what do you do with these fuckers who suffered out parents, our grand parents? Trump best know he not letting these murderers off the hooks, I will fight him and his administration and showcase their wrongs to the end, if they tried more mRNA 'new and improved' and try to pretend these beasts going free...no way! we want justice

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President Trump has stated he is going after them. They are telling him, “There's nothing to see; we didn't do anything wrong.” Wait until next week when the Court says the rest of the Pfizer documents must be released! By the way, read the Bible it tells you exactly what God has said. I believe it's in Deuteronomy.

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let us see, I am huge supporter of him, always was, still am and will help him...I think he is good...I dont think a bad actor...protect him even, but I will go after him in media and courts if he and they fuck around with us...Jan 20th 2025 is the day it begins...we want justice...

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Thank you for your stance on this issue. I am hoping for justice for so many. You have the voice, knowledge, experience, and platform. This is good to see.

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We expect justice!

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He's a fucked up fallible human being like all the rest of us but he's also the best president the US has ever produced and his like will not come again in a long time. I don't think he's going to fuck with Big Pharma but if he rounds up some RINOS and using his presidential immunity lawfully puts them against the wall and focuses on America's borders instead of Ukraine's, that will be enough.

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I believe President Trump is making the map exactly as the WEF wants it. In my opinion, it’s scary!

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Honestly, I don't think you'll have to worry... jmo

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You worked in Trump's last administration… right?

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Undoubtedly, this fate awaits me. I turned 71 last October. And my health is failing. Hospitals are our days' death camps, like Germany's yesteryears. Where the promise of 'never again' is not met or subverted by today's politicians.

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Stay out of them by any means!

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Get out of the mainstream medical system. Your health will turn around. My spouse is 77 and preparing to long distance hiking. Your health is a mindset. If you listen to people that give you doom and gloom, feed you trash food, dope you up with meds that harm, you will suffer into older age. Do you want to live freely or suffer? Your choice. There are people that will give you hope.

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The food is poison, and the drugs are more substantial positions. Find a DO. Some supplements can do wonders. Vitamin D3 alone could have saved nearly all from death.

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That video of the old lady is English. I think she had some form of dementia. Crying out for her loved ones. They were dosing them up with Midazolam, slapping DNR - Do not resuscitate notices around their necks and then denying them food & water. But because they’re pacified with Midazolam they don’t cry out, so they die in pain and alone with no loved ones around them. Then when they croak, wherever possible Covid goes on the death certificate as cause of death. Bumps up the numbers.

This is why I pushed to get Matt Hancock, the U.K Health Secretary at the time on your horseman list, Paul.

Fucking Bastard.

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Oh yes, that is one hell of a piece of shit, the Tory bastard, worse than Labour. "When do we release the new variant?" he asked. All he cared about was, unbenown to his wife, shagging the married Mrs Coladangalo who was being paid to be adviser to his department whom he was caught groping on camera in breach of social distancing rules. One could forgive him for that but not for geronticide. He wanted to save on the welfare bill. I hope once Musk becomes Prime Minister he puts him against the wall, lawfully of course.

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You all complain about the lovkdowns, but did not take action. If you all wanted it to stop, you all should of done something.

And no. None of you all took the proper steps to make a change.

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Jan 11Edited


Mmmm, that’s a bold statement dude. Speaking from my own experience? We raised holy hell with the institution about the initial isolation. And…I can tell ya I have a couple friends that went through the same shit and they did the same. And…we all were eventually able to get in to those respective facilities with our loved ones.

I can share many many examples of my own political activism on several issues since eh, 2013-14. But what do I gain on this thread? Nothing. You?

What have you done lately? You’re the one that accuses everyone of inaction.

You are truly ignorant and unknowing of what a lot of folks here may have, or are doing, politically speaking.

Soooo, what political activism have you done? Do YOU ever take action on any thing? School board? State issue? Federal level? Or did ya just play keyboard warrior? I’m betting the latter.

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This is a real hard concept for most people to understand. Tyrants can only rule if people are complacent. And guess what you all were complacent. Yeah. I get it. You and the rest of this community did not like the lockdowns, the vaccine, mask, and all the other bs. And you get butt hurt when people call you out. But what did you all do to make a change? There were two mass protest. J6 and the freedom convoy in the US. J6 outcome made most of you scared and the convoy drizzled out faster than a dried prune. What hospitals came out and said the vaccine was bad? I have not found one. Did the people decide to end the lockdowns or the government? The government. How about mask? Government. Let us talk about Ivermectin. How many states banned the drug? During the lockdowns. I only could get it in Florida.

The reason I am calling you out is so you all do not repeat another pandemic. You all did a great job and providing information. But did a horrible job at doing the physical work to make a change.

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@ Chew

Again, You say “You all…this”. “You all…that”…And what did YOU do to make a change? What “physical work” did you do?

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Not the right ones. My actions did not change the outcome. We all need to be accountable.

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However, we can make a change. We can fix this. All our choices in life makes ripples.

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Thanks for this Doc. My own grandmother was in an Alzheimer’s unit during the Plandemic. My own mother and her 2 siblings struggled to get to visit, let alone communicate with this great lady during that fiasco. My grandmother did indeed regress in regards to recognition of her own kids. She passed a few months later.

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so very sorry to hear this, to you and all who suffered this. my dad too

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zoom, they had her on zoom...she died

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many died, drive by funerals...it was specious

nonsense madness, nothing science based, they had power and fucked us up...

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My brother as well confined in hospital no visitors, sent home, then back in hospital just when visiting was allowed once again.That was last time I saw him alive,was too late.

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I am so sorry for this Sir...we weep with you!

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Sorry this happened to your dad and all who suffered Paul

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Vengeance is mine, says the Lord. He knows and sees everything.

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and they want to run around now fronting Musk fake make believe stock price monopoly money fronting buying up people countries and NOT deal with this? what you all fucking did? never...you think we forgot?

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no no no, you all will sit in court rooms under oath, all linked to COVID fraud and the lockdowns and all linked to the mRNA vaccine

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Yes see the state of evil LA is burning

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God never said no laws or to disregard our country’s laws. These people that think we do not respect our Constitution and there are no consequences for abusing the powers in headship of any sort are sadly mistaken and abetting lawbreakers and criminals. It is elementary, people. These people knew what they were and are doing. Make them accountable.

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I agree and hopefully, they will be brought to justice. God also said that the anger of man does not produce the righteousness of God.

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God did set the example of righteous anger. Anger is okay for righteousness sake as long as we don’t sin in the process. Our Bibles show us there were many times when war was needed to defeat evil. God gives us His power whenever He seems it necessary to thwart the enemy. Imagine all these babies being murdered since Roe V Wade and Christian’s not gathering together to protect God’s creation but instead supporting and going along that sometimes murdering babies is warranted. Insanity. No conscience. The falling away of what is good and right. Then this election following a man that 15 week abortions/murder is acceptable? Looking at comparison instead of what God’s Word actually says. That is following man not God.

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God’s word also states the anger of man does not produce the righteousness of God. So examine your motives.God is the only one capable of righteous anger. If our motivation is anything other than love, we need to examine our motives. And that’s what God‘s word actually does say. I don’t follow man, I follow God. I know God is angry with man for murdering babies, he’s also angry with man for many other sinful behaviors. But he is long suffering and will right the wrongs in his timing and in his way.my ways are not your ways, neither my thoughts are your thoughts.

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They will be held to account. Their time to come out of the shadows and be put in the spotlight to explain is approaching fast.

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yes, amen

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The solution is **obvious**, and so finding the solution isn't the problem.

The problem is for someone with the authority and power to DO SOMETHING about it, to make the guilty **PAY** for the crimes, as justice demands.

The problem is that those individuals ARE THEMSELVES guilty of those crimes and so they aren't going to 'hang themselves'. They will evade and hide. They want the matter buried and forgotten.

THAT'S the problem that we face. Now, will Donald Trump change that? Place your bets ...

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If You Know Something Is Killing People and You Carry On, That Is Murder

04/10/2021-------THE WHITE ROSE-----By Roy R M McIntosh

After reading the report by the BBC Scotland on the elderly deaths in care homes it was shocking to see that there was no mention of this being advised to the Scottish Government to move people from hospitals to clear beds, and that was by Andrews!

Now you do not have to be smart or a doctor to know that every year the care homes struggle to keep ‘bugs’ out of the homes, so taking elderly people from hospitals and sending them to care homes can only be described as criminal. The elderly were not in hospital for a holiday! How did the elderly die? No mention of DNR, Midazolam or Remdesivir…

So, for Krankie Sturgeon to say it was a mistake, is just a lie to cover up killing like never seen before. And it was deliberate, so that is criminal. It was deliberate murder!

Then jump forward to when the injections started and the killing started again. Look at the UK death figures for Jan 2021, and you shall see each week is higher by thousands than the average for previous years. Once again, if you know something is killing people and you carry on, that is murder! Oh, but it is put down to all sorts of other causes: Doctors were falsifying health reports and death certificates.

I wrote in March 2020 and said that moving the elderly would kill people and not one reply. I also wrote to media, Freeman and political parties as I was told by a person from a care home that the injections were maiming and killing, and the only reply I got back was from some Lesley Brown from Scottish government, wondering where I got my information from. I told her where to go… I had written to Freeman, yet Brown replies? Taking the killing of the elderly and now the killing and maiming by injections, the politicians and NHS should be on murder charges!

In time the truth shall come out, and it is good that families have come together to ask questions, and also that the Covid-19 Assembly are working away in the background. Looks like pharma and Gates etc could be pulling the strings!? FREE COFFEE BREAK ENTERTAINMENT WHICH SUMS UP THE SCAMDEMIC SHENANIGANS----https://rumble.com/v5d4805-mask-by-roy-mcintosh-video-banned-on-youtube-and-facebook..html

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As someone with a bit of Scot in me along with a touch of the Irish, and Prussian/Silesian, I've not got a lot of time for the English but that Scottish National Party is fucked, worse than Labour and the Tories.

It's noteworthy that a transgender paedophile who assaulted a 10-year-old girl in a supermarket restroom and spent time in Cornton Vale women's prison called the geronticidal Nicola Sturgeon a "great First Minister."

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They we ill eat the fruit of their doings.

Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

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I lived this. I worked in a nursing home during Covid. It was truly a home full of compassionate people, from top to bottom. At least as compassionate as the SYSTEM allows you to be. I held the hands of the elderly while they cried during ‘window and glass door visits’ with family. Many had dementia and couldn’t understand why they couldn’t touch their families. Others knew that the glass was there. STILL THEY ALL CRIED!

When weather permitted, we went to outside visits on the gazebo with tall plexiglass between the resident and their families. And many times we looked aside as families stepped around the barrier to get a touch, a hug, a quick masked kiss.

I don’t know how we made it through. I do know that I am grateful that I was considered essential personnel and I had a place to go everyday where I could try to make a difference, could see good people doing good things and above all have human interaction. Please God, don’t let these evil people do this to us again.

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They gave no mercy to those who died alone; they just wanted to see their loved ones before their death. There is no excuse like the merciless, vile humans committing beyond words. Even battlefield warriors, dead and dying, knew what they risked to protect others' freedoms.

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thank you

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Dr Paul, you are welcome.

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Perhaps many of them are not completely human...

You've heard of the nephilim...6 fingers, 6 yoes, double rows of teeth?.... a union between fallen (x) angels and the daughters of men.

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Some people, those that can't see further than their nose, still think that was done was a good thing, that it saved millions of lives. Those people that did this thing, have no conscience, no compassion, no compunction and are ready to do it again. If there is such a thing as justice, it has to be administered now!

Plato's Theory of Justice posits that:

True justice transcends the legal framework and is a moral imperative rooted in the soul of individuals and the virtues of society.

Justice is not about the strongest wielding power, but about everyone fulfilling their role for the greater good.

In individual life, different parts of the soul must be placed in their proper place, and in social life, each individual and each class must be placed in its proper place.

A person will be better off just than unjust.

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great sharing, and it is why I argue the POTUS pardon power is NOT for one person to get the pardon, it must be an act that transcends the nation, the society must be made 'whole' from it...it is being abused today by Trump, Biden, was by Obama, Clinton, Bush, all of them...maybe they do not understand it...I am a little guy, its my view.

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"Plato's Theory of Justice posits that:

True justice transcends the legal framework and is a moral imperative rooted in the soul of individuals and the virtues of society.

Justice is not about the strongest wielding power, but about everyone fulfilling their role for the greater good."

Great stuff Chris! That's Lawrence Kohlberg's Stage 6, post-conventional moral reasoning,

based on universal ethical principles and justice. Unfortunately, most people never develop beyong Satage 3, "good boy attitude" or Stage 4 "law and order morality."

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That video breaks my heart. No one should ever been denied love during Covid or any time. Who the heck do they think they are? They kept saying masks worked, well if that was their gospel then simply let her son visit with a mask. But we all know “everything about Covid was a lie”. Everything!!!! So sad and demoralizing. We must never let these evil control freaks tell anyone what to do again!!!!! Ever!!!!!!

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Pharmaceutical /Medical Complex is evil. I just experienced a hospital experience over Christmas that confirms that for me - I'm 75 and I believe the surgeon in charge was projecting dollar signs on me - first with a sketchy diagnosis (3 on the GI "team" individually gave me 3 DIFFERENT diagnosis, and three (equally horrible) treatment plans - involving "cut burn and poison" - I just said "bye-bye now - not for me" (as I thought to myself: "Go ahead doctors - do these treatments on yourself first - then we'll talk").

The older woman in my room had done the things they wanted to do to me, AND they wanted to do more surgery on her - she had a heart attack (unrelated to her diagnosis) while I was there and disappeared from the room. NO THANK YOU!! Another set of doctors treating my sister's friend (in Seattle - I'm in L.A.) said they would NEVER employ the aggressive treatment they were "selling" to her (my sister's friend) on a patient in their 60's - 70's. (again, I am 75). So, tell me please, what's up with these so-called healers? - Oh, maybe they are not healers at all, but somehow related to car mechanics, e.g. cheating all the older single women in the world who cannot defend themselves. The first thing they employ is the SCARE TACTIC: "If you don't do THIS TREATMENT right now something horrible will happen to you right away." Again: NO THANK YOU! Four days in the hospital was literally like being in a torture chamber (interrupted sleep, taking blood in the middle of the night, 6 times moving the IV needle in my arm in 3 days, putting stuff in my vein that stung (e.g. too much potassium (I had to tell them to dilute it - and they did). Pain medication that only lasted an hour and a half - having to wait 2-3 hours to get more. Funny, I didn't need anything for pain after I checked myself out. My discharge papers were flat out incorrect re diagnosis - 2 items completely unrelated to me. I have missed some things - like they never did give the results biopsy report (but they planned "canned" treatment before they even saw the results. Since I got out of that hell, I have been taking care of myself using natural methods - herbs, foods, going normally to the toilet (doctor said I would not be able to do) and it's only been a week - I feel a THOUSAND percent better OUT OF THAT HORRIBLE PLACE. I can sleep in a comfortable bed, walk the dog, eat good food, DRINK liquid (would not let me in the hospital). And if I do die soon (like they predicted) at least I will die a far more peaceful and comfortable death, in a relaxed and enjoyable environment.

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There must be prompt and significant punishment for those found guilty of the various facets of the CV19 plandemic. Absent that, they will continue to expand the medical techno tyranny until we and our families are dead or slaves

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