Kelly, another treasonous Libtard! Likely getting some of the kickbacks from the Ukraine that the rest of these congressional and senator pieces of shit are. He has no business going over there. Last I checked, he wasn’t president or Secretary of State. Yeah, let’s keep giving Ukraine money so they keep selling our weapons and buy yachts and padding their own bank accounts wake up idiot.

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For those of you want to learn more read bio clandestine letter. He sums up the truth I refuse to defend Zelinsky- the biggest grifter in the world. The man hates his country. He’s already looking out for himself. He’s a CIA plant.

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Agree. He has no morals.

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I heard the rich in Ukraine are hiding their (our money) in Switzerland.

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Swabbs hiding it for them all.

From every western country.

Notice how all leaders married to men ?? If truth be told and all same lockstep movements in the west.

They all have a shock coming.

Gods come home!

We pray it so!



Justice soon.

Pray All - we been asleep for to long.

While God slowly taken out of all

Godless country..

Stand up be counted for the righteousness we all have.







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no one said about giving money, we are talking about Musk calling him a traitor...last time I checked Trump nor Musk has ever held a battle field weapon...you did not read my submission here...I was referring to Musk being addled on ketamine to say this. he is deranged.

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Any politician who undermines the president by going to a country and tells that side of peace negotiations that he/she supports that country, weakens the president's position.

Just the fact that Kelly is a democrat proves he isn't playing with a full deck, OR, he is evil!

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problem is, both sides do this...both sides also are not playing with a full deck

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He violated the Logan Act, which is essentially, treason.

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Your comment sounds more liberal than anything because we’re not agreeing with your statement doesn’t make it correct. Let’s see the proof that musk was on ketamine. I think the little grifter does cocaine and many other drugs to be honest with you, but I don’t have any proof of it. Elon is a brilliant man. You don’t get to be billionaire in the world for being stupid do you? Again I disagree with your comment and Kelly is a traitor. Tell me one thing he’s done well in Congress for the United States of America? I think he’s voted for Biden and with Biden 100% of the time hasn’t he? That in and of itself should give you enough information of what type of idiot he is !Again, he’s a total loser. The only reason he was chosen because of his wife. He has nothing to add to the Senate like most of them don’t

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Elon has been a staunch Republican for quite some time now. He was previously a De Santis supporter. He's a typical Republican now. It's not a secret that he uses ketamine, LSD, mushrooms, ecstasy, cocaine and cannabis. As to what else he is on, who knows.

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If he is on drugs, that’s his issue. I still respect the man for what he’s done in our country. Not to mention he’s a legal immigrant unlike the rest of these frauds for coming in droves across the border expecting for us to pay for everything so what’s your point? He shouldn’t be performing doge? I’m glad he is showing all the corruption in this country and it’s just the tip of the iceberg.

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My point was in response to your questioning about whether he was on drugs.

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If Musk sued you for libel, would you have to prove that he took ketamine to not lose the case?

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Seems Doc is the one with a substance abuse problem. His obsessive/compulsive anti-Trump posting is tantamount to the computer geek gamers using meth to stay up for days slaying avatars with machetes and slicing off skin as Death By 1000 Cuts.

In Doc’s case, it’s Death To Former Subscribers By 1000 Paper Cuts.

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“There are times when I have sort of a … negative chemical state in my brain, like depression I guess, or depression that’s not linked to any negative news, and ketamine is helpful for getting one out of the negative frame of mind,” Musk told Lemon. Musk added that he has a prescription for the drug from “an actual, real doctor” and uses “a small amount once every other week or something like that.”

" Musk said he believes his depression is genetic and added that he doesn’t believe his ketamine use will impact his companies or their government contracts.

“From a standpoint of Wall Street, what matters is execution,” he said. “Are you building value for investors? Tesla is worth about as much as the rest of the car industry combined … so from an investor standpoint, if there is something I’m taking, I should keep taking it.” "


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It's a dangerous drug with serious adverse effects if used chronically.

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It's all about giving (aka taking) money and betraying Americans on behalf of the globalist Deep State. Having held a weapon against unarmed or lesser armed opponents doesn't make you a patriot or a hero otherwise we would never have ended up in this mess!

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John McStain was an American "war hero" because he got captured. To Americans, surrendering to the enemy is "heroic." To Americans, drone striking civilians from the other side of the world is "heroic." What makes Kelly an American hero?

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Prove to me, Zelinsky is not a grifter. Why won’t he allow an audit of where all the money went to that the United States has already given him in the hundreds of billions of dollars? Anyone who defends this little Nebish really needs to get a brain

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Kelly does not deserve to be insulted for defending the idea of the civilized world helping to keep Ukraine from being rubbed out by Putin. If Trump imposes a Chamberlain-style 'peace' on Ukraine, it will not be in the interests of international entente.

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Yes he does especially when he hangs with Soros and Soros's son. Kelly is a far left creep. Lets get things straight. Putin is defending his country from NATO who via Kamala Harris was about to break their agreement AGAIN not to bring Ukraine into NATO which would mean missiles on the border of Ukraine pointed at Russia. Zelensky is a criminal and the US and Ukraine have been in criminal bed together for decades. The propaganda media has brainwashed the illiterate public to blame everything in the world on Russia. Putin will protect his country and that is what a leader is supposed to do while Zelensky and his cronies and some Americans too (Biden and crew) are not providing for their soldiers on the battlefiled. Most of our money and weapons are being laundered and sold. They are grabbing people off the street and out of their homes to fight and get killed. The real criminals are Joe Biden and his administration that provoked this battle and used the poor Ukrainian people to attempt to take down Russia. Putin is no more corrupt than any other leader of any country. They are ALL corrupt. But Putin will not sacrifice his country and the people of his country and that is one reason they want him destroyed. He refuses to play ball with these criminal countries and the US is one of the them. Our government is probably the most corrupt of all. You need to do some real research and stop listening to the news reports.

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Well said!!!!👏👏👏👏

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Yes, he does. He's a Leftist.

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Agreed! If not for his bleeding heart liberal left wife I doubt he'd be relevant to anyone. I have no use for him or his wife. People need to wake up.

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He trots the wife around like a pet monkey when he wants to do the anti-2A stuff.

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Right....Let's not forget his wife.

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He wants to keep collecting that money.

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Dr. Paul, I so appreciate your medical intellect and your support of PDJT. But please. Kelly is a leftist and wants forever wars. I thought you didn’t want that.

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A lot of the money that DOGE has identified as fraudulent had been sent around the world and came back to the stock market. Now that the USAID spigot has been severely limited, the stock market will naturally take a hit. Valuations will come back to a more normal level. And money will move to hard assets. It wasn't hard to see. People judging an economy solely based on the stock market are missing the bigger picture. Most of it is algo driven now anyway.

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Thanks for info.

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Lighten up.

He’s a committed leftist.


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Traitors are not usually without some stature or they couldn't pull it off very well. It is proof that many have a price. Musk is far from insane and usually has something to back it up. Don't react until you know all the facts we don't yet so lets wait it out and see how it settles. You don't have to write something every day let's wait and see how the bricks are put in place.

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Take another look at who Kelly really is….Musk is right.

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Yes Elon’s comment was BS but this guy Kelly is a fucken leftist loon…so there is that. Also DJT was handed a cluster fuck of an economy due to 4 years of Biden …not to mention a bloated/dishonest government bureaucracy that literally thinks the American people are uber menchen. Haven’t you noticed all the graft and corruption that has been exposed over the past several weeks by DOGE? I mean are you ok with USAID and the fucken shit they have done over the decades? And for some strange reason you’re surprised about a looming recession and people losing their jobs (mostly government employees who make more than the people they serve btw). All this shit being the result of old Joe shutting down the economy over a cold while pissing money away supporting a BS war that is none of our business? No my friend the shit that we’re experiencing (and will experience) is the result of printing money to the tune of $37T coupled with corrupt politicians and dishonest government. Math never lies and the piper always gets paid. And to show that I’m not drinking the DJT Kool-aid, I’m not too thrilled about tariffs. I believe they will prove to be deflationary BUT may afford us some leverage against these other countries who rape us on trade. So on this one might I suggest you pull your head out of your ass … the view is much better in the daylight.

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What libtard wrote the “America is turning on Trump” propaganda?? His approval rating is off the charts!!

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Enough emphasis isn’t been placed

On the shitty economy Biden handed Trump! The They’re attempting to drive a wedge between Trump and his base, it’s unrealistic to think all this work at hand can be achieved rapidly or without short term impacts, he’s only been in office 45 days and already done major things.

Have they not seen the amount of capital pouring back into America? Especially from Taiwan semiconductor?

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Paul asked "When will 47, Trump understand that he is risking placing US into recession and inflation all at once?" POTUS understands now. That's why he explicitly refused to rule out dragging the US into a recession.POTUS would have a good reason for wanting to put the US into recession. When the recession is officially declared, POTUS trump will be able to say:"This is a recession America had to have."

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Leftist who keep hoping their words will become truth. Nope, Americans will not forgive the stealing.

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Where are they above water, Freedom Fighter?

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Doc, Mark Kelly is a Democrat and according to his "freedom index" as of this January from the New American Magazine, he NEVER VOTES WITH THE CONSTITUTIONAL BILLS. His record is ZERO!

I fully agree with Mary Ellen Luchetti. She is absolutely right.

When I lived in Ohio, Astronaut John Glenn was our Senator. Like Kelly, he was far left of center, another Democrat we were very disappointed in. Musk is no politician. I'm glad he's cleaning out the fraud and waste of government, but there are many problems with Musk as well. Yet, he is right when targeting Kelly who has never voted for the people or with the Constitution. I don't care what his service was or how many trips to outer space. One need only look at Rep. Crenshaw from Texas, a Navy SEAL who is also a young global member of Klaus Schwab's World Economic Forum. and votes only 46% of the time with the constitution. My NAVY SEAL and Marine friends want nothing to do with him.

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Two things can be true at the same time Dr! Kelly went to war, but his allegiance isn’t with America, might be with his pockets

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Dr. Paul. You need to do some research about Kelly before you praise him. Being a veteran does not guarantee you are a patriot. Kelly is NOT a patriot. He is leftist with the best of them. Not a hero.

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Just because Kelly is an astronaut doesn't make him a good guy. He's a Leftist. He looks sickly to me. I read where astronauts age faster after going into space. He was in on making sure

Kari Lake was voter frauded.

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We have been in a recession for well over a year.

All the gov data that came in positive under "Biden" was 100% of the time revised down.

This is the biggest bubble in the history of markets, and makes 2008 look like a pleasant stroll through Disneyland.....

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Ronald Reagan was elected in times very similar to these, at the end of the failed presidency of Jimmy Carter. He set about putting things right, but it took a little bit of time.

The inflation rate in 1981, the year Reagan took office, was 8.9 percent. That summer, Congress passed his tax reform plan, called the Economic Recovery Act, which he signed into law in August.

The recession, which had begun in the election year of 1980, continued as Reagan’s policies were coming online in 1982. But by 1983, things began to boom and continued to do so, with a few minor interruptions, for the next 25 years.

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As Bette Davis famously said … “Fasten your seatbelts, it’s going to be a bumpy night.”

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Your sources are THE WORST! Kelly IS a VERY bad guy. Wait until you find out how bad.. much of Congress. Even hear he’s a big cheater on his wife Gabby Gifford. Elon is right! I’m sure he’s aware of some really damning evidence!

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Dr. Paul Alexander,

Calm down, sir, please.These bastards have been doing nothing but insulting Trump since he rode down the golden escalator.

Benedict Arnold was a war hero until he was a traitor, so there is a long and storied history of military men turning traitors, General Miley being the most recent and noted example. Given what those DemonRat & RINO CongressCritters did within the hour of Trump’s meeting with Zelenskyy the other week, this is clearly a pattern amongst the Democrats and their deep state treasonous allies, and absolutely should be called out and investigated. If Kelly went as part of an official delegation, that would be one thing. Otherwise it smacks of Logan act violation.

The Democrat leadership, major office holders, former and current, the DNC, the deep state, every judge or Justice appointed by Clinton, Obama, & Biden’s puppeteers should be considered a actual or potential traitor, based on the record of lawfare, & likely complicity in all their activities from when he first ran for office through the 3 assassination attempts up until today.

I dare you to convince me otherwise or prove them innocent and loyal. Name a figure and place a bet if you dare.


Roger Kimber, MD

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You wrote Democrat not Democratic. :-) What a great comment and explanation. I agree.

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Dr Paul—the leftist media isn’t your friend or the American citizen. DODGE has not cut a dam thing for any entitlement programs—all he’s doing is identifying waste, fraud and abuse! Nothing cut, matter of fact, because speaker Johnson is a feckless leader, the up coming CR will have Biden’s numbers baked in it, not a single cut from DODGE will be in it-we have very unserious people in the house and senate

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Is Musk planning to look at the real graft within Pentagon spending?

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Gestating to, but the Dems are screeching about that!

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