Tax take is only 4.4 trillion. If interest rates spike to 13% then the entire US budget will need to be spent on the interest alone. No pensions, no entitlements, no healthcare, no government departments, no military, nothing.

More here; https://truthaddict.substack.com/p/the-great-reset-is-the-great-taking

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That's what happens when you have FUCK UPS IN CHARGE.

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I would call them megalomaniac democidal psychopathic murderers but fuck ups will also work...

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The reason they do everything they do


They need you all dead, read this post and understand their point of view

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The Democrats ace in the hole when everything falls apart on them. CBDC's will usher in the global surveillance system these nutjobs dream about. The destruction of liberty and freedom as we know it. Gird up your loins folks the game has already commenced just waiting to come to fruition!! We must repent for our nation to invite God's Hand over our country once again!

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The only thing democRATs will usher in is target practice.

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The Republic is already financially over...that is why there is a full scale assault because its a land and wealth grab before everything crashes to nothing - time to prepare your bug out!

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Like I have asked before. Who are we in debt to and who gets the interest?

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We should haul down an asteroid, leave it in front of their porch, and call the debt paid off. I remember seeing a story that one asteroid has about 1 quadrillion dollars worth of metals in it.

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You probably believe that USA man landed on the moon in 1969 too? All kinds of fairy-tales, and you play act like a real science person;


Pig's aren't going to fly out of your ass, and nobody is going to lasso a meteorite and dump it on your front porch; Deal with reality for gods sake;

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They were always to spend it, burn it until "IT" was worthless, the thing to watch is the $2 quad-drillion USD derviatives they have wrote to insure all the private&public pensions, 200X in liability the rich have to what tangible physcial real wealth exists on the earth;

Just like GLD has sold 100X of gold more than they hold, Buffet sold 200x and collected on premiums than assets he has to pay the claims when all the stocks&bonds go to 'zero', that why they have to KILL people in EURO&USA before the USD goes tits up


Interest is just a lever that they have to control the inflation its not the 500LB anchor on their neck or yours;

But as well known, if the interest on debt is 50% of the GDP, then FED-RES will be printing money just to pay interest and that will sure look like a ponzi, and nobody on earth will play with the USA anymore, and then all the insurance policy's kick in and Gates & buffet, just like "Trading Places" have to sell everything they own to pay their gambling debts; bezos too and all the people who wrote 'insurance policys' for the public&private pension funds, think PERS huge CALIF, and its only as good as the ability of Buffet to make good on his promise to pay the claims

Their ONLY way out is to KILL ALL OF YOU

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Ok, lets spell it out;

1.) They did try to kill trump with remesdivir and advised him to try some ventilator as well, his personal doctor Dr. Zelenko advised against all of them and told him to do HCQ & IVERMectin

2.) Because they failed in killing Trump they felt that Zelenko had to die

3.) They killed Zelenko, and blamed it on an outstanding 'cancer' that he is said to have had

None of this makes Trump into any kind of 'hero' they had a plan make Pence their POTUS, they fucked up, should have killed Zelenko before he arrived at whitehouse.

Interesting that zelenko had connections back to Netanyahu, and Kushner and other old-time Kohser-Nostra pals of Trump, they were covering their 'investments' especially Adelson; Who had invested $120M USD in Trump 2016 election;

The US-GOV in wash-dc is a rat's nest; Whether Trump is the lessor of an evil is irrelevant if all within DC 100KM radius are satanic assholes;


ACT LOCAL, Think National & Global, we can't do fucking shit about DC, or London, but we can sure as shit tar&feather the local COVID enablers where-ever you live;

Besides tar&feathers all assholes who locally pushed covid-bullshit,

No voting can fix DC, only a nuke can fix DC, lets hope that they keep pushing Putin with US-MIL CIA boots on the ground in Ukraine and Putin nukes DC, he's our only hope;

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We're screwed.

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Most of that debt is electronic pesos created by the Fed. What's to stop them from creating more and more to service the debt? They have little choice as government is now creating an additional $1 trillion every 3 months to meet spending needs by the government.

This year, some $8 trillion in previous debt (1-2% interest rates) must be refinanced at rates 2-3 times higher. Again, the Fed will be buying that debt with more electronic pesos from the nethersphere where even the Devil is buying debt.

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and there is also 'The $175.3 Trillion Doomsday Clock Is Ticking – That Is The Estimated Unfunded Social Security And Medicare Liability'


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Traitors billygoat clinton, 52 Cons in the 107th Con-gress and george w bush sold The American Dream out from under the American people. These traitors deserve to be tortured and executed for their crimes against American Manufacturers and the American people at large. NAFTA and APEC resulted in unemployment, underemployment and Bioweapons. Take out the TRASH AMERICA.

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