Elderly mother crying out, fear in her eyes to see family, locked in during COVID; makes you want to throttle malfeasants who did this to millions, tens of millions & our parents/grand parents DIED
DIED lonely! miserable deaths, no warmth, no love, no kindness to them, just lockdown lunacy; never ever EVER forget this! She wants to find a way to see her family; CLICK on the video
I am not Christ, not Jesus, I am nothing like that, so I will leave forgiveness and amnesty to him, people like him. I want justice and I am like Trump in that way, I love vengeance when well placed and deserved. These acts were no simple matter and must be punished.
There must be no mercy for the Branch COVIDians, and this is where we need malfeasants like Janet Reno and Bill Clinton to run this matter so the real COVIDians see justice, based on proper inquiry. We will ask Janet and Bill to ensure all is done within law and proper inquiries.
Remember V for Vendetta when the priest begged forgiveness and he said “oh please have mercy, oh not tonight bishop, not tonight”….same here Emily, not now, not now! We want proper inquiries, tribunals for all who did this, all. Anyone connected in anyway to the vaccine. Anyone. Must answer.
ROOKE: No Mercy, No Quarter: It’s Time To Crush The Branch Covidians
Well written piece, excellent.
You must not wait for another catastrophic crisis (at times manufactured but we are prevented from making our own basic personal decisions or accessing needed drugs and response tools) to catch you off-guard. We must take charge and be prepared today so that we can enjoy peace of mind tomorrow.
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Please consider support of a good PATRIOT company (in this PATRIOT economy) Drs. McCullough, Risch, Thorp, myself support (they are our sponsors), The Wellness Company; see the emergency preparation kit (key component being antibiotics you were denied by doctors, pharmacists, governments during the fraud COVID), first aid kit, travel emergency kit, contagion control kit etc. Please consider the SPIKE SUPPORT (spike protein DETOX dissolving spike from mRNA vaccine, this is critical to remove spike form the mRNA vaccine/and DNA viral vector) formula with NATTOKINASE as well as the triple formula (SPIKE SUPPORT, BROMELAIN, CIRCUMIN)
what do you do with these fuckers who suffered out parents, our grand parents? Trump best know he not letting these murderers off the hooks, I will fight him and his administration and showcase their wrongs to the end, if they tried more mRNA 'new and improved' and try to pretend these beasts going free...no way! we want justice
Undoubtedly, this fate awaits me. I turned 71 last October. And my health is failing. Hospitals are our days' death camps, like Germany's yesteryears. Where the promise of 'never again' is not met or subverted by today's politicians.