Kelly does not deserve to be insulted for defending the idea of the civilized world helping to keep Ukraine from being rubbed out by Putin. If Trump imposes a Chamberlain-style 'peace' on Ukraine, it will not be in the interests of international entente.
Kelly does not deserve to be insulted for defending the idea of the civilized world helping to keep Ukraine from being rubbed out by Putin. If Trump imposes a Chamberlain-style 'peace' on Ukraine, it will not be in the interests of international entente.
Yes he does especially when he hangs with Soros and Soros's son. Kelly is a far left creep. Lets get things straight. Putin is defending his country from NATO who via Kamala Harris was about to break their agreement AGAIN not to bring Ukraine into NATO which would mean missiles on the border of Ukraine pointed at Russia. Zelensky is a criminal and the US and Ukraine have been in criminal bed together for decades. The propaganda media has brainwashed the illiterate public to blame everything in the world on Russia. Putin will protect his country and that is what a leader is supposed to do while Zelensky and his cronies and some Americans too (Biden and crew) are not providing for their soldiers on the battlefiled. Most of our money and weapons are being laundered and sold. They are grabbing people off the street and out of their homes to fight and get killed. The real criminals are Joe Biden and his administration that provoked this battle and used the poor Ukrainian people to attempt to take down Russia. Putin is no more corrupt than any other leader of any country. They are ALL corrupt. But Putin will not sacrifice his country and the people of his country and that is one reason they want him destroyed. He refuses to play ball with these criminal countries and the US is one of the them. Our government is probably the most corrupt of all. You need to do some real research and stop listening to the news reports.
Kelly does not deserve to be insulted for defending the idea of the civilized world helping to keep Ukraine from being rubbed out by Putin. If Trump imposes a Chamberlain-style 'peace' on Ukraine, it will not be in the interests of international entente.
Yes he does especially when he hangs with Soros and Soros's son. Kelly is a far left creep. Lets get things straight. Putin is defending his country from NATO who via Kamala Harris was about to break their agreement AGAIN not to bring Ukraine into NATO which would mean missiles on the border of Ukraine pointed at Russia. Zelensky is a criminal and the US and Ukraine have been in criminal bed together for decades. The propaganda media has brainwashed the illiterate public to blame everything in the world on Russia. Putin will protect his country and that is what a leader is supposed to do while Zelensky and his cronies and some Americans too (Biden and crew) are not providing for their soldiers on the battlefiled. Most of our money and weapons are being laundered and sold. They are grabbing people off the street and out of their homes to fight and get killed. The real criminals are Joe Biden and his administration that provoked this battle and used the poor Ukrainian people to attempt to take down Russia. Putin is no more corrupt than any other leader of any country. They are ALL corrupt. But Putin will not sacrifice his country and the people of his country and that is one reason they want him destroyed. He refuses to play ball with these criminal countries and the US is one of the them. Our government is probably the most corrupt of all. You need to do some real research and stop listening to the news reports.
Well said!!!!👏👏👏👏
Yes, he does. He's a Leftist.
Agreed! If not for his bleeding heart liberal left wife I doubt he'd be relevant to anyone. I have no use for him or his wife. People need to wake up.
He trots the wife around like a pet monkey when he wants to do the anti-2A stuff.
Right....Let's not forget his wife.
He wants to keep collecting that money.