"Musk Tells MAGA to "F*ck Your Own Face & Censors Users"? what?

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No good, but this is free speech for you. Again, the individual can't trust anyone, including Musk, Kennedy or Trump. The human creature is not advanced yet. That is why you need locks on your house or car, or a girl without a gun to fear to walk alone on a street.

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If you don't mind, leave Kennedy out of that group. Thank you.

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I trust Kennedy the most, not a sell out

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Tantrum throwing Toddler. Turning off Laura Loomer for disagreeing with him. Also I never got my account back when he took over (2000+ followers) and had to start another one. So much for "Free Speech Absolutist." There's also the little matter of his wanting to chip our brains for the neuralink...

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Yeah that pesky little neuro link thing. And his ties to the dark side going way back. And he loves him some Transhumanism goals.

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Everything about him is fake. He's probably not even a real person.


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How absurd. Dear gawd. He's not Jewish, Adolf. Thankfully, because cowards like you would kill him.

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I've never suggested killing anyone, and just because you're unaware of the truth, doesn't make me a killer. It also appears you don't know the truth about Hitler either. How sad. You probably think we've landed on the moon and dinosaurs are real. You have no idea all the ways you've been lied to.

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The brain chip is developed to help paralysis and neurologically impaired patents, along with those with prosthetic limbs, to be able to use and control their own bodies.

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Yeah, that's what he wants you to believe.

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Trump needs reign him in, its offensive

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As far as I've seen so far, Trump's been praising him and agreeing with him. Trump can't be trusted either.

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Absolutely never trusted musk. I question ALL Of Them. ALL Of Them

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all of them, I like that

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Yes all of them. But some we can, you Dr. Paul I trust and so others of your characters. At least so far. You do not fear to say something, based on your believes, that could cost you dearly. Just as the doctors who lost their job for speaking up against the "vaccine" and Coved fraud.

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He's a complete fraud. Everything about him is fake. He's cia, new world order, put a chip in your brain. He didn't create tesla, he's not put any rockets knto space (neither has nasa btw) he should be deported instead the new tyrant is installing him in government. For all we know he could be an ai robot. But hey, at least his true feelings are coming out now. Hopefully he'll short circuit and catch on fire soon.


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You want to deport a U.S citizen? You democrat, right? How about to deport those 20 million plus illegals?

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How do you know he's a US citizen? Everything about him is a falsehood. And no I'm not a democrat, I'm not a republican or an independant. I don't support criminals and I don't like being mocked so I don't participate in fake things like politics. Yes, we should deport all illegals, especially those under daca.

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Right on!!

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I question ALL of them too. And that goes for Trump too.

Check out today's Shannon Joy Show. She totally nails it. She's exposing all this crap.


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Couldn’t agree more. None are trustworthy. Just more of the same.

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Trump loves Elon. Elon rents a cottage at Mar-a-Lago full time. He's with Trump all the time. Why would Trump even give Musk such an important position? You all need to wake up. Trump is totally bought, or else he's in on it. All he had to do was tell Elon to F off, and not rent him a cottage Mar-a-Lago. No one in their right mind would get involved with Musk. All he has ever done is weird technocrat stuff. He's been working his own entire life to try to control us. His father started the technocrat movement in Canada. Elon is TOXIC, and NO President should be anywhere near him.

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Maggie baby, you hit the nail right on the head. Trump will sooner or later lay a giant egg on the United States. I see him as an imposter sent to us just exactly like Barack Obama was sent here to destroy America. Finally we are starting to form a core of Musketeers who are starting to see Elon and his entry into the US demolition derby.

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I wont compare Trump to Ovomit.

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one is the devil, one misguided, not evil, one is against USA

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Just stop. This is absurd. You can go back decades and see that Trump has fundamentally embraced the same America First principles, as he does now. Unlike 0bama, his entire past is very public, open book.

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You talk of "open book". Does that include the 92 indictments for various felonies and misdemeanors he lovingly projects? Democrats were rabid in chasing him but ol' Donnie is most certainly what we could call "blessed with a bit of taint". Contrary to your bleatings, I am SURE Donny would rather not wish to have his dirty underwear for all to see. If you want to be a disciple of Donny, have at it.

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You a democrat?

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Perhaps this silver bullet will tell you who I am.

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I fear the 70 million who voted for Kamala, but Musk? Wait and see.

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This thug helped Trump only for his personal agendas. Wants foreigners to take American jobs. I wonder what Vivek thinks of Musk 🤔

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I too wonder...

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and there are Musk freaks here, that is great but do not attack other people for their views...I personally am not even luke warm on Muck, I am cold, not because Trump strokes him means I or you must do same...just look at COVID decisions and hiring decisions e.g. Tillerson, Bolton, McMaster, John Kelly etc. all were fired.

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I'm ICE COLD on Musk. Totally can't be trusted. It just amazes me how gullible so many Americans are that they can get so easily duped by idiots like that.

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I fell same....and makes you realize Americans base decisions based on your money.

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We all have been fooled at least once during our lives. It's called being human. I saw an ex-CIA guy this morning insist that Mo Atta and his band of merry men actually commandeered the jet planes and hit the buildings as well as the Pentagon. Imagine!! Tell me that this CIA guy wasn't bought and paid for.....

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Totally agree with you! 💯🎯

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for sure

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Musk is a bizarre guy, can't be trusted but do not hate him. What free thinking individuals must hate are those as Swab, Gates likes who see the rest as useless eaters and want to eliminate those with injectable product or nuclear war.

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I dont hate him. I dont even know him.

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Will you guys here just stop and become literate in this? The FACT is that American academic achievement is in the toilet. We dropped from #1 down to #25 in civilized countries, in measures of academic ability. The result of that is factually a dearth of sufficiently skilled natives. This is fact. It's almost like folks don't want the USA to recover, and to recover we MUST import the highly skilled until our own educational system is able to offset the current deficiencies. 90+% of our H1B visas are issued, are tech industry workers.

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🤫 Go to sleep Tori

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RP, Musk is against censorship. How about you following suit? Oh, your public school education can’t compete with Tori’s intelligent observations?!

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Vivek is just Musk 2.0. He's just a smoother slyer snake, so he's harder to see through, but if you actually pay attention, you can see right through it all.

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Makes sense

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Hahaha. Vivek’s family were immigrants. Sheesh. If American Schools aren’t teaching students the technical skills necessary for the work, it is time for Americans to buck up and educate themselves. WOKE American Colleges are a wasteland of social engineering thanks to liberal progressive professors who never worked in a position outside of academia.

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You have NO IDEA how screwed math education is in America at the K12 levelrelative to what I experienced in Greece. The fish rots from the bottom; colleges have no choice but too dumb down in response, it is THAT bad. But have no fear. Politicians are just as bad everywhere, and for a long time, the Greek government mantra has been to use American advances in education pedagogy to modernize Greek education. Which really translates: "we forgot to fuck over our education, so we got to statt breaking some of our shit". Very sad.

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How is it then AI that is so math heavy is almost all invented here and not in India, China, or Eastern Europe where math is very seriously taught? The best from India come here and then help in these inventions. This means it is not the math education alone that drives inventions but something more important than math and that special thing is in the US framework.

Math is just a bunch of prescriptions at the end of the day -- you mostly work your way through with a bit of alertness. Beyond number theory, most stuff is acquired learning. There are geniuses but most of us (who claim to be well educated and smart) are not.

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AI specifically requires raw computing power and VERY expensive hardware. The algorithms have been known for some time. Getting the hardware was the bottleneck. More broadly, a big advantage of the United States that attracts people, other than standard of living, is the meritocratic system that has been in place here across the board for a long time. There is a lot more cronyism and corruption elsewhere. Ironically, one of the reason why the K12 education was better in places like Greece is neglect. Government didn't care all that much about it, so teachers were left alone to figure out how to do their job, develop their own educational materials, invent ways to present concepts etc. Not unheard of to have high school teachers publish math textbooks trying to sum up a lifetime of experiences which then help the next generation of teachers. Here the government is all over the ass of K12 system managing it, demanding "accountability", coming with all kinds of nonsensical politicsl fads from the top down, etc. On the flip side, the overall governmental neglect outside of the US is kind of across the board, so it negatively impacts other areas, which is why people who can leave when they get to the stage of wanting to start a professional life. If you plan ahead, you leave after K12, and some people will leave after their BS and come over for graduate school.

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I think Trump is returning the favor

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Sorry this comment is off topic, but it appears that Bill Gates and the globalists have launched the second plandemic they promised us. HMPV (Human Meta Pneumonia Virus) was war gamed by Gates, CIA, UN, and John’ Hopkins in October 2024. It’s now simmering in China and Brazil with planned arrival in the United States on January 21, 2024. They are following the same script they used for CV19. The medical fear porn is about to slowly ramp up. See the change in China’s public comments in just the past few days. Look at the news from India. Let’s not fall for this scam again. Do not comply!

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Yes, 100%. Fear Gates not Musk. Fear those with power so great being able to invent a cold virus , shoot 5 billion plus with an experimental product for the virus. And those ass holes go on, nobody is able to stop those criminals far more worse than Hitler....

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Also got here with H1B, so I am with Elon Musk on this issue. Otherwise, 100% pro-Trump, and in any case he is on the same page too; he employs people so knows what's real. With academic jobs there is apparently no quota AFAIK, so after interviews, I accepted an offer with salary and everything, then they asked me if I needed an H1B. Certainly, for people that did all their education in the US, with financial aid and all, it is kind of dumb to have other countries benefit from that. There is probably an issue with corporate America generally treating their employees like trash, which is probably now more widespread around the world. Maybe there is something to the notion of using H1B workers to negotiate lower wages in corporate jobs. If yes, that should be fixed. In my case though, it wasn't an issue. Ideally you want an economy that is growing fast enough that you have a hard time finding people to hire, make wages go up, and then people will spend money, and then you have a chain reaction effect further growing the economy.

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H1B is for those you can't find in America, where many fucked up because of woke culture , education America do not need. Musk is a U.S citizen, can say what he wants , something what can upset many. First Amendment for you, the radical left wants to eliminate.

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I think…possibly…that Trump NEEDED the splash value of Musk to get elected. It’s a bit too sticky that Musk rented a cottage at Mar o Lago, but I believe Trump is a pragmatist who WILL NOT be upstaged by a Piker. Musk is a hot potato. It was fun tossing it around, but in the end, it’s simply TOO HOT.

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And then there was the Biden Administration which went after Musk last year or so because Space X did not hire enough foreigners (illegals?).

Right, imagine the US Government working on background checks for those types.

Like I say, sometimes I think Musk & Trump are made for each other, speaking way off of the cuff!

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I told you Paul, Elon has gone rouge, hes helping to make Trump look bad because Trump hasn't said word one to Musk to STFU.

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The cracks are getting bigger in Trump's second house of the MAGA, and it's not even Inauguration Day yet.

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Jan 6Edited

One cult personality fraud hires another cult personality fraud, the psyop goes on.

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All people should know how Zuckerberg "got" Facebook. It was stolen from the developer by some Haaaaaavaaaaad slickers and given to Zuck. He was after all the boy genius that created FB in 20 minutes over one-two weekends at his alma mater. A surreal origin aka lies was created to make it like Zuck had created this miracle yet he was chosen to be the imposter in charge. Musk hit the scene and I wondered how he could have accumulated 400 bil in such a short time. I've always figured Elon was a CIA plant. Who knows what other little gems Elon is involved with? I see him as the Trojan Horse. Like "beware".

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Just my opinion.

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Please explain.

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