ed that I have read lately. I dream of a day when this could be printed as a "letter to the editor" in one of our Canadian newspapers.
They should call in Dr. Hoffe, apologize, and listen to him.
As I've said before, it's not just the officials. It's the quack hysterical academic and hospital experts from UBC, Univ. of Saskatchewan, U of T and McGill. All featured prominently in MSM.
Canada is going to stay on this course. Party hysteria, part inhumane, part deep corruption.
all are quacks
It is a bad combinationof ignorance, lazyness, and fear and it creates a pro vax mindset with poor outcomes, sadly, maybe natural selection occuring right before out eyes
I loved that you focused this post on the insane covid measures in British Columbia we have been living with, and, no doubt, will continue to have imposed on us one way or another.
In the spirit of accurate reporting I would point out your reference of Adrian Dix being premier of the province and health minister is incorrect. He is our health minister. John Horgan is the premier. Also as far as I know the insane policy of not hiring back unvaccinated medical personnel is not exclusive to the province of B C. I believe Ontario is doing the same.
I fully believe based on the last 30 months that by the fall the mask edict will be in once again. Every year it's the same thing. Masks until the late spring early summer and then a reprieve; only to be mandated back to masks each fall. What drives me crazy is they will justify the masks because it's flu and respiratory season in the fall and they will throw covid into the mix. They will tell us it's to keep transmission down and hopefully avoid over taxing the health care system. IT'S FOR THE GREATER GOOD. And during all this they will relentlessly push the vaccines. At this point I don't think anything is going to dissuade Dix or Henry from this course of action.
As an aside, it's worth looking up Adrien Dix and his past while under the leadership of Glen Clark, leader of the NDP years ago. His past is one of the reasons I have never trusted him.
Bonnie dear used to work for WHO, so what did we expect?
Yes it’s been tough living in BC. This year Dr. Henry wanted to prevent all unvaccinated health professionals from re licensing! It makes no sense with our health care system buckling at the knees. It does seem deliberate. A clown show nightmare for sure. I love it here though it’s hard to walk away from though many have fled.
They should be in jail. I can’t stand the sight of them.